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153 Cards in this Set

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Name the 3 types of muscle tissue.

Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth muscle tissue.


What are the common properties of muscle tissue?

1.) Excitability (responsiveness); 2.) Contractility (ability of cells to shorten); 3.) Extensibility (stretching); 4.) Elasticity (recoil)

Excited Elastagirl Extends and Contracts

Name the 6 functions of skeletal muscle?

Producing movement; Maintaining posture and body position; Supporting soft tissues; Guarding body entrances and exits; Maintaining body temperature; and Storing Nutrients

Think about what skeletal muscles do in your body.

What do skeletal muscles contain?

Skeletal muscle tissue (primarily); Connective tissues; Blood vessels; Nerves

Name the 3 layers of connective tissue that skeletal muscles have.

Epimysium, Perimysium, and Endomysium

Epi, Peri, Endo

Describe epimysium.

Layer of collagen fibers that surrounds the muscle; connected to deep fascia; separates muscle from surrounding tissues

Describe perimysium.

Surrounds muscle fiber bundles (fascicles); contains: collagen fibers, elastic fibers, blood vessels, nerves

Describe endomysium.

Surrounds individual muscle cells (muscle fibers); contains: capillary networks, myosatellite cells (stem cells) that repair damage, nerve fibers

Collagen fibers of epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium come together at the ends of muscles to form _______.

A tendon (bundle) or aponerosis (sheet)

Collagen fibers of epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium come together to attach _______ to _______.

Skeletal muscles; bones

Skeletal muscles _____ only when _____ by the central nervous system.

Contract; stimulated

Are skeletal muscles voluntary or involuntary?


What is being described below?

_____ are enormous compared to other cells; contain hundreds of nuclei (multinucleate); develop by fusion of embryonic cells (myoblasts); also known as striated muscle cells due to striations

Skeletal muscle fibers (the cells)

What is being described below?

Plasma membrane of a muscle fiber; surrounds the sarcoplasm (cytoplasm of a muscle fiber); a sudden change in membrane potential initiates a contraction


What is the sarcoplasm?

Cytoplasm of a muscle fiber

What is described below?

Tubes that extend from the surface of muscle fiber deep into sarcoplasm; transmit action potential from sarcolemma into cell interior

Transverse tubules (T tubules)

What is being described below?

A tubular network surrounding each myofibril; similar to smooth endoplasmic reticulum; forms chambers (terminal cisternae) that attach to T tubules [two terminal cisternae plus a T tubule forms a triad];

specialized for storage and release of calcium ions [ions are actively transported from cytosol into terminal cisternae]

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

What is being described below?

Lengthwise fibrils packed within a muscle fiber; responsible for muscle contraction; made of bundles of protein filaments (myofilaments); two types of myofilaments (thin filaments and thick filaments)


What are the two types of myofilaments?

Thick and thin filaments

Thin filaments are composed primarily of _____.


Thick filaments are primarily composed of _____.


What is being described below?

Smallest functional units of muscle fiber; interactions between filaments produce contraction; arrangement of filaments accounts for striated pattern of myofibrils (Dark and light bands)


What are the two types of myofibril bands and describe which is light and which is dark?.

Dark bands = A bands; light bands = I bands

What is found in the A band (dark band)?

M line, H band, and Zone of overlap

In center of A band: proteins stabilize positions of thick filaments

M line

On either side of M line; has thick filaments but no thin filaments

H band

Dark region; where thick and thin filaments overlap

Zone of overlap

What is found in the I band (light band)?

Thin filaments, Z discs, and titin

Contains thin but no thick filaments

I band (light band)

Bisects I bands; marks boundaries between adjacent sarcomeres

Z discs

Elastic protein; extends from tips of thick filaments to the Z line; keeps filaments in proper alignment; aids in restoring resting sarcomere length


What do thin filaments contain?

F-actin, nebulin, tropomyosin, and troponin proteins

Twisted strand composed of two rows of globular G-actin molecules; active sites on G-actin bind to myosin

Filamentous actin (F-actin)

Holds F-actin strand together


Covers active sites on G-actin; prevents actin-myosin interaction



A globular protein; binds with tropomyosin, G-actin, and Ca2+



Each contains about 300 myosin molecules

Thick filaments

Each myosin molecule consists of a _____ and a _____.

