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68 Cards in this Set

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The male and female reproductive systems...

Produce sex hormones

The type of cell produced by the second meiotic division is a...

Haploid cell

The number of chromosomes in each sex cell is...


The primary organ of the male reproductive system is

The testes

In the fetus the testes originate

Posterior to the parietal peritoneum

The descent of the tested into the scrotum is stimulated by

The male hormone testosterone

The testes are suspended into the scrotum by the

Spermatic cord

The structure that guides the descent of the testes into to scrotum


In order to descend into the scrotum the testes must travel through the

Inguinal canal

When a testes fails to descend into the scrotum the condition is known as


The fetal structure that can lead to the development of the inguinal hernia is the

Vaginal process

The complex network of channels derived from the seminiferous tubules the

Rete testes

Prior to adolescence the undifferenctiated spermatogenic cells in the testes are called


The process by which the number of chromosomes in s sex cell is reduced from 46 to 23 and that ensures generic variety


A small protrusion on the anterior portion of the head of the sperm containing enzymes that aid in the sperm penetrating the zona pellucida of the ovum


Spematogenesis occurs ________ in men after puberty until about age 65


The energy needed for the lashing tail or flagellum of the sperm is provided by the ______ located in the ____ of the sperm


The function of the epididymis is

Store sperm as they mature

The ductus differential assets through the _________just before emptying into the urethra

Prostate gland

Which of the following substances is added to the sperm cells by the seminal vesicle


The secretions of the prostate gland help to _____ secretions from the vagina


The function of the bulborethral gland is to

Lubricate the penis

The external organs of the male reproductive system include the


The smooth muscle in the scrotum is the _______ muscle


Erection of the penis depends on

Filing of the corpus cavernosum with arterial blood

Erection of the penis depends on

Filing of the corpus cavernosum with arterial blood

Hormones that control male reproductive functions are secreted by the

Testes,hypothalamus,anterior pituitary gland

Erection of the penis depends on

Filing of the corpus cavernosum with arterial blood

Hormones that control male reproductive functions are secreted by the

Testes,hypothalamus,anterior pituitary gland

The pituitary hormone that stimulates the testes to produce testosterone is

Luteinizing hormones

Erection of the penis depends on

Filing of the corpus cavernosum with arterial blood

Hormones that control male reproductive functions are secreted by the

Testes,hypothalamus,anterior pituitary gland

The pituitary hormone that stimulates the testes to produce testosterone is

Luteinizing hormones

In the male the growth of body hair,especially in the axilla,face,and pubis, and increased muscle and bone development are examples of _________sex characteristics


Over secretion of LH is prevented by secretion of the hormone


The primary organs of the female reproductive system are


In the ovary the primary germinal epithelium is located

In the cortex

In the ovary the primary germinal epithelium is located

In the cortex

The primary oocyte produces ________ mature egg cells


In the ovary the primary germinal epithelium is located

In the cortex

The primary oocyte produces ________ mature egg cells


At puberty the primary oocyte begins maturing within the _______ follicle


The formation of polar bodies during oogenesis is a rare example of wasted energy and cellular removal


The egg cell is nourished by the

Corona radiata

The egg cell is nourished by the

Corona radiata

The egg cell is released by the ovary in a process called


Which of the following statements are true about the uterine (Fallopian) tubes

The end of the uterine tune near the ovary has many finger like projections called fimbriae

The inner layer of the uterus is the


The inner layer of the uterus is the


The upper portion of the vagina that surrounds the cervix is the


Which of the following statements about the vagina is true

The bulbospongiosis is primarily responsible from closing the vaginal orifice

The organ of the female reproductive system that is analogous to the penis is the


The organ of the female reproductive system that is analogous to the penis is the


Which of the following tissues become engorged and erect in response to sexual stimulation


The primary female hormones are (2)


The primary female hormones are (2)


Which of the following secondary sex characteristics in the female seem to be related to androgen concentration

Growth of ancillary and pubic hair

A female's first reproductive cycle is called ________.


Which of the following is not a source of female sex hormones ?

A. Increasing levels of progesterone

B. A sudden increase in concentration of LH.

C. Decreasing levels of estrogen.

D. A cessation of secretion of FSH.

B. A sudden increase in concentration of LH

After the release of an egg, the follicle forms ________ __________.

Corpus luteum

As the above structure develops, the level of what hormone increases?


As the hormone levels change in the part of the cycle before and immediately after ovulation, what changes is/are seen in the uterus?

Growth of the endometrial tissue and blood vessels, and thickening of the endometrium.

Breasts over lie the _________ ________ muscle of the chest wall.

Pectoral is major

Method of contraception that utilize mechanical barriers are _______ and ________.

The condom and the diaphragm

The method of contraception that is thought to interfere with ovulation is ________.

The oral contraceptive ( the pill )

The commonly used surgical technique to sterilize the male is the ___________.


The contraceptive method that is also effective on preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is the _______.


Sexually transmitted diseases are not treated promptly primarily because...

Many of the symptoms of STDS are similar to symptoms of diseases or allergies that are not sexually related.