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Meta-analysis of 22 American-based studies suggested what percent of girls and boys experience sexual abuse during childhood?

30 to 40% of girls


13% of boys.

International meta-analysis around the world statistic of sex abuse? North America?

In the world it's about 25% for girls and 8% for boys, and North America and ranges from 15 to 22% for both males and females

Define sexual assault in Canada

Any non-consensual sexual act committed by a male or a female against either a male or a female i.e. human, regardless of the relationship between individuals involved

Three levels of sexual assault:

Simple sexual assault;

sexual assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm;

aggravated sexual assault.

Why are there three levels?

Severity of the crime of the length of the maximum sentence are the basis for the division of the offence categories.

Two problems with the three categories?

Simply defined the type of physical action by the sex offender and does not take into account the psychological trauma of the victim

Does not categorize sexual offences that do not involve direct contact with the victim for example voyeurism or child pornography

Age of consent

16 years old, or 18 years old if you're in a position of authority like a teacher student relationship.

In 2008 it changed from 14 to 16, and 1890 it was 12

Define consent

Consert is defined as the voluntary agreement of both parties to engage in sexual activity

criminal code of Canada, 2011

What's an example of an offence in Canada that does not fall under the stereo typical sexual offences category?

Incest, Beastiality

Michael Seto and Yolanda Fernandez 2011 study 419 male sex offenders in Ontario and identified 4 distinct groups based on the scores on the stable 2000

what did they find

Stable 2000 measures and identifies risk of sex offenders

Low needs;

typical group;

sexual deviant; emotional identification with children child molester attitude

pervasive high needs-numerous problems relating to both general and sexual regulation i.e. impulsive

Voyeur it's French for what

One who looks

Define voyeurism

Becoming sexually aroused by secretly spying on others as they diss robe or engage in sexual behaviour

What are the two criteria of. Voyeurism

1. Individual experiences overwhelming fantasies, urges, thoughts and behaviours about observing another individual naked while disrobing or while engaging in sexual behaviour without the individual being aware of being watched for it. Longer than six months i.e. those Japanese guys that go on subways

2. These fantasies thoughts and urges and behaviours cause the voyeur personal distress and interfere with his ability to function normally or that he or she acts on the urge

Review of voyeurism revealed 4 things link to being a voyeur

Being male,

increased psychological problems,

increase issues with drugs and alcohol,

heightened overall level of sexual arousability

Rye and Meaney 2009 study on voyeurism University student participants, what did they find?

They offered university students to watch an attractive person undress and manipulated by the participant was told that he or she would have a zero, 10, or 25% chance of being caught.

Men were more willing to engage in voyeurism if there was no chance of being caught in the act

What age does. Voyeurism usually begin at

15 years old

Who is Erin Andrews

Erin Andrews is that girl that 50 Cent went to go make out with but then she did the hey buddy buddy pat on the shoulder

ESPN TV personality and a host of college game day correspondent of good morning America caught the attention of Michael David Barrett. Barrett became of SAST with Andrews admitted to stocking her for 18 months across three states. Into thousand eight, Barrett followed address to Tennessee where he remove the people from her hotel room door and recorded her and dressing. He also captured footage of Andrews in Wisconsin and then posted both of the videos online. Barrett was arrested by the FBI soon after for stocking and was given 2 1/2 your sentence

Exhibitionism two criteria for diagnosis:

1. Exhibitionist experiences overwhelming thoughts, fantasies, urges and behaviours about him or herself to strangers for it. Longer than six months

2. These fantasies thoughts and behaviours cause him or her personal distress and interferes with his or her ability to function normally order that he has acted on the urge

Characteristics associated with exhibitionism five things

-Being male

-Having more psychological problems

-Lower life satisfaction

-Drug and alcohol problems

-Increased level of masturbation and pornography viewing

What is the most common lawbreaking sexual behavior? What is second?

Voyeurism, exhibitionism

Prevalence rate in Sweden study as well as Canadian study?

3%, 5.4%

What is the most common lawbreaking sexual behavior? What is second?

Voyeurism, exhibitionism

Prevalence rate in Sweden study as well as Canadian study?

3%, 5.4%

What is the highest and most likely re-offender of sexual offenders


Exhibitionists, 57% being arrested again after the original conviction

How was child pornography defined in Canada?

Any visual representation whether it's a photograph or video, audio recording, or written description that the pics a person who is, or is made to appear, under the age of 18 years old engaged and explicit sexual activity.

So something like Dora from pink guy would constitute child pornography

How was child pornography defined in Canada?

