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66 Cards in this Set

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How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
If CN-I is damaged (olafactory) what could be the cause?
Head trama, nasal stuffiness, smoking, cocaine use or a congenital defect.
CN-II is what nerve?
Optic nerve {sight)
CN-III is?
Oculomotor (Pupil constriction)
CN-IV is?
Trochlear (Superior Oblique muscles)
CN-V is?
Trigeminal (forehead, cheek and chin)
CN- VI is?
Abducens (Lateral rectus muscle)
CN-VII is?
Facial (sensory tongue)
(motor face muscles)
Acoustic (Ears)
CN-IX and X are?
Glossopharyngeal and Vagus nerve is mouth
CN-XI are which nerves?
Accessory(Trapezius Muscles and Sternocleidomastoid muscles
CN-XII Is last but not least?
The Hypoglossal (Tongue)
Ways that you can assess a patients motor system?
Pt's grip, finger tip touching, elbows range of motion, touching heel to shin on each leg, arms out for pronator drift.
When testing the sensory system what are you testing?
Test for pain, light touch, temperature, position vibration and discriminative sensations.
List reflexes?
Biceps, Triceps, brachioradialis, Achilles, Plantar and Abdominal reflex, Quadriceps.
What is the babinski's response?
big toe dorsiflexes and the other toes fan out when sole is stimulated.
What are the fontanelles?
Soft spots, that close at 18 months.
If a child appears grey and cyanotic and appear very sick it is usually from what?
Form of bacterial process
You place the otoscope how far in the ear canal?
1/4 to 1/2 inch
Children are diaphram breathers until what age?
7 years old
Tachycardia and bradycardia can be a response to what in children?
Look under umbilicus for signs of hernias common in what age?
Under 3 years old
A teenager with poor posture could be a sign of?
The most important characteristic of a physical assessment is?
Record everything in?
The patient record is only as good as what?
The accuracy depth and detail that you provide
S. O. A. P. stands for?
Components of a Pt Assessment
Scene size up
Primary Assessment
Secondary Assessment
Detailed physical Exam
Life-support activities that go beyond basic procedures to include adjunctive equipment and invasive procedures?
Advanced life support (ALS)
The primary assessments goal is to do what?
Identify and correct immediately life threatening conditions
People such as unresponsive medical pt and unstable trauma pt require what?
Rapid head to toe exam and immediate transport to hospital.
Never rush into any situation, first do what?
Stop and look around
Standard precautions
Scene safety
Location of all patients
Mechanism of injury
Nature of illness
Components of a Scene Size-Up
Best way to prevent transmitting disease between you and your patients.
Washing hands
With a TB pt, place a surgical type mask on pt and you wear what?
Niosh approved respirator
In order,
1. you
2. your crew
3. other responding personnel
4. your pt
Order of priorities for Scene Safety
Listen to what because they are probably correct
In every case, let ____ ___ dictate scene management?
Common Sense
Do not even consider entering hazardous scenes unless you have what?
Proper equipment, training and clothing
Four point suspension helmet
Eye goggles
Hearing protection
Leather work gloves
Steel toe boots
Insulated coveralls and
Turnout gear are all necessary for what?
Having the minimum amount of gear for a Rescue-Operation
pg 658
Call for assistance early, It is wise to ______ when asking for help?
Who is in charge of a Mass casualty incident?
Incident Commander
What is the combined strength, direction, and nature of forces that injured you patient?
Mechanism of Injury
The anticipation of possible injuries based on your analysis of the event?
Index of suspicion
What is usually the only clue to internal injuries?
Mechanism of injury
Steps of Primary Assessment are?
1. Form general impression
2. Cspine as needed
3. Baseline level of response
4. Assess airway
5. Assess Breathing
6. Assess Circulation
7. Assign priority
pg 663
Primary assessment should take how long?
1 minute
Your initial, intuitive evaluation of your patient?
General impression
Manually stabilize the neck when?
On first patient contact
AVPU means?
pg 665
This is crucial to assess any head trauma?
Baseline mental status
What do you place under the shoulders of a young person to align the airway?
A folded towel
Your pt is sleepy but responds to you when you speak to the, What AVPU level are they?
Gurgling suggests what?
Fluids blocking the upper airway
Decorticate posturing and decerebrate posturing are both part of AVPU where?
Painful stimulus
Decorticate posturing is what position?
Arms flexed, legs extended
Decerebrate posturing is what position and indicates what?
Arms and legs extended, suggests serious brain injury
You hear stridor and notice poor air movement suspecting foreign body obstruction, first use abdominal thrusts(back blows for children under 1 year) what is the next step if not successful?
Laryngoscopy with magill forceps
Deep rapid breathing associated with diabetic coma are called?
Kussmaul's respirations
Evaluating the pulse and skin and controlling hemorrahage?
Circulation assessment
Radial pulse indicates a systolic BP of what number?
At least 80 mmHg
What provides important information about circulation in young children?
Capillary Refill
Secondary assessment is what stage of pt assessment?
Problem-oriented assessment process based on primary assessment and chief complaint?
Secondary assessment
Person who has suffered a significant machanism of injury?
Major trauma pt
Signs of a major trauma are?
Falls from higher then 20 feet
Ejection from a vehicle
Rollover of a vehicle
High speed accident with severe deformity
Vehicle-pedestrian collision
Motorcycle crash
Penetration of head, chest or abdomen