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40 Cards in this Set

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Social Psychology

the discipline that studies how we think about, influence, and relate to other people.

Social cognition

The study of how people use cognitive processes--such as perception, memory, thought, and emotion--to help make sense of other people as well as themselves.

Social schema

A general knowledge structure, stored in long-term memory, that relates to social experiences or people.


The collection of beliefs and impressions held about a group and its members; common stereotypes include those based on gender, race, and age.

Prototype theories

We store abstract representations of the typical features of a group; we then judge particular individuals based on their similarity to the prototype

Exemplar theories

We store memories of particular individuals, or exemplars, and these individual memories form the basis for stereotypes

Self-fulfilling prophecy effect

A condition in which our expectations about the actions of another person actually lead that person to behave in the expected way


Positive or negative evaluations of a group and its members


Behaviors that are directed against members of a group


The inference processes people use to assign cause and effect to behavior

(consistency, distinctiveness, consensus)

external attribution

Attributing the cause of a person's behavior to an external event or situation in the environment

internal attribution

Attributing the cause of a person's behavior to an internal personality trait or disposition

fundamental attribution error

When people seek to interpret someone else's behavior, they tend to overestimate the influence of internal personal factors and underestimate the role of situational factors

actor-observer effect

The overall tendency to attribute our own behavior to external sources by to attribute the behavior of others to internal sources

self-serving bias

The tendency to make internal attributions about one's own behavior when the outcome is positive and to blame the situation when one's behavior leads to something negative


A positive or negative evaluation or belief held about something, which in turn may affect one's behavior; attitudes are typically broken down into cognitive, affective, and behavioral components.

Cognitive component

represents what people know or believe about the object of their attitude

Affective component

made up of the feelings that the object produces

behavioral component

is a predisposition to act toward the object in a particular way

Elaboration likelihood model

A model proposing two primary routes to persuasion and attitude change: a central route, which operates when we are motivated and focusing our attention on the message and a peripheral route, which operates when we are either unmotivated to process the message or are unable to do so

Source characteristics

Features of the person who is presenting a persuasive message, such as his or her attractiveness, amount of power, or fame.

Cognitive dissonance

The tension produced when people act in a way that is inconsistent with their attitudes

self-perception theory (Daryl Bem)

The idea that people use observations of their own behavior as a basis for inferring their internal beliefs.

foot-in-the-door technique

(Freedman Fraser)

triggering of self-perception

social influence

The study of how the behaviors and thoughts of individuals are affected by the presence of others

social faciliatation

The enhancement in performance that is sometimes found when an individual performs in the presence of others

social interference

The impairment in performance that is sometimes found when an individual performs in the presence of others


Acting in a way that shows unselfish concern for the welfare of others

Bystander effect

The reluctance to come to aid of a person in need when other people are present

diffusion of responsibility

The idea that when people know (or think) that others are present in a situation, they allow their sense of responsibility for action to diffuse, or spread out widely, among those who are present

social loafing

The tendency to put out less effort when working in a group compared to when working alone


The loss of individuality, or depersonalization, that comes from being in a group


The tendency to comply with the wishes of the group; when people conform, their opinions, feelings, and behaviors generally start to move toward to group norm


A group of individuals with whom one shares features in common or with whom one identifies

group polarization

The tendency for a group's dominant point of view to become stronger and more extreme with time

groupthink (Irving Janis)

The tendency for members of a group to become so interested in seeking a consensus of opinion that they start to ignore and even suppress dissenting views


The form of compliance that occurs when people respond to the orders of an authority figure


The tendency for people to return in kind the feelings that are shown toward them

passionate love

An intense emotional state characterized by a powerful longing to be with a specific person; passionate love is marked by a combination of intimacy and passion, but commitment may be lacking

companionate love

A kind of emotional attachment characterized by feelings of trues and companionship; companionate love is marked by a combination of intimacy and commitment, but passion may be lacking