Any visual representation whether it's a photograph or video, audio recording, or written description that the pics a person who is, or is made to appear, under the age of 18 years old engaged and explicit sexual activity.

So something like Dora from pink guy would constitute child pornography

Define paedophilia

Characterized by persistent fantasies, urges, thoughts, behaviors, and sexual desire for prepubescent children and a lack of sexual interest and other adults


Sexual interest in adolescence, youth who have not reached adulthood but do you show signs of secondary sexual development like tits

Seto 2006 Study of child pornography and paedophiles found what

Child pornographers have demonstrated greater sexual arousal to children than to adults,

-consuming child pornography was more indicative of paedophilia than actually a molesting a child

Watching child porn= more likely paedophile (desire) than molester (behavior)

What sort of background do child pornographers have?

Majority were...



diverse socio economic background,

full-time employment.

Small number had been convicted of previous sexual offenses.

United States longitudinal study from the year 2000 to 2006, what differences did they find in the type of cp being consumed?

2006 the children were younger, using more peer to peer network's to trade CP collections

Internet lurers two types

Group driven to engage in sexual activity with a child or adolescent off-line

Those driven solely by fantasy and do not make plans to physically victimize the target but attempt to engage in cybersex with him or her


Individuals who meet children or adolescents online, groom them, and then travel some distance to sexually abuse

Dateline NBC Chris Hansen **** driving 500 miles

Characteristics of online sex offenders

Child lurers are often white males,

less likely to be members of a racial minority,


experienced less physical abuse as a child,

and express higher rates of victim empathy vs. sex offenders who do not find the victims online

Do online sexual offenders have mental cognitive problems?

No, fewer

Online versus off-line sex offenders differences

May possess fewer and less severe criminogenic factors versus off-line

More likely to be emotionally identified with the child


Sexually aroused by touching or rubbing against him nonconsenting individual i.e. Japanese subway guys

Frotteurism when does it begin and who does it?

Begins during adolescence more likely among males

Opportunistic rapist

Individuals who sexually assaulted victim during the execution of another crime for example you rob somebody in their home and then you find a woman alone and Raper

Prevalence of female sexual abusers says its unknown, why?

Male victims are less likely to report sexual offence in general and children are even less likely

Individual may think they are not being taken seriously

Close to half of the victims are the children of the female sexual abusers

The male is usually blamed for the crime and the offending female will be considered a victim, as if the young male is fortunate to have had a sexual experience with the experience at all female

South Park

Female sexual abuse situations often occur in a... where

Babysitting situation most likely caring and nurturing role.

Average female sex offender age ranges where

20s or 30s

The most common characteristic self reported by female sex offenders history

History of being a victim of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. 67% reported being the victim of a type of abuse in the past

Most prominent characteristic differentiating female and male sex offenders

Inclusion of a co-offender during the commission of an abuse for example Victoria Martin's 63% of sex offenders that are female do it with another person that is usually male usually their husband or someone with whom they were in a relationship with

Matthews and Speltz 1989 three typologies of female sex offenders

Teacher lover type intergenerational predisposed

male coerced type


Teacher lover type female sex offender,

Believes that she and the student are in love, and that the relationship is a positive and educational experience for the child.

She does not believe that she is committing a criminal act by engaging in sexual behaviour with a student

Characteristics of teacher lover type

Often were not sexually abused as children but were emotionally and physically abused

Likely that the emotional and physical abuse continued into adult relationships.

Feels that the younger male student has more understanding is more loving than adult males

Inter-generational a predispose type

Characterized as a woman who suffered extensive sexual physical or emotional abuse as a child

Often works with a co-perpetrator targets children opportunistically

What's the most common way to categorize child molesters?

Victim type or sexual interest i.e. family or situational versus preferential

Male coerced type

Partakes in sexual abuse in the presence of another male

characterized as a co-dependent woman who often experienced sexual abuse herself during childhood and is now in a dysfunctional relationship with a male who abuses her

Karla Homolka

Example of a male coerced type sex offender who begins doing it on her own independently

She was thought to have been coerced into raping and murdering two teenage girls by her husband Paul Bernardo but in reality she engage in the crimes in the absence of Bernardo

Two subtypes of female sex offenders

Exploration/exploitation subtype and that psychologically disturbed subtype

Exploration and exploitation subtype characterized as a what

Female who does not have a history of sexual physical or emotional abuse

Experience a little or no sexual activity and maybe curious about sex, often occurs in babysitting situation

