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126 Cards in this Set

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External Respiration

In the lungs, oxygen inhaled from the air is exchanged with CO2 from the blood

Internal Respiration

The exchange of gases bt the blood and tissue cells

Common Cold/Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Acute inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane that lines the upper respiratory tract

Common Cold/Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Signs and Symptoms

Confined to nose and pharynx, can also infect the larynx and lungs. Symptoms depend on virus responsible. Nasal congestion and discharge, sneezing, watering eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, coughing. Headache, fever, malaise.

Common Cold/Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Etiology

Can be caused by almost 200 different viruses. Rhinovirus cause half of the colds in adults. General poor health, poor nutrition, lack of exercise predispose to common cold.

Common Cold/Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Treatment

Should clear up in 5-7 days, if bacterial should be no longer than 7-10 days. Persistent cough or nasal congestion may suggest the presence of allergies or asthma. No cure. Resting, drink fluids, use vaporizer, otc antihistamine, decongestants, cough suppressant, or mild analgesics for temp relief.

Common Cold/Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Prognosis

Benign, self limiting.


Acute or chronic inflammation of mucous membrane of paranasal sinuses.

Sinusitis Signs and Symptoms

Frontal and maxillary most commonly involved. If frontal, headache is common, pain and tenderness just above the eyes that intensified when bend over. Maxillary has pain in cheeks and upper teeth. Drainage will be thick and greenish yellow mucopurulent discharge. Typically 3-4 weeks.

Sinusitis Etiology

Can be viral, fungal, or more commonly bacterial that travel from nose to sinus. Predisposed if have deviated septum, or nasal polyps. Can result from swimming, tooth extraction, tooth abscess, or allergies.

Sinusitis Treatment

Saline nasal sprays, corticosteroid nasal sprays, broad spectrum antibiotics, oral corticosteroids, antihistamine, decongestants. If persistent sinusotomy (surgery) pierce maxillary sinus to allow drainage and relieve pressure.


Sore throat. Acute or chronic inflammation or infection of pharynx.

Pharyngitis Signs and Symptoms

Inflammation of tonsils, uvula, and palate. Dry, burning sensation or feeling of lymph in throat. Chills, fever, dysphonia, dysphasia, cervical lymphadenopathy common. Mucosa of pharynx is red swollen with or w/o tonsillar exudate depending on causative organism.

Pharyngitis Etiology

Viral infection most common. Tonsillitis most important cause. In children often from strep. Can be secondary to chickenpox and measles. Occasionally from irritation from tobacco, excessive heated air, chemical irritants, sharp objects.

Pharyngitis Treatment

Lozenges, mouthwashes, salt water gargles, ice collar, anti inflammatory. If longer than a few days contact physician. Acute bacterial infections necessitate systemic antibiotics or sulfonamides. Bed rest, plenty fluids.

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Among head and neck cancers that are not linked to tobacco use. Often linked to dietary intake or Epstein Barr virus infection

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Signs and Symptoms

Often asymptomatic during early stages. Clinical triad includes neck mass, nasal obstruction with epistaxis, serous otitis media. Rare to find all 3 symptoms together. Other symptoms headaches, hearing loss, tinnitus, pain, impaired function of cranial nerves.

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Etiology

Consumption of salted fish, foods with high level nitrates, Chinese herbs, EBV infection, tobacco and alcohol low risk factors.

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treatment

Surgery not preformed bc anatomical constraints. Usually treated w radiation therapy w or w/o chemo.

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Prognosis

Poor. Most have advanced since asymptomatic that have different metastasis in other areas of body.


Inflammation of larynx including vocal cords.

Laryngitis Signs and Symptoms

Hoarseness causes a phobia, fever, malaise, painful throat, dysphagia, can interfere w breathing

Laryngitis Etiology

Viral or bacterial. Chronic or acute. URIs (cold, tonsillitis, sinusitis) common causes. Acid reflux can cause. Inhalation of irritating material can cause (tobacco, weather, alcohol)

Laryngitis Treatment

Absolute voice rest, bed rest in humidified room, fluids, no tobacco or alcohol, use lozenges. Antibiotics if bacterial. Usually recover w/in a week.

Deviated Septum Signs and Symptoms

Crooked nasal septum. Narrowing and obstruction of air passage makes breathing difficult. Tendency to develop sinusitis

Deviated Septum Etiology

Congenital can be from trauma to nose.