Tail: binds to other myosin molecules; head: made of two globular protein subunits (projects toward nearest thin filament, can bind to actin)

Core of titin recoils after stretching

Thick filaments

What happens in the sliding-filament theory, during a contraction?

1. H bands and I bands narrow 2. Zones of overlap widen 3. Z lines move closer together 4. Width of A band remains constant

Thus, thin filaments must slide toward center of sarcomere

Are found in skeletal muscle fibers and neurons; depolarization and repolarization events produce action potentials (electrical impulses)

Excitable membranes

What are action potentials?

Electrical impulses

Skeletal muscle fibers contract due to stimulation by _____.

Motor neurons

Describe the contraction cycle.

1. Contraction cycle begins 2. Active-site exposure 3. Cross-bridge formation (myosin binds to actin) 4. Myosin head pivoting (power stroke) 5. Cross-bridge detachment 6. Myosin reactivation

Describe the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).

Synapse between a neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber; axon terminal of the motor neuron releases a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft (the neurotransmitter is acetylcholine (ACh)); ACh binds to and opens a chemically gated Na+ channel on the muscle fiber (Na+ enters cell and depolarizes motor end plate; an action potential is generated)

Describe excitation-contraction coupling.

Action potential travels down T tubules to triads (Ca2+ is released from terminal cisternae of SR); Ca2+ binds to troponin and changes its shape; troponin-tropomyosin complex changes position (exposes active sites on thin filaments); contractiom cycle is initiated

Describe generation of muscle tension.

When muscle cells contract, they produce tension (pull); to produce movement, tension must overcome the load (resistance); the entire muscle shortens at the same rate (because all sarcomeres contract together; speed of shortening depends on cycling rate (number of power strokes per second))

Generation of muscle tension

Duration of a contraction depends on _____ , _____ , and _____.

Duration of neural stimulus, presence of free calcium ions in cytosol, and availability of ATP.

As Ca2+ is pumped back into SR and Ca2+ concentration in cytosol falls...

1. Ca2+ detaches from troponin 2. Tropinin returns to original position 3. Active sites are re-covered by tropomyosin and the contraction ends

Describe rigor mortis.

Fixed muscular contraction after death; results when ATP runs out and ion pumps cease to function and calcium ions build up in cytosol

The number of contracting sarcomeres in a muscle fiber is fixed so,

A muscle fiber is either producing tension or relaxed

The amount of tensiom produced depends on what 3 things?

Number of power strokes performed, fiber's resting length at time of stimulation, and freqency of stimulation

A single neural stimulation priduces a single contraction, or twitch lasts _______ msec.

7-100 msec

Sustained muscular contractions require _____.

Many repeated stimuli

A graph showing tension development in muscle fibers


A single twitch has 3 phases. What are they?

Latent period, contraction phase, and relaxation phase

Action potential moves across sarcolemma; SR releases Ca2+

Latent period

Calcium ions bind to troponin and cross-bridges form; tension builds to a peak

Contraction phase

Ca2+ levels in cytosol fall; cross-bridge detach and tension decreases

Relaxation phase

A stair-step increase in tension


Which muscle are treppes usually seen in?

Cardiac muscle

Increasing tension due to summation of twitches

Wave summation

Caused by repeated stimulations immediately after relaxation phase; stimulus <50/second; produces a series of cobtractions with increasing tension


Cause by repeated stimulations before the end of relaxation phase; stimulus frequency >50/second

Wave summation

_____ is maximun tension.


Muscle produces near-maximum tension; caused by rapid cycles of contraction and relaxation

Imcomplete tetanus

Higher stimulation frequency eliminates relaxation phase; muscle is in continuous contraction; all potential cross-bridges form

Complete tetanus

Tension production by skeletal muscles depends on the ______.

Number of stimulated muscle fibers

A _____ is a motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it controls

Motor unit

May contain a few muscle fibers or thousands (precise movement vs. Strength); all fibers in a ______ contract at the same time

Motor unit

Involunary "muscle twitch"; unlike a true twitch, it involves more than one muscle fiber


Increase in the number of active motor units; produces smooth, steady increase in tension


______ is achieved when all motor units reach complete tetanus (can be sustained for a very short time)

Maximum tension

Produceess than maximum tension; motor units are allowed to rest in rotation

Sustained contractions

The normal tension and firmness of a muscle at rest

Muscle tone

Without causing movement, motor units actively...

Amstabilize positions of bones and joints and maintain balance and posture

Muscle tone keeps the muscles ready to _____.


