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94 Cards in this Set

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Functions of the muscle
1) Produces motion of the skeleton
2) Stabilizes body position.
3) Regulates organ volume to store and release materials.
4) Moves substance within the body.
5) Thermogenesis- produces heat to warm the body.
Properties of the muscle
1) Electrical excitability: The ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing electrical signals (muscle action potentials).
2) Contractility: The ability to generate tension to do work.
3) Extensibility: The ability to stretch without damage, (smooth> cardiac> skeletal).
4) Elasticity: The ability to return to its original shape after contracting or extending.
Eat a big meal and stretch your stomach.
A rubber band is both extensible and elastic.
Cardiac muscle and smooth muscle have the same proteins but are arranged differently.
Muscle fiber
An individual muscle cell.
A sheet of fibrous C.T. that surrounds muscles and other body organs.
(2 layers)
Superficial fascia
Separates muscles from the skin and is composed of adipose and aerolar C.T.
Areolar C.T. allows skin to very movable over muscle.
Deep fascia
Dense irregular C.T. that lines the body wall and also holds muscles with similar functions together.
The outer most layer which surrounds the muscle.
Surrounds each fascicle (a bundle of 10-100 muscle fibers).
Many fascicles are large enough to be seen. There are the 'grain" of meat.
A thin sheath of aerolar C.T. around each muscle fiber.
A cord of dense regular connective tissue around each muscle fiber. Connects muscle to bone.
A broad flat tendon.
Somatic motor neurons
Stimulate skeletal muscle to contract.
Axon collaterals
Axons of somatic motor neurons branch inside the muscle into axon collaterals, which extend to different muscle fibers.
Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)
The connection between the neuron and the muscle fiber.
Synaptic end bulbs
here axon terminals expand into clusters of synaptic end bulbs.
Blood supply
Muscle is well supplied with blood so that each muscle fiber is in close contact with blood capillaries.
Can a mature muscle fiber undergo cell division?
No. A mature muscle fiber CANNOT undergo cell division.
Satellite cell
Cells in mature muscle that retain the capacity to regenerate muscle fibers.
Plasma membrane of a muscle fiber.
T (Transverse) tubules
Tiny invaginations of the sarcolemma that tunnel into each fiber and are filled with extracellular fluid (ECF). These allow the action potential to spread rapidly throughout the muscle cell.
The muscle fiber's cytoplasm. It contains lots of glycogen, and myoglobin which binds oxygen needed for ATP production.
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Modified endoplasmic reticulum of muscle fibers that stores Ca2+ and ends in terminal cisterns near T tubules.
Lengthwise threads inside and extend the entire length of the fiber. They contain thin filaments and thick filaments arranged in compartments called sacromeres. These are connected end-to-end and are the functional units of a myofibril.
Muscle protein
Thick and thin filaments overlap each other in a pattern that creates striations.
A) Light I bands: contain only thin filaments.
B) Dark A bands: contains entire thick filament.
Arranged in compartments called sacromeres, separated by Z discs.
In the overlap region, six thin filaments surround each thick filament.
Makes up the thick filaments and serves as the motor protein to move the thin filaments. It has a golf-club shape with myosin heads that will bind to thin filaments to move them.
Makes up most of the thin filaments and contains myosin binding sites that will bond to the myosin heads to move the actions during contraction.
Covers the myosin-bindin sites on actin to prevent contraction in a resting muscle.
Holds the tropomyosin in place.
Gives elasticity and extensibility to myofibrils by stretching and then springing back.
Links thin filaments to the sarcolemma to strengthen it and help transmit force to tendons.
Where is the signal to contract passed from the neuron to the muscle fiber?
The neuromuscular junction (NMJ)
Where is the synaptic end bulb?
On the neuron side of a small gap (synaptic cleft) between the neuron and muscle fiber.
Where is the motor end plate?
(modified sarcolemma)
On the muscle side.
Summary of how muscle action potential arises
(AP= action potential)
Nerve impulse-> release of Ach-> activation of Ach receptors-> muscle action potential -> termination of Ach activity
AP 1) What triggers the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach) from synaptic vesicles?
When the nerve impulse (nerve action potential) arrives at the synaptic end bulb.
AP 2) Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft to the motor end plate and binds to its receptors on the ____ ?
AP 3) The binding of Ach to its receptors on the sarcolemma, opens ion channels which allow Na+ to rush in and generate what?
A muscle action potential: A temporary positive charge on the inside of the muscle fiber.
This causes contraction as it travels through the T tubules.
AP 4) What enzyme then breaks down the Ach to prevent excessive stimulation?
