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30 Cards in this Set

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first student of government


examples of states according to text book definition

Any Country-United States

a polticial community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized government with the power to make and enfore laws without approval from any higher authority


4 essential features of government

1. population

2. territory

3. sovereignty

4. government

power divided between state and federal government

Federal System

all powers given to federal government

Unitary System

plan that provides rules for country


statement sets forth goals


system of gov't where king, queen, or emperor rule


nations with large industries

developed countries

system of government in which power is in the hands of one individual leader


free enterprise combined with and supported by government decisions

mixed market

rule by few people


system of gov't in which rule is by the people


people govern themselves by voting on direct issue

Direct Democracy

human efforts to satisfy seemingly unlimited wants through limited resources


what type economy do communist countries have


power comes from God

divine right theory

theory that by contract people surrender to the state power maintain by others

social contract theory

government emerged when all people of an area were brought under the authority of one person or group

force theory

theory originated from the primitive family dating back to Abraham and his descendants

Evolutionary theory

father of communism

Karl Marx

4 Purposes of Gov't

1. Maintain social order

2. providing social service

3. providing national security

4. Making economic decisions

3 purposes of a constitution

1. set out ideals that the people bound by the constitution believe in share

2. est. basic structure of gov't defires gov't powers and duties

3. provides supreme law for the country

how are devoloping nations interdependent with industralized nations

they recieved aid from industrialized countries-medical,military,monetary etc

gov't might provide nation security

protecting people from outside attacks- terrorism

public services a govt will provide

police, FBI, department of homeland security

problems may exist in countries that have unwritten constitution

unorganized and can easily be changed

marx believe would happen in a true communist economy

one class would evolve, property would be held in common

role of govt in a laissez-faire economic system

leave it alone except in cases of monopoly