Nathan and Ward revealed the most pertinent risk factors of recidivism for a female sex offenders are what

History of self harm prior to abuse, and ability to properly express emotions, experiencing feelings of rejection, rage and despair this all applies to any female sex offender regardless of technology

Juvenile sex offender rate

20% of all reported rape and 50% of all reported sexual abuse in the United States holy ****

Who is Russell Williams

Canadian colonel in the military and Air Force who broke into women's houses in order to steal their underwear and eventually progressed to the point where he raped and murdered two women

What's an example of a preferential child molester

Exclusively sexually interested in children

Describe what a situational child molesters

Someone who sexually interested in adults but I'll stand against a child because the opportunity presents itself like a psychopath

Difference between child molester and rapists

Toddlers are generally more interested in sexual aspects of the offence whereas rapist are more motivated by anger and the violence itself.

Molesters generally are more socially inapt and less assertive. Rapist have more severe at the social history and are at a higher rate of a violent recidivism

Hazelwood 1995 typology of rapists

Power reassurance,

power assertive,

anger retaliatory,

anger excitement and


Power assurance rapist

Often feel unsure of their own adequacy and masculinity and use rape to reassure them selves that they are powerful

Power assertive rapist

Does not lacking confidence or feelings of in adequacy but instead sexually salted women to feel dominant a powerful in itself. Likely to be quite macho and his attitude and off in tears the clothing off of the woman

Anger retaliatory rapist

Dislike women in general and use sexual assault as a means to degrade and punish women for their perceived wrong doings. They are unlikely to plan their offense; they simply attack women when feeling angry

I.e. Elliot Rogers ultimate gentleman

Anger excitement rapist

Similar to a sadist and that they derive pleasure and sexual arousal from inflicting pain. They become sexually excited by the fear demonstrated by the victim and often are extremely cruel

Meta-analysis examining anti-socialiality and sexual deviance among adolescents came to three conclusions

1. 53% of juvenile sex offenders in the sample refunded within five years following release

2. Risk factors are similar for adult sex offenders including criminal history and antisocial attitude

3. Juvenile offenders share with adult offenders the risk factor that they themselves were likely the victims of sexual abuse


Paraphilia characteristic of people who become sexually aroused on the infliction of pain or humiliation of another human being

Sexual homicide

Having sex before during or after the commission of a murder.

First major study undertaken on sexual homicides 1898

Psychopathia sexualis

kraft ebing

Langevin 2003 University of Toronto compared sexual murderers too aggressive sex offenders, general sex offenders and sadists finding what? X 5

Found that sexual murders were more likely to engage in criminal acts at a

younger age,

more disturbed as children,

attended reform school,

more likely to be part of a gang,

murders occurred when they were younger I E 30% before the age of 20.

Sexual offenders often have a profound lack of empathy for their victims, but what did bushman 2008 and colleague specify about this type of empathy in relation to sexual abuse victims?

Page 269 they specify that most of the offenders do not actually have pervasive empathy deficits but rather that this deficit specifically relates to their sexual abuse victims and can be explained potentially because they have cognitive distortion's rather than an emotional affect problem

Victim blaming

Occurs when the thunder justifies his or her actions by believing that the victim after a dress so doctorly I was asking to be offended against i.e. cognitive distortion of a sexual offender

Social competence with the opposite sex in relation to sex offenders?

Research has shown that many sex offenders luck hetero social competence I eat a lot necessary skills engage and socially with the opposite sex

Rapist had lower competence the non sex offenders, and child molesters had lower hetero social competence than rapists, incarcerated nine sex offenders, and on sex offenders, pretty much everyone else

Marshall and Marshall 2006 study the Canadian sample of 80 incarcerated offenders, 40 sex offenders and 40 non sex offenders looking at the differences

What did they find

They found out sex offenders were three times more likely to be classified as sex addicts then there non-sex offender counterpart, also more likely to report a preoccupation with sex and having been the victim of child sexual abuse

Meta-analysis revealed that the following risk factors are related to sex offending:

History of sexual abuse,

possessing antisocial personality traits,

difficulty with intimate relationships,

experiencing harsh discipline as a child, and loneliness

Langevin & curnoe studied the brands of sex offenders to investigate whether such individuals have brain damage or abnormalities, what did they find

Study revealed one third of their sample showed cognitive impairment, but that is a permits were not significantly different from the general population

Discovered sex offenders in general were more likely to have:

learning disorders,

low IQ, and

endocrine abnormalities.