Thin filaments are attached to the ends of each sacromere and are separated by a gap. WHen muscles contract, how is this gap closed?
Thin filaments moving toward the center of the sarcomere and it shortens.
Summary of the sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction
(SF= sliding filament)
Hydrolysis of ATp energizes myosin-> attachment of myosin to actin forms cross bridges-> power stroke moves the actin -> detachment of myosin from actin
SF 1) When the muscle action potential reaches the terminal cisterns what happens?
It stimulatesCa2+ channels to open and release Ca2+ into the surrounding muscle cell's cytoplasm. (sarcoplasm)
SF 2) What causes the troponin-tropomyosin complex to shift which on covers the myosin-binding sites on the actin?
Ca2-+ bonds to troponin on thin filaments.
SF 3) What is the power stroke and requires energy?
An energized myosin head bonds to the actin forming a cross bride and swivels toward the center of the sarcomere pulling the actin toward the center.
SF 4) ATP bonds to the myosin head. It is broken down and its energy causes the head to A, C, and C further down the thin filament, toward the end of the sarcomere.
A: Detach
B: Rotate
C: Reattach
SF 5) The myosin head then swivels and pulls that binding site further toward the ?
SF 6) This is repeated as long as what is present?
SF 7) What happens in relaxation?
Acetylcholinerase breaks down the acetylcholine transmitter at the motor end plate so that muscle action potentials are no longer generated and Ca2+ channels close.
SF 8) Also Ca2+ is pumped back into terminal cisterns so that troponin-tropomyosin shifts back over the myosin binding sites on actin and ?
Muscle stops contracting
SF 9) Length-tension relationship
A muscle fiber develops its greatest tension when there is an optimal zone of overlap between thick and thin filaments.
Creatine phosphate
Provides enough energy for maximal contraction for about 15 seconds. Creatine phosphate is stored in muscle and then transfers its high energy phosphate group to ADP to make ATP.
Anaerobic cellular respiration
Provides enough energy for 30-40 seconds and it occurs when O2 is NOT available for aerobic cell respiration.
1) Glucose, from the blood and form the breakdown of glycogen within the muscle, is broken down into pyruvic acid by a process called glycolysis to produce a net of 2 ATP per glucose.
2) If O2 is NOT available, most of the pyruciv acid is broken down into lactic acid and most of this diffuses back into blood to be converted back ito glucose in the liver.
3) this is an anaerobic process since it does NOT require O2.
Aerobic cellular respiration
Provides most of the ATP in muscle activity that lasts longer than 30 seconds.
1) In the presence of o2, the pyretic acid from glycolysis is NOT broken down into lactic acid, but is completely broken down into Co2 and water in mitochondria. Also 36 ATP are produced.
2) ALso fatty acids and amino acids can be broken down.
Structure of a motor unit
A motor unit consist of one somatic motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers that is stimulates.
Function of a motor unit
Since all of the fibers of one motor unit contract and relax together, we can control the strength of a contraction by the number and size of motor units stimulated.
Twitch contraction
A brief contraction f all the muscle fibers in a motor unit in response to one action potential (nerve impulse) form a somatic motor neuron. It involves four phases recorded on amyogram.
Latent Period
Time between application of the stimulus and the beginning of contraction. Ca2+ is being released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and filaments start to exert tension as slack is being removed from elastic components. First phase of twitch contraction.
Contraction period
Fibers shorten. Phase two of the twitch contraction.
Relaxation period
Ca2+ is actively pumped back into sarcoplasmic reticulum. Phase three of twitch contraction.
Refractory period
The time following a stimulus during a fiber cannot respond to another stimulus. fourth and last phase of twitch contraction.
Frequency of stimulation
The number of nerve imposes arriving at the NMJ per second and is the main factor that determines a muscle fiber's tension.
Wave summation
If subsequent stimuli arrive before a muscle fiber has finished relaxing, then they will produce a stronger contraction.
A sustained contraction.
1) Fused (complete) tetanus: shows no discernible twitches.
2) UNfused (incomplete) tetanus: shows discernible twitches,
Motor unit recruitment
The process in which the number of motor units activated increases. It helps produce smooth fine movements. Also if some units are activated and some are not this allows units to rest between contractions.
Size of motor units activated
The larger the motor unit that is activated, the stronger the contraction. But smaller units can give more precise movements.
Muscle tone
Small amount of tension in muscle due to weak, involuntary contractions. When this is lost, the muscle become flaccid.
Isomeric contraction
Muscle does not shorten, but develops tension.
isotonic contraction
Tension stays almost constant while muscle shortens to move a load.
Slow oxidative fibers (SO)
1) ATP is generated especially aerobically.
