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25 Cards in this Set

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Racial literacy
skills in order to help them cope with racial hierarchies and to integrate multiple ethnic identities.--> antiracism training.
cultural practices and outlooks of a given community that have emerged historically and tend to set people apart. Language, history, religion, ancestry, and style of dress.
classification system that assigns individuals and groups categories that are ranked or hierarchical. -Physical variations.
Situational ethnicity
one the ways in which ethnic and racial identification is socially constructed. Assert or not reveal a aspect of their identity or heritage.
Symbolic ethnicity
members of an ethnic group assimilate into the larger culture.
system of domination that operates in social processes and social institutions. or explicit beliefs in racial supremacy.
Institutional racism
racism pervades all of society's structures in a systematic manner.-Police, health care, education, and policies.
Old racism vs new racism
Old: biological racism based on differences in physical traits-->inferiority.
New: cultural arguments in order to support discrimination against certain peoples of the population.
confront racism, and do something about it.
opinions or attitudes held by members of one group toward one another. Often based on hearsay rather then direct evidence.
actual behavior toward another groups. exclusing or restricting mmeber os specific racial or ethnic groups from opportunities that are available to other groups.
thing in terms of fixed categories of individuals
feelings of hostility or anger are directed against objects that are not the real origin of those feelings.
people vent their antogonism against other who are then blamed for their problems.
Minority group
disadvantaged as compared with the dominant group, and have a sense of belonging to the group.
the systematic planned destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
ethnic cleansing
the creation of ethnically homogeneous areas through the mass expulsion of other ethnic populations.
groups closure whereby racial and ethnic groups are kept physically separate by law
new immigrant groups would assume that attitudes and language of the dominant white community
melting pot
merging different cultures and outlooks by stirring them together.
ethnic cultures are given full validity to exist separately yet participate in the larger society's economic and political life.
ethnic groups exist separately and equally
immigration and emigration
Immigration: the movement of people into a country to settle.
emigration: the process by which people leave a country to settle in another.
push and pull factors of emigration
push: a country forces their people to emigrate.
pull: destination countries attract immigrants.
the dispersal of an ethnic population from and original homeland into foreign areas, often in a forced and traumatic manner.