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32 Cards in this Set

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Age of Enlightenment

European politics, Philosophy, science, and communications were changed a lot during the 18th Century


A written document that a commmunity of sorts is created and it's rights and rules are defined


The highest legislature in the UK


an agreement

Stamp Act

Act of British Parliament in 1756 that put a stamp duty on newspapers, legal and commercial documents.

Declatory Act

1766, Stated British taxing authority in America is the same as in Britian

Townshend Revenue Act

Series of measures introduced to English Parliament in 1767, Acts imposed taxes on lead, glass, paint, paper, and tea imported into the colonies.

Quartering Act

1765, Declared that Colonies had to house British Soliders in barracks provived by the Colonists.


The group that was loyal to the British. Supported Great Britian and their troops.


Wanted freedom and did not support The King/Queen and Great Britian.

John Locke

Rejected the divine right of kings, Said that Society's form Governments that in mutual and tactic agreement. Society can remove the King if he doesn't do his job. Said Governments should respect freedom of religion.

Thomas Hobbes

Thought one person should decide everything in a government. Hobbes State of nature: everybody is violent and resembles civil war, we all have a violent death, no human cooperation.


Thought the progress in arts and science caused the corruption of morality and virtue. Also thought that people, by nature, are good, but have been corruptrd by historical events.

Glorious Revolution

Revolution of 1688, The overthrow of King James ll of England

English Bill of Rights

Passed by British Parliament in 1689, declared the rights and libertis of the people and settled the succesion in William lll and Mary ll following the Glorious Revolution

Common Law

English law that came from custom and judical parts.


First permanent English settlement in the US.

House of Burguesses

lower house of the colonial Virgina legislature.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

A set of laws for connecticut

Declaration of Independence

The document in which the Colonists said to meet their terms or they were leaving England

Articles of Confederation

The original Constitution

Constitutional Convention

members of 5 states met to discuss possible improvements on the articles of confederation.

Virginia Plan

Drafted by James Madison. # of rep based on state's population. Large state= more rep in Congress. Bicamerial.

New Jersey Plan

Unicamerial. small state= big states. one state= one vote. 3/5 compromise.


The laws that apply to all states.

Magna Carta

document that kicked King James from the throne and gave them some rights

Mayflower Compact

The agreement that the Pilgrims on the Mayflower made on the ship before they reached America.

Due Process

Fair treatment through the normal judicial system.

Rule of Law

The principle of government by law.

Limited Government

restricted with reference to governing powers bylimitations prescribed in laws and in a constitution


a government of some sort that is controlled by the people.

Continental Congress

The meeting between the states in which the Declaration of Independence.