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20 Cards in this Set

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After the war of 1812 what feelings evolved? Who was president??

Nationalism/patriotism sense of national identity

Monroe era of good feelings

In an effort to further strengthen the national economy and further promote national unity what was proposed? And by whom?

Henry clay proposed a program called the American system in which

A bank of the US would issue a single currency

Protective tariffs would be increased to encourage American manufacturing and

Money generated from tariffs would be spent building canals and roads what wa

What was the bank called?

Second bank of US

What did the Missouri compromise do and who proposed it?

Henry clay- Missouri applies for statehood and a problem arises-

Missouri wants to enter as a slave state but that would disrupt the balance of 11 free and 11 slave states

Missouri would enter as a slave state and Maine which was still part of mass would enter free

In future- slavery illegal north of southern border of Missouri at 36,30

Compromise divided the land into two diff regions defined by slavery

European interference in US affairs not allowed

Us would stay neutral in European conflicts

Us wouldn’t tolerated any new colonization if America and any attempt would be considered an act of aggression

Monroe doctrine

What happened in election of 1824?

Andrew Jackson won popular vote but he didn’t receive a majority of electoral votes;

According to the C who would decide tie? And what happened?

House of Rep- Henry clay convinced his colleague to vote for Quincy Adams and when Adams became president he appointed clay as his Secretary of State

What was the Indian removal act?

President Jackson thought it was impossible for NA to live as independent nations within borders of US so the act was passed which authorized the govt to force the NA off land and send them to the Great Plains to Indian territory (aka reservation)

What case went before the Supreme Court with re to NA and what happened?

Worcester v Georgia- cherokee of GA were forced to leave their land (gold has been discovered there ; they filed suit and Supreme Court ruled that the cherokee were an sovereign nation and that only the fed govt and not state of GA could had power to form a treaty or remove them from land

What did state of GA do/respond?

They and president Jackson ignored ruling and then in 1837 president van Buren sent thousands of troops to invade Cherokee nation. 16k Native Americans were forced into holding camps and and then forced to go to their new land

What was March know as?

Trail of tears- 1/4 of population died from disease starvation and harsh weather conditions

What happened in Florida when the seminoles refused to leave their land?

Second Seminole war- their chief Osceola urged his people to go to war Osceola was captured but NA didn’t give up and eventually American army gave up and allowed ones that survived to remain on land

What was Whig party and who were they led by?

Which party was formed in opposition to what they saw as a danger of majority political parties. Henry clay leader

What was panic of 1837?

Values of land cotton and paper money decreased and led to terrible inflation. Van buren was blamed

Who used a log cabin as their Symbol and why?

William Harrison- show he was a common man from Ohio frontier and van buren was a man of privilege

What slogan did Whig party use?

Tippecanoe and Tyler too- show Harrison was a war hero at Tiopecanoe

What happened to Harrison?

He caught pneumonia and died about a month after inauguration day

Tyler his VP became president

What happened to Harrison?

He caught pneumonia and died about a month after inauguration day

Tyler his VP became president

Why did people take Oregon trail and who first to go?

After panic of 1837 and depression they sought a better life. Missionaries were first to go ; they believed it was manifest destiny

Who founded the church of Christ of Latter Day Saints? What were they?

Mormons led by Jospeh smith

Persecuted bc they practiced polygamy and communal ownership of property

Smith murders and Brigham young took over