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120 Cards in this Set

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All of the following contributed to the coming of the Great Depression EXCEPT:

excessive government regulation

On Black Thursday, October 24, 1929

stock prices plunged on the New York Stock Exchange

Hoover's plan to fight the depression through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation faltered

when its board of directors showed great timidity at lending funds at its disposal

The Bonus Army encampment in Washington, DC

was a public relations disaster for President Hoover

Roosevelt decided to close all banks in the nation when he took office

because of the panic by depositors that threatened to ruin the entire banking system

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was aimed at

lowering the cost of farm machinery

To stimulate industrial recovery, the New Deal

suspended antitrust suits against businesses that cooperated with the NRA

Opponents of the New Deal

sought to discredit it by labeling it "socialist" and "fascist"

The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Public Works Administration were

New Deal programs that provided jobs for unemployed individuals

The Share the Wealth plan that proposed a minimum and maximum income for all Americans was the brainchild of

Huey Long

The legislative acts of the Second Hundred Days

underscored that the government was now assuming more responsibility for the economic welfare of the individual citizen

Identifying the causes of the individual's difficulties, Depression-era authors like Richard Wright and John Steinbeck

shifted the blame from the individual to society

African Americans supported Roosevelt

because they received benefits under New Deal relief programs

The most innovative technique devised by organized labor to oppose management in the 1930s was the

sit-down strike

One long-lasting effect of New Deal legislation was to

sharpen the distinction between liberals and conservatives over the role and responsibilities of government

As part of the Good Neighbor policy, the Roosevelt administration

veered away from the earlier practice of intervening militarily in Latin American nations

Passage of neutrality acts in 1935, 1937, and 1939

mirrored public sentiment in favor of isolationism

The congressional reaction to the Panay incident made it obvious that Congress

was unwilling to check Japanese miltarism

The Lend-Lease Act

provided Roosevelt with the means to supply Britain, even though the United States was still neutral

A critical result of the battle for the Atlantic was that

the United States repealed all of its neutrality laws and thus moved closer to war with Germany

Tension between the United States and Japan increased when

Japan joined in an alliance with Germany and Italy

When President Roosevelt noted that December 7, 1941 was "a day which will live in infamy" he referred to

the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor

Inflation did NOT become a serious problem during the war because

the government established price and wage controls throughout the economy

With the outbreak of the war, the New Deal

was quickly put aside

Native Americans during WWII

on the whole benefited from their wartime experiences

The Battle of Midway Island was of decisive importance in the war because

Japan's aircraft carriers and air superiority were thoroughly broken

Women in the industrial workforce during WWII

were called upon to work outside the home to help win the war

Even during the war, tensions between the Allies began to surface over

Soviet influence and control in Eastern Europe

The Potsdam Declaration

warned the Japanese to surrender or else face devastating destruction

The effects of WWII included

the end of the Great Depression

A dramatic warning that the Russians had hostile designs on the West was given in 1946 by

Winston Churchill in his "iron curtain" speech

Unlike U.S. foreign policy after WWI, the United States after WWII

joined the new postwar international organization

Through the foreign policy known as containment, the United States intended to

confront all attempts by the Soviet Union to expand its power

The Truman Doctrine arose in direct response to

the possibility that Greece would fall to Communist insurgents

In June 1947, Secretary of State George C. Marshall announced his plan to

provide funds for the economic reconstruction of Europe

Because of the impending creation of a unified West Germany, the Soviet Union

blockaded the city of Berlin

A critic of Truman's Cold War policies in 1950 could cite all of the following as "losses" to the Communists EXCEPT


Close to defeat, North Korea successfully counterattacked against the forces of the United Nations

when China suddenly entered the war

A development after WWII that may have helped to prevent a resumption of the Great Depression was

a great home-building boom to make up for scarce housing

Pollsters regarded President Truman as vulnerable in the presidential election of 1948 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

he had lost he support of black voters

Southern Democrats formed their own party in the 1948 election

when the Democratic Party adopted a platform plank in favor of civil rights for minorities

Hollywood came under scrutiny during the late 1940s because of

rising fears of Communist influence within the country

The Alger Hiss case in 1948 convinced many anti-communists that

New Dealers were prone to be Communists

As part of the foreign policy originally formulated by George F. Kennan

the United States established regional alliances in many parts of the world

Although his popularity plunged because of the war in Korea, President Truman

could cite the Berlin Airlift as a great achievement in foreign policy

During the 1950s, government influenced the economy through both military spending and

funds for sceintific research and technological development

As suburbs grew and expanded during the 1950s

inner-city cores deteriorated

"Togetherness," a term used during the 1950s

characterized the relationship of the idealized modern American husband and wife

The Beatnik groups of the 1950s symbolized

rebellion against prevailing American values

Popular music in the 1950s

combined elements of white and black music for the first time

Dwight D. Eisenhower handily won the presidency in 1952 in part because

he was a revered WWII hero

Although he believed in less government and fewer New Deal programs, Eisenhower

supported spending more federal funds for education

Orval Faubus dramatized

southern resistance to efforts to implement the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education

Eisenhower's New Look in Cold War containment policy emphasized

more atomic weapons

Advocating construction of fallout shelters was one way in which the Eisenhower administration

could demonstrate (to the Russians, for example) that it was serious about brinksmanship

