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31 Cards in this Set

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a localized collection of pus a combination of body fluids and dead cells that results from an immune response to infection.


Microscopic liquid or solid particles or microbes suspended or dispersed in a find mist or gas.


Any agent which prevents or delays the coagulation aka clotting of blood

Bubonic plague

And a cute, deadly, infectious disease also known as the Black death in the middle ages caused by yersinia pestis carried and spread by infected rodents in characterized by swollen lymph nodes that become hemorrhagic that section infection becomes systemic resulting in severe bacterial pneumonia with violent coughs.


Tapeworms intestinal parasites.


types of organisms which develop a relationship in which one organism is benefited but the other is neither harmed nor benefits from the relationship.


Disease states which coexist or simultaneously with a primary or other concidental disease.

Contractile vacuoles

cavities in the cytoplasm of the cell that collect and expel the water that has entered the cell by osmosis to keep cells from lysing.


a closed pouch or sac what the wall that contains fluid or other material may be a congenital abnormality or reaction to the infection process.


The condition of being infested or infected with one or more cysticerus larvae of teania solium which may infest any soft tissues of the body most common parasitic central nervous system infection, not resulting in episodes of seizures and hydrocephalus.


Removal of water, excess loss of body fluids with reduction of electrolytes, process of becoming dry.


broad name for multiple viral bacterial or parasitic gastrointestinal infections characterized by inflammation of the intestinal mucosal tissues


Inflammation of the brain parenchyma often caused by virus


Parasites such as a lice or ticks that reside outside of the body and cause infestation.

Erythrocytic schizogony

P the stage in the life cycle of a parasitic plasmodium species cause of malaria in which the parasite invades urethral sites and undergoes a sexual multiplication by means of multiple nuclear divisions which form progeny called merozoites that eventually cause their urethra site to rupture spreading into the merozoites bloodstream.


Protective hard outer covering of some invertebrates such as arthropods invertebrates such as turtles.


Chronic condition common in tropical countries caused by any of the filarial parasites which affect humans which cause lymph node swelling in may result in elephantitis and hydrocele formation.


term for various species of tiny Marine crustacean found in all ocean environments which are important food source for whales and other marine.


Serious fluid accumulation in the tunica vaginalis testis creating a sac-like cavity and causing swollen swelling of the scrotum.


Body system that includes all structures that transport lymph fluid from tissues to blood stream.


inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestines, ocean syndrome is characterized by number of symptoms to include anorexia weight loss of domino pain bone pain in steatorrhea.


the stage in Ora's Owen development in which, after fertilization, a zygote is produced that develops and enclosing cyst wall malarial parasites are often detected in the stomachs of infected mosquitos.


taking advantage of a given circumstance, common microbes may become opportunistic pathogens which cause infections and individuals whose immune systems are defective or compromised and unable to defend against invasion of those with normal immune systems might be able to do.


A semi-rigid, thin film that surrounds flagellants and provides a more definitive shape.


the involuntary rhythmic movement of smooth muscles of tubular structures of the body as in the manner by which food is pushed through the digestive tract are urine through the ureters.


In anatomical region Chandler mouth of the flagellants in ciliates that assist in the digestion of food.


Genus of the family bumyabirdia transmitted by arthropod vectors and causes sandfly fever and rift valley fever


Arthropod insects such as bees and butterflies which carryout plant fertilization by carrying a fallen from the plant to plant.


New organism that lives within an organism of a different species both are symbionts.


What worm is commonly known as flukes a class of within the phylum platyhelminthes.


An insect arthropod, animal, or other organism that carries pathogens in and affects other organisms.