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15 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Thayer Mahan

The leading advocate of seapower and Western imperialism. He published "The influence of Sea Power on History" that encouraged development of a strong Navy and foreign commerce because prosperity flowed from maritime power.

Boxer Rebellion

A group of Chinese nationalists, Boxers, rebelled against foreign encroachments in China. The rebellion targeted foreign embassies. A combination of foreign powers quelled the rebellion and allowed Hayes to enforce his Open Door Policy.

de Lome Letter

A letter written by a Spanish ambassador that insulted President William McKinley. The letter was published in a newspaper, causing public outrage that called for war against Spain.

Emilio Aguinaldo

A Filipino leader of insurrectionist during America's presence in the islands as well as the prominent Filipino leader in the Philippine-American war. During the delicate time in which the Philippines was invaded by America and liberated from Spain, he declared the nation independent.

Great White Fleet

Roosevelt's procession of the great American Navy around the world to announce/celebrate the US's elevation to super power status. It was greeted around the world with rousing welcome, ending Roosevelt's presidency successfully.


Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive warlike foreign policy. This reflected the attitude of President Roosevelt especially in his insertion of the US and foreign affairs.

Open Door Policy

A policy outlined in Secretary of State John Hay's Open Door Note that proposed to keep China's trade open to all countries on an equal basis. He requested foreign powers to not interfere in any treaty port, to permit Chinese to collect tariffs on an equal basis, and to show no favors to their own nation no nationals in the matter of harbor dues or railroad charges.

Panama Canal

The greatest achievement under President Theodore Roosevelt. It facilitated trade which benefited the economy by creating a canal through the Isthmus of Panama. Although it is considered a great achievement now, at the time it was a costly blender for the US.

Philippine-American War

Filipino nationalism stalled the US from annexing a@the territory by starting a war that held off the Americans before finally being oppressed by the nation's superior military. The war was laced with atrocities such as the water cure as well as other torture methods. Although the US technically succeeded, guerrilla conflicts continue to spring up after the war.

Platt Amendment

An American bill established to restrict the independence of Cuba, it required Cuba never to sign with a third power, maintain debt, and grant the U.S. right to interfere if need be in order to preserve Cuban independence. The restrictions spurred resentment toward America that would cause tension in their relationship.

Queen Liliuokalani

Hawaiian Queen at the time when American planters in Hawaii committed a coup d'etat on the island. Had power seized from her and a republic established in her place which eventually had the territory annexed to the US by McKinley.

Roosevelt Corollary

President Roosevelt's addition to the Monroe Doctrine that justified US interference in Caribbean affairs. This justified the US appointment of a collector of customs to ensure collection of a debt owed by the Dominican Republic.

Russo - Japanese War

Japan took to war over fear that Russia would impede their ambitions in China and Korea. A peace treaty was mediated, the result of which favored the Japanese, whose superior military aroused suspicion and the American people over the security of the Philippines.

U.S.S. Maine

An incident in which a US naval ship, USS Maine, exploded in Cuba's Havana Harbor. Yellow journalism painted it as a Spanish attack, causing public outrage that would drive the country to war.

Yellow Journalism

Sensationalized journalism that was based on fact but was often published without investigation of the entire truth and used modified events. This type of journalism was used to spark public interest in increasing readers, but left unintended consequences as in the case of the USS Maine.