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35 Cards in this Set

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Cell theory rule #1

All living things are made up of one or more cells and their products

Cell theory rule #2

The cell is the simplest unit that can carry out all life processes

Cell theory rule #3

All current cells come from other cells come from other cells, they did not come from non-living matter

Difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus or membrane bound organelles


Between the PM and Nucleus with a Jelly like material.

Site of chemical reactions and helps things move around.

Plasma Membrane(PM)

Outside the animal cell and inside plant walls with a double layer.

Maintaining Homeostasis


Spherical and within the cytoplasm.

Holds DNA and the nucleolus.


A dark, usually spherical object within the nucleus.

Makes Ribosomes


Small round dots made in the nucleolus within the cytoplasm.

Make proteins


A jellybean shape inside the cytoplasm.

Powerhouse of the cell which converts glucose and oxygen into ATP and makes water and CO2 as waste

Endoplasmic Reticulum

A 3D network of tubes that starts at the PM and extends into the cytoplasm.

Has ribosomes and is important for transport

Golgi Bodies

Stack of Pancakes shaped within the cytoplasm.

Makes mucus and packages and processes materials.


Spherical and within cytoplasm.

Digest and Recycle cell parts.

Cell Wall(Plant Cell Only)

Rigid, porous, and Outside of plant cells.

Protection and Structural Support.

Large Vacuole(Plant Cell Only)

Large and within the cytoplasm.

Storage and Makes Cell Firm.

Chloroplasts(Plant Cell Only)

Football Shaped within cytoplasm.

Uses CO2, Water, and solar energy to Energy with Glucose and Oxygen as waste products.

Why can’t cells grow to large sizes?

Because as a cell grows, it’s surface area to volume ratio decreases to the point where transport becomes inefficient.

Difference between sexual and asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is between two organisms while Asexual reproduction can be done only with one

What are the 3 main reasons for cell division

Reproduction, Growth and Repair

What are the three major stages of the cell cycle?

Interphase, Mitosis and Cytokinesis

What are the stages of Mitosis

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase(PMAP)

What happens during Prophase?

Strands of Chromatin condense into chromosomes.

What happens during Metaphase?

The chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell, called the equator.

What happens during Anaphase?

The chromosomes start separating from each other because spindle fibres are pulling them both to the poles of the cell.

What happens during Telophase?

There are now two nuclei within one cell.

What happens during Cytokinesis?

The cell divides as the PM pinches inward, there are now two genetically identical daughter cells.

What messages from proteins could cause cells to remain in interphase?

Surrounding cells not wanting more division.

Not enough nutrients

DNA in nucleus has not duplicated

DNA is damaged

What is Cancer?

Cancer is when your cells decide to stop following the rules of the rest of your body

Why can cell division cause Cancer?

Cell division creates the possibility of DNA mutations which create the possibility of cancer

What is a tumor?

A tumor is created when cancer cells uncontrollably divide into a clump of many cells

Difference between malignant and benign tumors

Malignant tumors try to spread throughout the entire body unlike benign tumors

Define Metastatis

The spread of Cancer from the place where it first formed, to other parts of the body

Identify Causes of Cancer

Alcohol, Tobacco, Asbestos, Age, Sunlight etc.

How should you reduce risk of Cancer?

Don’t smoke or drink, exercise, and eat healthy.

What are some types of treatments of Cancer?

Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiation Therapy.