Deviated Septum Treatment

Not usually necessary. Can be straightened surgically (rhinoplasty or septoplasty). Good prognosis.

Nasal Polyps

Benign growth that forms as a consequence of distended mucous membrane protruding into the nasal cavity

Nasal Polyps Signs and Symptoms

Not harmful but can become large enough to obstruct nasal airway making breathing difficult. Often impair sense of smell (anosmia). If obstruct sinus have symptoms of sinusitis.

Nasal Polyps Etiology

Overproduction of fluid in the cells of the mucous membrane. Often result of allergic rhinitis. Some aspirin sensitive people have triad: polyps, asthma, urticaria (hives)

Nasal Polyps Treatment

Surgical removal. Injections of steroids into polyps can give relief.


Impairment or loss of sense of smell

Anosmia Signs and Symptoms

Ability to taste liquids and food also impaired or lost.

Anosmia Etiology

Chronic condition such as nasal polyps and allergic rhinitis most common causes. Intranasal swelling from URIs can cause temporary anomia. Can be from damage to olfactory nerves caused by head injury or brain tumor (rare).

Anosmia Treatment

Depends on cause. If polyps, removed, correction of nerve damage may not be possible. For allergic rhinitis, series of injections with stronger concentrations of offending allergens used to desensitize patient. Prognosis can be temp, or guarded.

Epistaxis (Nosebleed) Signs and Symptoms

Typically one nostril often no apparent reason. Unlikely symptom of any other disease. If significant blood loss, cause vertigo, increased pulse, pallor, shortness of breath, drop in BP. Common in children. Seek help if over 10 minutes.

Epistaxis (Nosebleed) Etiology

Common cause are cold or infections that cause damage to mucous membrane lining. Direct trauma, nose picking, presence of foreign body. Relation to measles, scarlet and rheumatic fever, hypertension, CHF. Symptom of hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, leukemia. Risk factors: Vitamin K deficiency, hypertension, aspirin ingestion, high altitudes, anticoagulant therapy.

Epistaxis (Nosebleed) Treatment

Apply constant direct pressure on either bridge of nose 5-10 minutes. RhinoRocket can be used. If persistent epinephrine is used, followed by cauterization w silver nitrate. Nasal packing placed 1-3 days. Mild sclerosing agent can be used. Last resort surgical ligation. Good prognosis.

Tumors of the Larynx Signs and Symptoms

Dysphonia usually only symptom. If malignant dysphagia may be experienced. In children stridor (high pitch crowing sound). Hoarseness in benign. Malignant slightly more common in men over women.

Tumors of the Larynx Etiology

2 types of benign: papilliomas (usually in multiples) and polyps (single). Caused by misuse or overuse of vocal cords. Smoking and reflux are contributing factors. Malignant caused by heavy tobacco use.

Tumors of the Larynx Treatment

Papillomas and polyps treated w correction of vocal strain, reflux management and tobacco cessation. May be excised w local anesthetic. Malignant treated w radiation if early stage. Laryngectomy may be needed if metastasized. Will need speech therapy.

Laryngeal Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Most common site for head and neck tumors. Dysphagia, hemoptysis, chronic cough, referred pain to the ear, stridor, airway obstruction.

Laryngeal Cancer Etiology

Smoking and alcohol abuse. Combination of 2 have a 200 fold greater risk of developing. HPV also risk. Exposure to agents from work (dry cleaners, asbestos)

Laryngeal Cancer Treatment

Usually diagnosed early bc hoarseness. Patient usually chooses which therapy due to quality of life. Can preserve voice: radiation or surgical: partial or total laryngectomy. If resectable usually surgery followed by radiation.


Coughing or spitting up blood from respiratory tract

Hemoptysis Signs and Symptoms

Streaked or spotted blood with minor infections. Can be massive indication of underlying condition. Bright red or dark blood sputum or dark red clots from pulmonary or bronchial circulation. Profuse bleeding if severe lung infection

Hemoptysis Etiology

Trauma, erosion of vessel, calcification, or tumors can cause bronchial bleeding. Pulmonary infarcts, fungal infections, tumors or ulcerations of larynx or pharynx and coagulation defects.

