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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the nervous system?
It is the bodies control center and communication system.
What is sensation?
Collecting information- the nervous system senses changes within and out of the body.
What is integration?
Processing and evaluating information. The nervous system interprets changes and determines what, if any, response is required.
What is a Response?
The nervous system initiates action.
What are the 2 parts of the nervous system?
Central and Peripheral
What is in the Central Nervous System (CNS)?
The Brain and the Spinal cord.
WHat is in the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?
All other nervous tissue in the body besides the brain and spinal cord.
What part of neurons are most commonly found in the CNS?
Cell Bodies.
What is the majority of the Brain and Spinal Cord composed of?
Neurons and bundles of axons (tracts or pathways)
There are a few cell bodies that occur in the PNS, where do they occur?
In the clusters called Ganglia
What is most of the PNS composed of?
What are Nerves?
Bundles of axons or nerve fiber wrapped in connectinve tissue.
What are the 3 classifications of Nerves?
Sensory- contain only sensory neurons
Motor- contain only motor neurons.
Mixed- contain both. (most neourons are mixed.)
How many pairs of Cranial Nerves are there?
How many pairs of Spinal nerves are there?
What is another word for afferent nerves?
Sensory nerves
What is another word for efferent nerves?
Motor nerves
What are sensory receptors?
Special organs that detect change in the internal and external environment.
What are the general receptors?
Touch, Pressure, Heat, Cold, Pain, & Proprioception/Stretch
What are the Special receptors?
Smell, taste, sight, hearing & equilibrium.
What areas are sensed by the Somatic Sensory Division?
The Skin, Skeletal Muscles, bones and a few other places.
What areas are sensed by tht Visceral Sensory Division?
The Digestive tract, Urinary tract, reproductive organs, and the ventral body cavity. You may be unaware of these sensations.
What direction do Efferent neurons travel?
They travel away from the CNS.
What Direction do Afferent Neurons travel?
They travel toward the CNS.
What do Somatic Motor Neurons control?
Skeletal muscle.
What do Autonomic Motor Neourons control?
The smooth muscle within viscera (organs), cardiac muscle, and glands.
What are the 2 divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System?
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems
What does the Sympathetic nervous system control?
It controls the smoot muscle in stress situations.
What does the parasympathetic nervous system control?
Smooth muscle in non-stress situations.
Name 3 things about Neurons?
They have a high metabolic rate, can receive stimulus and convert it to AP, are amitotic after fetal development, can live for up to 100 years.