American policy toward Mohammed Mossadegh demonstrated that

the United States was prepared to overthrow governments in other nations

To protect friendly Arab governments, Congress authorized

the president to send troops abroad if requested by a foreign government

The policy of brinksmanship achieved success

none of these

The Montgomery bus boycott did all of the following EXCEPT

convince city officials to change the law segregating public buses

After Egypt's Nasser decided to accept Soviet financing to build the Aswan Dam

the United States refused to approve of the military action taken by France, Britain, and Israel

The issues that were raised during the presidential election campaign of 1960 included

all of these

The election campaign of 1960

demonstrated the importance of television in modern politics

In the area of civil rights, the Kennedy administration

used federal troops on several occasions to support desegregation

The closest that the Kennedy administration came to the Eisenhower administration's practice of brinksmanship occurred

during the Cuban Missile Crisis

During the Kennedy administration, the Cold War

reached into space, culminating in the race to land a man on the moon

Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

as a consequence of the assassination of President Kennedy

The 1964 presidential contest can best be characterized as a confrontation between

conservatives and liberals

Which of the following was NOT primarily an advocate of equal rights for African Americans?


The Johnson administration's War on Poverty

contributed to a decline in the number of people living in poverty in the United States

The Black Power movement advocated

methods that differed strikingly from those of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" became the clearest articulation of

an activist philosophy of peaceful civil disobedience

In the Freedom Summer of 1964, civil rights workers sought to

register people to vote

Betty Freidan

All of these

The Kerner Commission Report of 1968 blamed most of the racial violence of the era on

white racism

Members of the counterculture

sought to justify the use of drugs

The United States intervened militarily in the Dominican Republic in the mid-1960s

to prevent further inroads by communism

According to the terms of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Congress gave President Johnson unlimited authority to increase America's military involvement in Vietnam

The Tet Offensive can be best described as

undermining support within the United States for the war in Vietnam

The war in Vietnam differed from WW II because

a vocal antiwar movement during the Vietnam conflict decisively affected domestic politics

The combined 57 percent of the vote won by Richard Nixon and George Wallace in the 1968 presidential election indicated that a majority of the electorate

supported conservative social principles

Gerald Ford incurred wide disapproval when he

pardoned Richard Nixon

According to the New Right, the Warren Supreme Court

handed down decisions that favored the criminal

The term Chicano refers to Mexican Americans who

sought greater rights and recognition for their heritage and rights

The Nixon administration's policy of Vietnamization

phased out America's military involvement in Vietnam

As part of the policy of detente, the United States

established ties with Communist China

Richard Nixon's southern strategy was most obvious in his attempt to

appoint a southerner to the Supreme Court

The presidential election of 1972 resulted in

wholesale rejection of the Democrat, George McGovern

CREEP and the Plumbers were part of the

Watergate scandal

In domestic policy, the Nixon administration

adhered to the principle that the federal government has social responsibilites

The political events in Crystal City, Texas, in 1963

encouraged Mexican-American involvement in politics

American economic problems during the 1970s

were caused partly by the emergence of strong economies in Germany and several Asian nations

Although they remained adversaries, the United States and the Soviet Union shared a common problem in

the rise of Islamic fundamentalism

The Carter administration's policy in Nicaragua

reflected the president's desire to make human rights a factor in foreign policy

In the Middle East, President Carter succeeded in

brokering the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country

Ronald Reagan appealed to voters who

hoped for the restoration of traditional cultural and social values

The conservative agenda of the Reagan administration included

less regulation of business

In the 1980s, the Sunbelt and the Rustbelt reflected

important economic and population shifts within the United States

The term "Black Monday" in the 1980s referred specifically to

a sudden decline in the stock market

The real weakness of the Reagan administration, even at the beginning of its second term, was the

growing budget deficit

In the Gulf War, the United States

took a decisive stand that was related to its dependence on foreign oil

The Reagan military budget reserved the highest priority for

the Strategic Defense Initiative

In his second term, Reagan's policy toward the Soviet Union

softened as he responded to overtures from Premier Gorbachev

The Supreme Court's decision in the Bakke case

was an example of declining support for affirmative action programs

New immigrants in the 1980s came primarily from

Asia, Latin America, and the Carribean

Events at Three Mile Island

demonstrated the danger of nuclear power plants in populated areas

As part of their critique of modern American society, conservatives cited

the increase in sexual freedom and expression

The Equal Rights Amendment

was resisted by conservatives who thought that it would further undermine the family

The Supreme Court's decision in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey dismayed the Right to Life movement because it

upheld the right to have an abortion

Efforts to fight the AIDS epidemic during the 1980s

became enmeshed in the ongoing controversies over sexual behavior

The "feminization of poverty" during the 1980s

occurred in part because of an increase in the number of single mothers

The nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court proved controversial mainly because he

was accused of sexual harassment

Major economic changes in the late twentieth century included

the shift to informational industries

In the 1966 election, Bill Clinton

captured the center of the political spectrum

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

committed the United States even more deeply to free trade

Liberals and conservatives from the 1970s through the 1990s have disagreed most frequently about

affirmative action

To achieve their goals, conservatives deemed that it was exceedingly important to

change the composition of the federal courts

Which of the following governments sheltered Osama Bin Laden?

The Taliban

President Bush's weakness as he approached the presidential campaign of 1992 was

a nagging economic recession

The Dayton Agreement was an attempt to ease conflict in

southeastern Europe

In 2001, both Republicans and Democrats contested election results in