Hemoptysis Treatment

Find location and cause of bleeding. If severe surgical removal or repair and ligation. If minor, antibiotics and cough suppressant prescribed. Prognosis good w Treatment


Airless or collapsed state of the pulmonary tissue.

Atelectasis Signs and Symptoms

Follows incomplete expansion of lobules or segments of the lung. Hypoxia, experience dyspnea. If small part of lung involved, dyspnea only symptom. If large area, severe dyspnea, substernal retraction, cyanosis, diminished breath sounds. Anxiety, diaphoresis, tachycardia. Fever bc collapsed tissue is prone to infection.

Atelectasis Etiology

Obstruction in bronchial tree. Failure to breath deeply postoperative or prolonged inactivity

Atelectasis Treatment

Postop encouraged to ambulate as soon as possible, breath deeply and cough periodically. Suctioning airway to remove obstruction, spirometry, antibiotics. Analgesic for pain. Surgical drainage.

Pulmonary Embolism Signs and Symptoms

Determined by size and location. Onset of dyspnea and chest pain, often presents with non respiratory symptoms such as tachycardia and apprehension. Cough low grade fever if small. If large tachypnea, dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest pain. Massive: cyanosis, shock, death.

Pulmonary Embolism Etiology

Oral contraceptives, diabetes, MI are contributing factors

Pulmonary Embolism Treatment

Anticoagulant, O2 therapy, heparin, warfarin


Infective inflammation of lungs

Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms

Can be uni or bilateral. Cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, sweating, chest pains, cyanosis, blood in sputum.

Aspiration Pneumonia

Aspiration of liquids into tracheobronchial tree. In patients who have serious problems swallowing. Common in elderly or weakened by cancer, those w neurological problems, Parkinson’s, stroke.

Pneumonia Etiology

Viral or bacterial infection. Staph or strep common.

Pneumonia Treatment

Organism specific antibiotics. Penicillin is typical drug of choice. Mycoplasma infections treated w broad spectrum antibiotics

Pulmonary Abscess

Cavity of contained infectious material in lungs

Pulmonary Abscess Signs and Symptoms

Common in lower portion of lungs and right lung bc more vertical bronchus. Alternating chills and fever. Chest pain, productive cough, purulent bloody or foul smelling sputum, foul smelling breath.

Pulmonary Abscess Etiology

Complications of pneumonia. Aspiration of food, foreign object, bronchial stenosis, neoplasm. Septic embolism, periodontal Disease, gingivitis, sinus infection, iv drug abuse.

Pulmonary Abscess Treatment

Antibiotics. Surgical resection of abscess if antibiotics not successful. Good prognosis for adults but guarded for very young and elderly

Legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease and Pontiac Fever)

Pneumonia caused by legionella pneumophila.

Legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease and Pontiac Fever) Signs and Symptoms

2 forms: legionnaires is severe, Pontiac if mild. General malaise, headache, cough. Rapid onset of chills, fever, chest pain, dyspnea, myalgia, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia. Incubation for legionnaires is 2-10 days. Pontiac is less severe includes high fever, muscle aches last 2-5 days no pneumonia.

Legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease and Pontiac Fever) Etiology

L. Pneumophila. Not contagious. Inhaled from contaminated aerosolized water droplets.

Legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease and Pontiac Fever) Treatment

Antibiotics therapy. Azithromycin or levofloxacin. Mild cases erythromycin or doxycycline. Pontiac Fever resolves itself w no treatment.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pneumonia (RSV)

Inflammatory and infectious condition of the lungs common in infants, children and elderly

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pneumonia (RSVP) Signs and Symptoms

Cold like symptoms (nasal congestion, otitis media, coughing, mild upper respiratory tract infection. As progresses downward fever, malaise, lethargy, frequent coughing, wheezing, dyspnea.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pneumonia (RSVP) Etiology

Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Occur during winter months December-March.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pneumonia (RSVP) Treatment

Antipyretics for fever, antibiotics for otitis media. Self limiting for upper. Lower involves inhalation therapy (3% hypertonic saline) O2 therapy and hydration. Good prognosis.


Fungal Disease originates in lungs caused by inhalation of dust.

Histoplasmosis Signs and Symptoms

May cause pneumonia or become systemic. Many people asymptomatic, not contagious. As disseminates through pulmonary tissue experience dyspnea, loss of energy to point of incapacitation. Febrile, spleen and lymph nodes enlarge. Opportunistic infection in AIDS patients.

