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35 Cards in this Set

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A scraping or rubbing away of skin or mucous membrane as a result of friction to the area is called an abrasion.

Abscess is a localized collection of pus in any part of the body.

Acne vulgaris is a common inflammatory disorder seen on the face, chest, back, and neck.

Actinic keratosis is a premalignant, gray or red-to-brown, hardened lesion caused by excessive exposure to sunlight. AKA solar keratosis.

Adipofibroma is a fibrous neoplasm of the connective tissue with fatty components.

Albinism is a condition characterized by absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes.

Alopecia is a partial or complete loss of hair.

Amputation is the surgical removal of a part of the body or a limb or a part of a limb.

Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant epithelial cell tumor that begins as a slightly elevated nodule with a depression or ulceration in the center that becomes more obvious as the tumor grows.

Basal layer is the deepest of the five layers of the epidermis.

Pruritus is itching. Itching also known as pruritus.

Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by nonpignented white patches of skin of varying sizes that are surrounded by skin with normal pigmentation..vitiligo

Sudoriferous gland is a sweat gland. Sudoriferous gland is a sweat gland.

Onycholysis is the separation of a fingernail from its bed, beginning at the free margin. Onycholysis.

Keratin is a hard, fibrous protein that is found in the epidermis, hair, nails, enamel of the teeth and the horns of animals. Keratin.

Hirsutism is excessive body hair occuring in women.

Erythema is redness of the skin due to capillary dilatation. Erythema.

Exfoliation is peeling or slouching off of tissue cells.

Ecchymosis is a bruise or black-and-blue mark. Ecchymosis.

Cellulitis is a diffuse, acute infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue; characterized by localized heat, deep redness, pain, and swelling.

The abbreviation for biopsy is B x .

The abbreviation for decubitus ulcer; bedsore is Decub.

T E N S is the abbreviation for transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation.

P P D is the abbreviation for purified protein derivative.

F A N A is the abbreviation for fluorescent antinuclear antibody.

F S is the abbreviation for frozen section.

I D is the abbreviation for intradermal.

S L E is the abbreviation for systemic lupus erythematosus.

P S S is the abbreviation for progressive systemic scleroderma.

U N G is the abbreviation for ointment.

Gangrene is death of tissue/ no blood supply.

Hardening of the skin is called scleroderma.

Infestation with lice is called pediculosis.

Psoriasis is hyperkeratosis of the skin cells.

Scabies is an infestation with the itch mite.

Kaposissarcoma is a malignant lesion, associated with aids.

Tiweacorporis is ringworm of the body.

Albinism is the absence of melanin in skin.

Herpeszoster is painful vesicles. (shingles).

Pemphigus are painfull blisters with a musty odor.


Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin.

Cyanosis is a condition of bluish discoloration.

The layer of skin immediately beneath the epidermis is dermis or corium.

Abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells is erythremia.

A benign tumor consisting of a mass of blood vessels is a hemangioma.

A large cell that ingests microorganisms, other cells, and foreign particles in the blood vessels is a macrophage.

Onychocryptosis is a condition of a hidden toenail. Ingrown toenail.

Chronic skin condition characterized by roughness and dryness is xeroderma.

A common noninfectious chronic disorder of the skin manifested by silvery white scales over round raised reddened plaques producing pruritus is psoriasis.

Impetigo is a contagious superficial skin infection characterized by serous vesicles and pustules filled with millions of staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria usually forming on the face. Impetigo

Cryosurgery is a noninvasive treatment for nonmelanoma skin cancer using liquid nitrogen, which freezes the tissue. Cryosurgery

Hyperkeratosis is an overgrowth of the horny layer of the epidermis.

Eczema is an acute or chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by Erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales,crusts, or scabs.

Pediculosisis is a highly contagious parasitic infestation caused by blood sucking lice. Pediculosis.

Leukoplakia is white, hard, thickened patches firmly attached to the mucous membrane in areas such as the mouth, vulva, or penis. Leukoplakia.

Melanoma is darkly pigmented cancerous tumor.

The substance that is released in an allergic inflammatory reaction is histamine.

Partial or complete hair loss is alopecia.

Confined to a limited space or well defined area is circumscribed.

The protein substance that forms the glistening inelastic fibers of connective tissue such as tendons, ligaments and fascia is collagen.

Ear wax is called cerumen.

The crescent shaped pale area at the base of the fingernail or toenail is called lanula.

The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis.

The abnormal passageway between two tubular organs or from an organ to the body surface is a fistula.

A blister is a small thin walled skin lesion containing clear fluid. Vesicle

A contusion is an injury to a part of the body without a break in the skin.

A fissure is a crack like sore or groove in the skin or mucous membrane.

A facile is a small, flat discoloration of the skin that is neither raised nor depressed; examples bruises, freckles, some rashes.

A papule is a small, solid, circumscribed elevation on the skin. Examples pimple or wart

Petechia is a small pinpoint hemorrhages of the skin