2) Contain many mitochondria and lots of myoglobin and have many blood capillaries.
3) Split ATP slowly and are very resistant to fatigue. Ex: in neck muscles to hold up the head.
Fast ocidative-glycolitic fibers (FOG):
1) ATP is generated especially aerobically but also by anaerobic cell respiration (glycolysis).
2) ALso contain many mitochondria, blood capillaries and contain lots of myoglobin.
3) Split ATP very rapidly and are moderately resistant to fatigue. Ex: in leg muscles of sprinters.
Fast glycolytic fibers:
1) Generate ATP anaerobically (by glycolysis).
2) Relative few mitochondria, blood capillaries, and have relatively low amounts of myoglobin.
3) Split ATP rapidly but have the lowest resistance to fatigue. Ex: arm muscles.
What are the effects of exercise on different types of skeletal muscle fibers?
A. Endurance exercises cause some fast glycolytic fibers to transform into fast oxidative-glycoytic.
B. Exercise that takes great strength for short periods increases the size and strength of fast glycolytic fibers and thus the size of muscles.
C. Exercise does not change the number of fibers.
Visceral (single unit) smooth muscle tissue
A. Occurs in walls of small arteries, veins, and hollow viscera (organs); the fibers are arranged in a network.
B. An impulse to contract spreads to neighboring cells, which on tract together (as a single unit).
Multiunit smooth muscle tissue
A. It occurs in airways, large artery walls, arrestor pili muscles, and eye muscles that adjust pupil diameter and focus.
B. The fibers operate singly rather than as a unit. (Gives fine precise smooth muscle motor control)
Microscopic anatomy
A. Sarcoplasm of smooth muscle fibers contains both thick and thin filaments with are not organized into orderly sarcomeres.
B. Smooth muscle fibers contain intermediate filaments which are attached to dense bodies.
Functional characteristics of smooth muscle tissue
1) Their contractions start more slowly than in other muscle. They also last longer, which produces smooth muscle tone.
2) SMooth muscle fibers contract in response to autonomic nervous system stimulation, stretching, hormones, or local factors.
3) Smooth muscle fibers can stretch considerably and still maintain their contractile function (stress-relaxation response).
How do skeletal muscle fibers regenerate?
1) Regeneration is limited due to replacement of damaged muscle fibers by fibrous scar tissue (fibrosis).
2) Satellite cells help in regeneration.
How do cardiac muscle fibers regenerate?
1) Lacks satellite cells and therefore has low regeneration capability.
2) Stem cells may migrate from blood to form new muscle fibers.
How do smooth muscle fibers regenerate?
1) Has the greatest power of regeneration of all muscle types.
2) Some smooth muscle retains the capacity to divide.
3) Also there are some stem cells (pericytes) that can form new smooth muscle.
Development of muscles
A. Muscle fibers of the iris in the eye and the arrestor pili muscles develop from ectoderm.
B. All other muscles develop from mesoderm. Most skeletal muscles develop from mesoderm of somites in the embryo.
How does aging affect skeletal muscle tissue?
A. Loss of muscle mass, replaced by fibrous C.T. and fat.
B. Decrease in maximal strength.
C. Muscle reflexes slow down.
D. Loss of flexibility.
E. Percentage of fibers that are the slow oxidative apparently increases.
Muscular dystrophy
AN inherited desease characterized by degeneration of muscle fibers leading to atrophy of skeletal muscle. The gene that codes for dystrophin is mutated.
Myasthenia gravis
A weakness of skeletal muscles caused by a partial blockage of impulse transmission at the neuromuscular junction. An autoimmune disease most often affects the face and neck with difficulty in swallowing and double vision. Seventy five % are associate with a tumor or hyperplasia of the thymus.
Affects fibrous C.T. of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Gentle pressure at "tender points" produces pain. Also severe fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, and depression may occur.
A sudden involuntary contraction in a single muscle in a large group of muscles.
A painful spasm
A spasmodic, involuntary twitching of muscles under voluntary control.
A rhythmic involuntary contraction of opposing muscle groups.
Involuntary brief twitch of a motor unit visible under the skin.
Involuntary twitches of a single muscle fiber but is not visible under the skin. It can be recorded by electromyography.
Pain in or associated with muscles.
Pathological softening of muscle tissue.
Inflammation of muscle fibers (cells).
Increase muscular excitability and contractibility with decrease power of relaxation; tonic spasm of a muscle.
Volkmann's contracture
Permanent shortening (contracture) and lack of extensibility of a muscle due to replacement of destroyed muscle fibers by fibrous connective tissue. Usually occur if a bandage or cast is on too tight (typically forearm flexors).