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41 Cards in this Set

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Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
A neurotrophin that attracts the growing axons of the sympathetic nervous system and promotes their survival
Neural Crest
The structure that is formed by cells breaking off from the neural groove during the formation of the neural tube and develops into the PNS.
A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a reduced ability to interpret the emotions and intentions of others, a reduced capacity for social interaction and communication and a preoccupation with a single subject or activity.
The tendency of developing axons to grow along the paths established y preceding axons.
Permissive experiences
Particular experiences that are necessary for a particular genetic program to be manifested.
Williams Syndrome
A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by severe mental retardation, accompanied by preserved language and social skills.
Mesoderm layer
The middle layer of the 3 cell layers in the developing embryo.
Cell-adhesion molecules (CAMS)
Molecules on the surface of cells that have the ability to recognize specific molecules on the surface of other cells and to bind them.
Critical period
A period during development in which a particular experience must occur for it to influence the course of subsequent development.
Radial glial cells
Glial cells that exist in the neural tube only during a period of neural migration, and that form a network along which radial migration occurs.
Inside-out pattern
The pattern of cortical development by which orderly waves of tangential migrations progress systematically from deeper to more superficial layers.
ventricular zone
The region adjacent to the ventricle in the developing neural tube; the zone where neural proliferation occurs.
the tendency to continue making a formerly correct response that is currently incorrect.
Pioneer growth cones
The first growth cones to travel along a particular route in the developing nervous system.
Superior temporal gyrus
The large gyrus of the temporal lobe adjacent to the lateral fissure; the location of the auditory cortex.
Neural plate
A small patch of ectodermal tissue on the dorsal surface of the vertebrate embryo, from which the neural groove, the neural tube and ultimately the mature nervous system develop.
Capable of developing into a limited number of types of mature body cells.
Neural proliferation
the rapid increase in the number of neurons that follow s the formation of the neural tube.
Glia-Mediated migration
One of the two major modes of neural migration during development, by which immature neurons move out from the central canal along radial glial cells.
Tangential migration
Movement of cells in the developing tube neural tube in a direction parallel to the tubes walls.
The movement of cells from their site of creation in the ventricular zone of the neural tube to their ultimate location in the mature nervous system.
Optic tectum
The main destination of retinal ganglion cells in lower vertebrates.
Orbitofrontal Cortex
The cortex of the inferior frontal lobes, adjacent to the orbits, which receives olfactory input from the thalamus.
The alignment of cells within different areas of the embryo during development to form various structures.
Somal translocation
One of two major modes of neural migration in which an extension grows out from the underdeveloped neuron and draws the cell body up into it.
Topographic Gradient Hypothesis
The hypothesis that axonal growth is guided by the relative position of the cell bodies on intersecting gradients, rather than by point-to-point coding of neural connections
The growth of new neurons
Growth Cone
Amoeba-like structure at the tip of each growing axon or dendrite that guides growth to the appropriate target.
Chemoaffinity hypothesis
The hypothesis that growing axons are attracted to the correct targets by different chemicals released by the target sites.
Instructive experiences
Particular experiences that influence the direction of a genetic program of development.
Chemicals that are supplied to developing neurons by their targets and promote their survival.
The formation of new synapses.
Passive cell death characterized by inflammation.
Sensitive Period
The period during the development of a particular trait, usually early in life, when a particular experience is likely to change the course of that development.
Capable of developing into any type of mature body cell.
Neural tube
The tube that is formed in the vertebrate embryo when the edges of the neural groove fuse and this develops into the CNS.
Stem cells
Developing cells that have the capacity for self-renewal and the potential to develop into various types of mature cells.
Retinal ganglion cells
Retinal neurons whose axons leave the eyeball and form the optic nerve.
Radial migration
Movement of cells in the developing neural tube from the ventricular zone in a straight line outwards towards the tube's outer wall.
cell death that is actively induced y genetic programs; programmed cell death.
Intellectually handicapped indiviuals who nevertheless display amazing and specific cognitive or artistic abilities; savant abilities are sometimes associated with autism.