Elevated muscle tone increases resting ______.

Energy consumption

_____ are classified based on their pattern of tension production


2 types of muscle contractions

Isotonic and isometric

Skeletal muscle changes length; resulting in motion

Isotonic contractions

Muscle tension > load (resistance); muscle shortens

Isotonic concentric contraction

Muscle tension < load; muscle elongates

Isotonic eccentric contraction

Are inversely related; the heavier the load, the longer it takes for movement to begin; tension must exceed the load before shortening can occur

Load and speed contraction

Elastic forces: tendons recoil after a contraction; helps return muscle fibers to resting length

Opposing muscle contractions: opposing muscles return a muscle to resting length quickly

Gravity: assists opposing muscles

Muscle relaxation and the return to resting length

_____ is the only energy source used directly for muscle contraction

ATP-adenosine triphosphate

Contracting muscles use a lot of _____.

Muscles store enough _____ to start a contraction.

More _____ must be generated to sustain a concentration.


They are all the same answer.

Skeletal muscle fibers produce more ATP than needed when _____.

At rest

ATP transfers energy to _____


Used to store energy and convert ADP back to ATP

Creatine phosphate (CP)

Catalyzes the conversion of ADP to ATP using energy stored in CP

Enzyme creatine kinase (CK)

When CP is used up, otjer mechanisms are used to generate _____.


Direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine phosphate (CP)

Anaerobic metabolism (glycolysis) - lactic acid fermentation

Aerobic metabolism (critic acid cycle and electron transport chain)

How ATP is generated

Anaerobic process

Important energy source for peak muscular activity

Breaks down glucose from glycogen stored in skeletal muscles

Produces two ATP per molecules of glucose


Primary energy source of resting muscles

Breaks down fatty acids

Aerobic metabolism

Skeletal muscles at rest metabolize fatty acids and store glycogen and CP

During moderate activity, muscles generate ATP through aerobic breakdown of glucose, primarily

At peak activity, pyruvate produced via glycolysis is coverted to lactate

Muscle metabolism: 3 major mechanisms

The time required after exertion for muscles to return to normal

Recovery period

Lactate is transferred from muscles to the liver

Liver converts lactate to pyruvate

Most pyruvate molecules are converted to glucose

Glucose is used to rebuild glycogen reserves in muscle cells

Lactate removal and recycling (Cori cycle)

Oxygen Debt

After exercise or other exertion the body needs more _____ that usual to normalize metabolic activities

Breating rate and depth are increased


Active skeletal muscles produce heat; release up to 85 percent of the heat needed to maintain normal body temperature

Heat production and loss

What hormones increase metabolic activities in skeletal muscles?

Growth hormones, testosterone, thyroid hormones, and epinephrine

Muscle Performance

The maximum amount of tension produced


Muscle Performance

The amount of time an activity can be sustained


Muscle Performance

Force and endurance depend on the types of _____ and _____.

Muscle fibers; physical conditioning

What are the 3 types of skeletal muscle fibers?

Fast fibers, slow fibers, and intermediate fibers

What is described below?

Majority of skeleyal muscle fibers

Contract very easily

Large diameter; large glycogen reserves; few mitochondria; produce contractions, but fatigue quickly

Fast fibers

What is described below?

Slow to contract and slow to fatigue

Small diameter; numerous mitovhondria; high oxygen supply from extensive capillary network; contain myoglobin (red pigment that binds oxygen)

Slow fibers

Are midsized; little myoglobin; slower to fatigue than fast fibers

Intermediate fibers

Mostly fast fibers; pale (e.g., chicken breast)

White muscles

Mostly slow fibers; dark (e.g., chicken legs)

Red muscles

Contain a mixture of fiber types and are pink

Most human muscles

Muscle growth from heavy training that causes increases in:

Diameter of muscles fibers, number of myofibrils, number of mitochondria, and glycogen reserves

Muscle hypertrophy

Reduction of muscle size, tone, and power due to lack of activity

Muscle atrophy

Describe some changes in muscle tissue as get older in age.

Skeletal muscle fibers become smaller; skeletal muscles become less elastic (fibrosis - increase in fibrous connective tissue); tolerance for exercises decreases; ability to recover from muscular injuries decreases

When muscles can longer perform at a required level, a person is experiencing _____.

