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49 Cards in this Set

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During an examination the nurse observes a patient’s elongated head, overgrowth of the lower jaw, heavy eyebrow ridge, and coarse facial features. What condition is indicated by this patient’s features?
What are the signs and symptoms of myxedema? Select all that apply.

Puffy face

Cold intolerance

The nurse is caring for a geriatric patient who has a flat, expressionless face. While reviewing the laboratory reports, the nurse finds decreased levels of dopamine. What diagnosis does the nurse suspect?
Parkinson syndrome
Which condition involves excessive secretion of adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH)?
Cushing syndrome
The registered nurse teaches a student nurse how to palpate the thyroid gland of a patient. Which action by the student nurse would indicate a need for further teaching?
Asking the patient to lie in the side lying position
What is the best description of the supraclavicular region?
The area at the sternomastoid muscle
Which signs and symptoms would the nurse find while assessing a patient with Grave’s disease (hyperthyroidism)? Select all that apply.

Weight loss

Bulging eyeballs

Which characteristic features does the nurse expect in an infant who is at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome? Select all that apply.
Epicanthal folds

Midfacial hypoplasia

Narrow palpebral fissures

Which statement accurately describes the lymphatic system?
It eliminates foreign substances from the body.
The nurse is caring for a patient who reports lightheadedness and a swimming sensation. The patient tells the nurse, "I feel like I’m going to faint." What condition may cause these symptoms in the patient?
Decreased blood flow to the brain
The nurse is caring for a patient who has severe throbbing supraorbital pain. During the assessment, the patient reports nausea and visual disturbances. Which nursing interventions should the nurse include in the patient’s care plan? Select all that apply.
Instruct the patient to avoid alcohol.

Inform the patient to avoid chocolates.

Encourage the patient to practice relaxation exercises.

A patient reports to the nurse an intermittent headache that starts abruptly, peaks after a minute, and lasts for about one and a half hours. Which disorder could this patient be describing?
Cluster headache
A patient is brought to the emergency unit with a head injury. Which signs and symptoms are likely to be found in the patient? Select all that apply.
Double vision

Staggered walk

Discharge from the ears

What is the cause of vertigo?
Disturbance in the sensory nerve pathway
The nurse is examining the cranial x-ray of a patient undergoing treatment for a fractured cranium. Which bones will the nurse see in the x-ray? Select all that apply.




What clinical manifestations does the nurse look for while screening for meningitis? Select all that apply.

Nuchal rigidity

The nurse, while caring for an infant who has setting sun eyes, observes Macewen’s sign. What risk does the nurse expect in the infant?
While assessing an infant, the nurse observes frontal bossing and downcast eyes. On percussion with the plexor finger against the head surface, the nurse hears a cracked pot sound. What could be the reason for this finding?
Separation of sutures
The nurse is palpating the lymph nodes of a patient. What finding would indicate the nodes may be cancerous? Select all that apply.
The nodes are matted.

The nodes are rubbery.

The nodes are nontender.

While auscultating the enlarged thyroid with the bell of a stethoscope, the nurse hears a soft, pulsatile, whooshing, blowing sound. What would the nurse conclude from this finding?
There is a bruit in the thyroid.
The nurse is caring for a patient with a migraine. The patient tells the nurse, "My headache persisted even after I took the medication regularly." Which medication from the patient’s prescription could be responsible for this condition?
Salmeterol (Serevent)
The nurse is describing the process of palpating the lymph nodes with a student nurse. Which statement, if made by the nurse, is accurate?
"Use a gentle circular motion of the finger pads to feel the lymph nodes."
A patient reports to the hospital with a headache. Which finding in the patient would indicate a migraine?
The patient feels pain behind the ears and forehead.
Which nerve mediates facial sensations of pain and touch?
Trigeminal nerve
The nurse is palpating the lymph nodes of a patient with an acute infection. What does the nurse expect to find?
Lymph nodes are bilateral, enlarged, warm, and firm, but freely movable.
The nurse is assessing a patient who has an acute infection and enlarged lymph nodes. Which assessment finding would the nurse expect?
The lymph nodes are warm, tender, and firm, but freely movable.
The nurse is caring for a patient with severe headache and fever. While reviewing the reports, the nurse finds inflammation in the brain of the patient. Which other complication does the nurse expect in the patient?
Nuchal rigidity
The nurse is reviewing the lab results of a patient who has primary hypothyroidism. Which finding would the nurse expect?
Increased thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
The nurse is caring for a patient with nasal congestion and headache. The nurse finds that the patient also has drooping eyelids, eye reddening, and rhinorrhea. Which condition could these findings indicate?
Cluster headache
The nurse instructs an infant’s parents to put their infant to sleep in a supine position. During the follow-up visit after few months, the nurse observes that the infant has positional plagiocephaly. Which finding would be consistent with this diagnosis?
Flatness of occipital bone

