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13 Cards in this Set

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-Composed of keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium

-thick skin: five distinct layers, only found on palms/fingers, has sweat glands but no hair follicles or sebaceous glands

-thin skin: four distinct layer, found everywhere else, has sweat glands hair follicles and sebaceous glands

Layers of the Epidermis

Stratum corneum- dead keratinocytes as layers of keratin and glycolipids

Stratum granulosum- keratinocytes adhered by desmosomes producing keratin and glycolipids

Stratum spinosum- keratinocytes dying as they rise too far from diffused nutrients

Stratum basale- mitosing basal cells, keratinocytes, melanocytes, and merkel cells

Cells of the Epidermis


>undergo mitosis in stratum basale to create all layers

>Synthesize keratin for toughness and glycolipids for water proofing

>Pick up melanin granules


>only in stratum basale

>synthesize pigment melanin that absorbs UVR to protect DNA in mitosing cells>branched processes deliver melanin to keratinocytes

Merkel cells-

>only in stratum basale

>light touch receptor cells associated with Merkel disc (sensory nerve) in the dermisLangerhan Cells-

>marcrophages originating in bone marrow that guard against pathogens

>found in stratum spinosum

>engulf and kill bacteria with lysosomal enzymes


Consists of two layers-


>areolar loose CT

>dermal papilla push up epidermis creating friction ridges

>blood capillaries diffuse O2 and nutrients into the epidermis

>bare nerve endings sense pain and temperature

>meissners corpuscle senses light touch>merkel discs sits under merkel cell to sense light touch


>dense irregular CT- collagen provides tensile strength to resist pulling, some elastin for elasticity

>becomes leather in tanning process

>site of Pacinian corpuscle which senses deep pressure

>site of skin accessory structures- hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands


>connects skin to underlying bone and muscle >subcutaneous fat- adipose- for shock absorption, thermal insulation, energy storage

Blood vessels in skin

Dermis- blood vessels will dilate as body temp increases for radiant cooling and constrict when cold to minimize heat loss

Hypodermis- blood vessel hold up to 5% of the total blood volume, during bleeding vessels constrict and push blood into the core as an autotransfusion to maintain blood pressure

Skin pigmentation

>melanin is the primary pigment for skin

>two types: eumelanin & pheomelanin>melanin is created by melanocytes which are picked up by keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum

>melanosomes are situated under the apical surface of the keratinocytes and create a blanket effect across the skin

>the melanin absorbs UVR which protects the DNA of mitosing cells in the stratum basale from damage and prevents the breakdown of folic acid needed for DNA synthesis

>excessive UVR exposure damaging DNA predisposes to skin cancer

>all skin has the same number of melanocytes but differs in the amount of melanin production

UVR exposure

Skin cancer types:

Basal cell carcinoma-arises from the stratum basale, does not metastasize

Squamous cell carcinoma- arises from stratum spinosum, may metastasize to lymph nodes

Malignant melanoma- arises from melanocytes, metastasizes early usually to brain, not responsive to most chemotherapies

Vit D synthesis

>UVR is needed in skin for th synthesis of vitamin D

>UVR activates a cholesterol precursor into vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol

>cholecalciferol then goes sequentially to the liver and kidney for the final activation steps

>Vit D is required for calcium absorption from food in the small intestines

Hair/Hair follicle

>the hair follicle grows from the epidermis deep into the reticular layer of the dermis

>the hair is created as a keratin filament by the keratinocytes of the hair matrix located in the hair bulb; melanocytes there deliver pigment for hair

>blood capillaries located in the hair papilla deliver O2 and nutrients to the keratinocytes and melanocytes

>the hair grows upward through the area of the root and when exposed to the surface of the skin is called the hair shaft

>the arrector pili made of smooth muscle under sympathetic nervous system control pulls the hair erect as “goose bumps”

Sebaceous Glands

>Sebaceous glands hang off of a hair follicle and provide oil to lubricate growing hair

>they are holocrine sweat glands where cells produce oil until they burst, releasing oil and cell debris (sebum)

>during puberty androgen hormone causes hair to become thicker and causes the sebaceous gland to increase sebum production as more is needed to lubricate thicker hair

>in hairless follicles found on the face, chest, and back the sebum can become blocked without a hair to pull it out of the follicle, resulting in acne

Eccrine sweat gland

>found all over the skin surface, small in size, ducts empty onto skin surface

>merocrine gland type where sweat is secreted by exocytosis


>evaporative cooling

>acid mantle- vit C and lactic acid in sweat lowers the skin ph to about 3-5 which inhibits bacteria growth

>toxin excretion- heavy metals like mercury and lead can be excreted in sweat to detoxify the body

Apocrine Sweat gland

>found only in axillary and genital regions, ducts empty into nearby hair follicle, huge

>apocrine type sweat gland where sweat is secreted by being pinched off in a bit of cell membrane into the duct

>the proteins and lipids of the cell membrane are used as a diet by bacteria and their waste is what causes odor

>secretes pheromones