Muscle fatigue

Muscle fatigue is correlated with _____ depletion of metabolic reserves; _____ to sarcolemma and sarcoolasmic reticulum; ____ in pH, which affects calcium ion binding and alters enzyme activities; _____ due to low blood pH and pain

Depletion; damage; decline; weariness

Almost all _____ muscles attach to bones


Fixed point of attachment of a miscle to bone is the _____.


Movable point of attachment is the _____.


Origin is usually _____ to insertion.


Movements produced by muscle contraction


Describe muscle interactions.

Muscles work im groups to maximize efficiency

Smaller muscles reach maximum tension first, followed by larger, primary muscles

What 4 termz refer to how muscles wotk together?

Agonist, antagonist, synergist, and fixator

Mostly responsible for producing a particular movement

Agonist (prime mover)

Opposes movement of a particular agonist


A maller muscle that assists a larger agonist


A synergist that assists an agonist by preventing movement at another joint


Explain how agonists and antagonists work in pairs and give two examples.

When one contracts, the other stretches



Which systems support the muscular system?

Cardiovascular, respiratory, intehumentary, nervous and endocrine systems

How does the cardiovascular system support the muscular system?

Delivers oxygen and nutrients

Removes carbon dioxide

How does the respiratory system support the muscular system?

Responds to oxygen demand of muscles

How does the integumentary system support the muscular system?

Disperses heat from muscle activity

How do the nervous and endocrine systems support the muscular system?

Direct responses of all systems

Found only in the heart; have excitable membranes; striated like skeletal muscle cells

Cardiac muscle cells

Name 6 characteristics about the cardiac muscle cells.

1. They are small 2. Typically branched with a single nucleus 3. Have short, wife T tubules (no triads) 4. Have SR with no terminal cisternae 5. Are almost totally dependent on aerobic metabolism (contain lots of myoglobin, many mitochondria) 6. Contact each other via interecalated discs

Specialized connections; join sarcolemmas of adjacent carfiac muscle cells by gap junctions and desmosomes

Intercalated discs

Describe the functions of the intercalated discs.

Stabilize positions of adjacent cells; maintaining three-dimensional structure of tissue; allowing ions to move from one cell to another (so cardiac muscle cells beat in rhythm

Automaticity (auto-rhythmic)

Contraction without neutral stimulation

Controlled by pacemaker cells

Functional characteristic of cardiac muscle

Nervous system can alter pace and tension of contractions

Functional characteristic of cardiac muscle

Contractions last 10 times longer than those in skeletal muscle, and refactory periods are longer

Funtional characteristic of cardiac muscle

Wave summation and tetanic contractions are prevented due to special properties of the sarcolemma

Functional characteristic of cardiac muscle

What systems do smooth muscle tissues have a role in?

Integumentary, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems

What role does smooth muscle tissue play in the integumentary system?

Arrector pili muscles erect hairs

What role does smooth muscle tissue play in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems?

Regulates blood pressure and airflow

What role does smooth muscle tissue play in the digestive and urinary systems?

Forms sphincters and moves materials along and out of the body

What role does smooth muscle tissue play in the reproductive system?

Transports gametes and expels fetus

What muscle type do these structural characteristics describe?

Long, slender, spindle-shaped cells; single, central nucleus; no T tubules, myofibrils, or sarcomeres; nonstriated muscle; scattered thick filaments with many myosin heads; thin filaments attached to dense bodies; dense bodies connect adjacent cells, transmitting contractions; no tendons or aponeuroses

Smooth muscle

Name some functional charcacteristics of smooth muscle tissue.

Excitation-contractiom coupling

Length-tension relationships

Control of contractions

Smooth muscle tone

What is being described below?

Free Ca2+ in cytoplasm triggers contraction; Ca2+ binds with calmodulin: activates myosin light chain kinase, allows myosin heads to attach to actin

Excitation-contraction coupling

What is being described below?

Due to the lack of sarcommeres, tensiom and resting length are not directly related; even a stretched smooth muscle can contract: plasticity - the ability to function over a wide range of lengths

Length-tension relationships

What is being described?

Multiunit smooth muscle cells: innervated in motor units, each cell may be connected to more than one motor neuron

Control of contractions

What is being described?

Visceral smooth muscle cells: not connected to motor neurons, arranged in sheets or layers, rhythmic cycles of activity are controlled by pacesetter cells

Control of contractions

Normal background level of activity; can be decreased by neural, hormonal, or chemical factors

Smooth muscle tone