The nurse is reviewing the medical history of four infants. Which infant does the nurse expect to be at a higher risk for developing jaundice?

The nurse is reviewing the medical history of four infants. Which infant does the nurse expect to be at a higher risk for developing jaundice?

Infant D

While examining the facial features of a patient, the nurse suspects cachexia. Which findings would support this diagnosis? Select all that apply.
Sunken eyes

Hollow cheeks

A patient complains that the lights in the hospital room are too bright and cause eye pain. The patient tells the nurse, "I have a severe headache that is gripping my head like a vice." What assumption can the nurse make from this information?

Tension Headache

When reviewing the ultrasound report of a 55-year-old female patient, the nurse finds that a rapidly growing single nodule is seen in the thyroid gland. What does such a report signify?
Thyroid gland with a benign tumor
The nurse is caring for a patient with head tilt to one side and limited neck range of motion (ROM) to the opposite side. Which complications could this patient have? Select all that apply.
Poor vision

Fibrotic muscles

Asymmetry of the head

Shortening of muscles

The nurse is evaluating a student nurse who is palpating a patient’s cervical lymph nodes. Which action, if performed by the student nurse, should be corrected by the nurse?
The student nurse uses strong pressure for assessing lymphatic glands.
During an assessment, the nurse finds that the patient shows fine muscle tremor and an unblinking appearance. The laboratory reports indicate the heart rate is 145 beats/minute and the serum free thyroxine (T4) is 18 ng/dL. Which complication does the nurse expect in the patient?
Graves’ disease
The nurse is observing a 6-month-old infant who has fever. The infant turns the head to one side and extends the limbs of the same side and flexes the limbs of the opposite side when placed in the supine position. Which complication could this behavior indicate?

Brain damage

The nurse is assessing an older adult patient who has edema and cardiovascular complications. The patient reports swelling under the earlobe. Which complication is this patient at risk for?
Stensen duct obstruction
The nurse finds that the patient has an edematous face, fatigue, brittle nails, and increased sensitivity to cold. The patient has a body temperature of 36° C. Which parameter should the nurse check in the patient’s laboratory reports?
Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels
While assessing a patient with fibromyalgia, the nurse finds that the patient has disequilibrium. Which statement by the patient led the nurse to such a conclusion?
"Please help me; I’m going to fall."
The nurse is caring for a patient who complains of vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss. While assessing the patient, the nurse finds an enlarged lymph node near the sternomastoid muscle. Which complication does the nurse expect?
Abdominal malignancy
The nurse is assessing a child during a routine checkup. The nurse suspects atopic dermatitis. Which associated findings would support this diagnosis? Select all that apply.
Morgan's lines

Allergic shiners

Open mouth breathing

The nurse is caring for an infant born using forceps delivery. On examination, the nurse finds that the infant’s head tilts to one side with limited neck rotation range of motion (ROM) to the opposite side. Which cranial nerve does the nurse expect to be damaged?
Cranial nerve IX
What complication does the nurse expect in the patient who has lower facial muscle paralysis?

Brain attack

Which signs and symptoms are likely to be found in a patient with hypothyroidism? Select all that apply.
Dry coarse hair

Dry cool skin

Cold intolerance

Which instruction should the nurse include in the diet plan of a patient who has migraines?
Avoid the intake of cheese.
Which finding would the nurse expect to observe in a 7-year old patient with increased intracranial pressure?


The nurse is caring for a patient with a brain injury. The nurse asks the patient to smile, but finds that the patient is unable to smile properly, showing an asymmetric grin. Which nerve damage could cause this appearance in the patient’s smile?
Cranial nerve VII