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26 Cards in this Set

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at equilibirum
1)there in no______ to net magnetization
2)the Z component is at its _______
-maximum value of Mo
an RF pulse at the larmor frequency causes net magnetizaiton vector to ______
-flip thru the angle
flipping net magnetization from Zaxis reduces ...
Mz and increases Mxy
after an RF pulse
1)that flips net magnetization from Z axis the XY component rotates at the ______
2)the Z component of net magnetization Mz returns back to
-larmor frequency
wat is the smiplest MRI RF pulse sequence
1)equilibirum followed by a ______ to equilibrium w emission of an RF sognal
in MRI, wat does the frequency of precession depend on
1)type of ________ of the external magnetic field
2)all precess about themagnetic field are out of phase isnt a net magnetic field in the ______
-nucleus and intensity
- XY plane
individual magnetizations sum to net magnetization parallel to the direction of the ______
-external magnetic field
at equilibrium there is no signal received from the pt because the net magnetization vector (M) points only in the ______
-Z direction (Mz)
for a signal to be received from a pt
1)magnetization vector must be rotated from the _____ so that it has some nonzero component in the XY plane
-Z axis
If the RF is not at the larmor frequency
1) the nuclei doesnt ______, and net magnetization is not rotated
-absorb energy
larmor frequency corresponds to the _______ in the RF range
-electromagnetic radition
number of aligned nuclei depend on _______ of the magnetization field
1)wat controls how fast the nuclei rotate into the plane _______
2)wat controls how far the nuclei will rotate in the XY plane the _______
-strength of the RF pulse
-duration of the RF pulse
1)hard pulses _______
2)soft pulses _______
-strong, short pulses
-weaker longer pulses
1)180 RF pulse rotates the net magnetization vector from
2)90 degree pulse rotates the net magnetization vector from
-equilibrium to Z axis
-equilibrium on to the XY plane
spins are saturated after a 90 degree RF pulse so that
name 2 ways a 90 degree magnetization vector can be achieved
by hard or soft pulses
1)the decreasing of Mxy is called
2)the increasing of Mz is called
-T2 (transverse relaxation)
-T1 (longitudinal relaxation)
the increaing of Mz is called
T1(longitudinal relaxation)
1)flip angle how far the net magnetization has _____
the net magnetization field partially saturated
1) wen Mz is _____ than Mo
2)Mxy is no longer _____
explain how after excitation RF pulse the magnetization vector is made up of 2 independent process
1)-the XY component precess at the ______ and it shrinks onto until it disappears
2)the Z component gradually grows until it reaches its maximum value at _______
-larmor frequency
wat is the primary signal that the receiving coil senses is the ________ which represents the decreasing MR signal
free induction decay
the FID oscillates a wat frequency
larmor frequency
wat about the amplitude and shape of FID pulse
1)the amplitude is oftenn equaled to and always ________
2)the equilibrium value,therefore it depends on ________
-dependent on Mo
-PD(photon density), λ, Bo
RT (repetition time)
1)______ signal
2)represented as a series of ovals w a label above which indicates whether the net magnetization angle is induces is 90 180 degree or other _______
-partially saturated angle