So Kevin and Jamie

Specifically they discover that sex offenders who had targeted adults had more alcohol issues and that those who had targeted children had more overall cognitive impairments.

Which factors are associated with an elevated risk of reoffending I am recidivism

Deviant sexual interest

Antisocial orientation such as being impulsive

substance abuse

intimacy deficit

negative family background

internalization of psychological problems

How do you assess risk for a sex offender?

Rest assessments are actuarial scale used to measure an offender's risk factors

Hanson 1998 breaks down risk factors into three categories;☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

Stable risk factors, stable dynamic, acute dynamic risk factors

Stable risk factors

Factors that are historical and cannot change for example childhood abuse

Stable dynamic risk factor

Behavioural and personality traits that are constant overtime but are able to be changed or readjusted for example sexual preference is amenable to change

Acute dynamic risk factors

Factors that can change rapidly and are easily readjusted with an intervention and treatment for example a person's current mental state, mood

Actuarial risk assessment versus clinical opinion

Actuarial recess estimate are based on statistical models that determine offenders rest offence through how similar the offender is two other offenders for home the rest of reoffense is known

CBT with sex offenders

CBT with sex offender's address is cognitive distortion's, empathy, and the experience of the victim. Usually has the offender imagine him or herself as the victim of the crime and to be able to understand the experience of victimization

Anger and stress management training, social skills training, problem-solving strategies, moral judgement training, treatment for substance abuse, relapse prevention training through education

What is the most effective treatment for sex offenders?

For both juvenile and adult offenders CBT is the most effective

Two types of biological treatment

Chemical castration

Stereotaxic neurosurgery

Chemical castration, what are the methods

Administration of pharmacological medication to reduce libido, sexual urges and sexual arousal. Achieved using medication such as blah

Stereo toxic neurosurgery

Procedure that makes a small lesion on the brain to reduce libido and sexual arousal

Individuals who do not complete treatment of sex offender programs are likely to possess what

Negative attitude towards treatment, lower level of education, committed previous offenses, high actuarial risk to reoffend in before entering program

Two sex offender registry is in Canada

Ontario and national sex offender registry

Why are there two sex offender registry is in Canada?

In 1988 Christopher Stevens 11 years old and was abducted from the shopping mall in Brampton, Ontario.

His body was discovered a few days later badly beaten and sexually abused and it was soon discovered that the offender was a sex offender on parole.

The corner at the time recommended that Canada needed a more effective way to manage sex offenders, the federal government was not going to implement a sex offender registry at the time so the provincial government created Christopher's law which required all sex offenders in Ontario to register and was launch in April 1, 2001

Differences between Ontario and national sex offender registry?

-Ontario has its own police force so it is a provincial registry whereas other national people for example outside of Ontario like Quebec would not register in Ontario unless they moved

Individuals convicted of voyeurism or beastiality are eligible to be included in the national registry when they do not have to on Ontario

National registry includes additional information including distinguishable marks such a stars or tattoos

National list can be placed on the list for 10, 20, or the remainder of her life time based on the sentence length versus minimum 10 years for Ontario up to max life

What is the most common use the risk assessment for calculating a sex offenders risk of recidivism?

Actuarial methods

For commonly use risk assessments to protect risk of recidivism among sex offenders:

Violence arrest appraisal guide

Sex offender recipes or guide

Rabbit rescue assessment for sex offence recidivism

Static 99


What is it, given example of a question

12 item actuarial risk assessment that assesses violence i'm an adult men using static risk factors.

For example what is their history of alcohol problems


What is it, given example of a question

14 item actuarial risk assessment that is very similar to the VR AG. It assesses risk for violence recidivism but should be used only when the individual has a history of committing sexual crimes

Additional two items addressed as the number of sexual offences committed as well as phallometric test results


For static items; prior sex arrest, age, whether the offender has ever targeted male victims, whether the victims were randomly targeted and unrelated to the offender

Questions are split like the PCL are into categories and then determines the likelihood of refunds within 5 to 10 years

The static 99

Comprises 10 static items: four items used in RRASOR, six additional items including whether the offender ever left with an intimate partner, why did the offender had committed any previous contact sexual offence and whether the offender has ever committed non-contact sexual offense. Same scoring style as RRASOR however the tabulated scores can fall in one of seven categories

Predicts recidivism at five, 10, and 15 year intervals

What other ways can you predict recidivism of sex offenders outside of actuarial methods

Clinical protection,


penile phallometry

What's the medical term for blood engorging your dick


Sex offender treatment programs three different types

CBT, psychodynamic therapy, medical physical treatment