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28 Cards in this Set

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Nomination Campaign

That part of a political campaign aimed at winning a primary election

Ex.Running against your own party.

General Election Campaign

That part of a political campaign aimed at winning a general election.

Ex.Democrat vs. Republican, Presidential

Voter Canvass

The process by which a campaign reaches individual voters, either by door-to-door solicitation or by telephone.

Ex.Handing out flyers in a neighborhood

Get Out the Vote (GOTV)

A push at the end of a political campaign to encourage supporters to go to the polls.

Ex.Rock the Vote

Campaign Manager

The individual who travels with the candidate and coordinates the many different aspects the campaign.

Ex.Obama and Romney hired ones to create ads, run the campaign.

Finance Chaie

A professional who coordinates the fund raising efforts for the campaign.

Ex.Manages money from PACS, and Super PACS etc.


A professional who takes public opinion surveys that guide political campaigns.

Ex.Reuters, predict voting elections.

Direct Mailer

A professional who supervises a political campaign's direct mail fund raising strategies.

Ex. The money mail man.

Communications Director

The person who develops the overall media strategy for the candidate, blending free press coverage with paid TV, radio, and mail media.

Ex.Creates commercials and radio spots.

Press Secretary

The individual charged with interacting and communicating with journalists on a daily basis.

Ex.People who stand at podiums and answer reporters questions.

Internet Team

The campaign staff that makes use of Web-based resources to communicate with voters, raise funds, organize volunteers, and plan campaign events.

Ex.Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Campaign Consultant

A private-sector professional who sells to a candidate the technologies, services, and strategies required to get that candidate elected.

Ex.Guy selling information, or ad spots to campaign.

Media Consultant

A professional who produces candidates' television, radio, and print advertisements.

Ex.Crated the HOPE and CHANGE posters for Obama.

Paid Media

Political advertisements purchased for candidate's campaign.

Ex. Commercials we watched for the living room candidate assignment.

Free Media

Coverage of a candidate's campaign by the news media.

Ex.CNN or MSNBC doing a story on a candidate, free publicity.

New Media

New technologies, such as the Internet, that blur the line between paid and free media sources.

Ex.Social media sites: Twitter, Facebook

Positive Ad

Advertising on behalf of a candidate that stresses the candidate's qualifications, family, and issue positions, without reference to the opponent.

Ex.McCain's Maverick ad.

Negative Ad

Advertising on behalf of a candidate that attacks the opponent's platform or character.

Ex.Eisenhower Answers America commercial.

Contrast Ad

Ad that compares the records and proposals of the candidates, with a bias toward the sponsor.

Ex. Ross Miller vs. Adam Laxalt campaign that just recently happened.

Spot Ad

Television advertising on behalf of a candidate that is broadcast in sixty-, thirty-, or ten-second duration.

Ex.Thirty second Super Bowl spot.

Inoculation Ad

Advertising that attempts to counteract an anticipated attack from the opposition before the attack is launched.

Ex. The McCain Celebrity ad.

Political Action Committee (PAC)

Federally mandated, officially registered fund-raising committee that represents interest groups in the political process.

Ex.Organization that SIG's can filter money through.

Public Funds

Donations from the general tax revenues to the campaigns of qualifying presidential candidates.

Ex.If I donated money, it would be public funds.

Matching Funds

Donations to presidential campaigns from the federal government that are determined by the amount of private funds a qualifying candidates raise.

Ex.The government giving funds to the Obama campaign.

Hard Money

Legally specified and limited contributions that are clearly regulated by the Federal Election Campaign Act and by the Federal Election Commission.

Ex.Money that is trackable and the government checks.

527 Political Committees

Nonprofit and unregulated interest groups that focus on specific causes or policy positions and attempt to influence voters.

Ex.Focus on anti-abortion and throw money at it.

501(c) (3) Committees

Nonprofit and tax-exempt groups that can educate voters about issues and are not required to releases the names of their contributors.

Ex.Organization not regulated on how much money they can give.

Candidate Debate

Forum in which political candidates face each other to discuss their platforms, records, and character.

Ex.McCain vs. Obama on live TV talking about issues.