Histoplasmosis Etiology

H. Capuslatum carries by dust and inhaled. Contaminated from droppings of birds and bats, tearing down of old buildings.

Histoplasmosis Treatment

Self limiting. Antifungal drugs, itraconazole, fluconazole, amphotericin B used for severe cases. Spontaneous recovery usual. Progressive Histoplasmosis can be fatal.


Generalized highly contagious acute viral disease. Annual outbreaks.

Influenza Signs and Symptoms

Inflammation of upper and lower respiratory tract mucous membranes. Severe protracted cough, fever, headache, sore throat, malaise.

Influenza Etiology

Orthomyxovirus types A, B , C. Many mutant strains reproduce in humans and animals. Incubation period 1-3 days so spread easily. Fatalities occur 48 hrs after onset symptoms.

Influenza Treatment

Symptomatic. Vaccines useless. Bed rest, increased fluid, light diet, antipyretic and analgesics. Aspirin should not be used.

Acute and Chronic Bronchitis Signs and Symptoms

Deep persistent productive cough. Thick yellow gray sputum. Shortness of breath, wheezing, slightly elevated temp, pain in upper chest aggravated by cough. Acute symptoms subside w/in a week cough last 2-3 weeks. In chronic last at least 3 months of the tear for 2 years.

Acute and Chronic Bronchitis Etiology

Begins after common cold or other viral infection. Same bacteria can cause pneumonia.

Acute and Chronic Bronchitis Treatment

For acute no specific treatment. Aspirin for fever, increase water intake, vaporizer and humidifier, cough suppressant. Chronic: low oxygen therapy, areosolized corticosteroids for inflammation, give up smoking. Guarded prognosis for chronic.


Permanent irreversible dilation or distortion of one or more bronchi resulting from destruction of muscular and elastic portions of bronchial walls.

Bronchiectasis Signs and Symptoms

Takes many years to develop, typically bilateral involves lower lobes. Chronic cough producing large quantities of purulent foul smelling sputum. Hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing, fever, malaise. Chronic halitosis.

Bronchiectasis Etiology

Repeated damage to bronchial wall caused by recurrent airway infections. Can result from pneumonia, TB, bronchial obstruction, inhalation of corrosive gas. Common life threatening complication of cystic fibrosis, measles, whooping cough.

Bronchiectasis Treatment

Antibiotics and bronchodilators. If patients has great deal of hemoptysis surgery to remove affected part of lung advised. Prognosis varies.

Pulmonary Emphysema

Chronic obstructive, destructive changes in alveolar walls. Irreversible enlargement of alveolar air space

Pulmonary Emphysema Signs and Symptoms

Destruction of alveolar septa. Interferes w breathing and gas exchange in lungs. Difficult to breathe, dyspnea, tachypnea, wheezing. Barrel chest, pursed lips, circumoral cyanosis, right heart failure, digital clubbing

Pulmonary Emphysema Etiology

Cigarette smoking, repeated respiratory tract infections

Pulmonary Emphysema Treatment

Avoid smoking and respiratory tract infections. Corticosteroids beta 2 adrenergic. Poor prognosis for long term.


Long term mineral dust inhalation.

Pneumoconiosis Signs and Symptoms

Cause progressive, chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and infection of lungs. Dyspnea, dry cough, later turns productive, increased effort for Inspiration. Pulmonary hypertension, tachypnea, malaise recurrent respiratory tract infections. Family can be exposed due to dust on clothing.

Pneumoconiosis Etiology

Occupational disease. Inhalation of inorganic dust particles over prolonged period. Takes at least 10 years. Asbestos, anthracosis (blk lung) silicosis (quartz)

Pneumoconiosis Treatment

Bronchodilators, O2 therapy, chest physical therapy, corticosteroids, lung transplant

Pleuritis Signs and Symptoms

Unilateral sharp needle like pain that increases w inspiration and coughing. Cough fever chills. Inspiration shallow, rapid, restricted. Pain radiates from shoulder to abdomen.

Pleuritis Etiology

Secondary to other diseases. May result from injury or tumor. 2 types. Wet (extra fluid, increased volume caused compression) or dry ( layers rub together become congested and edematous).

Pleuritis Treatment

Antibiotics, treat underlying disease, splinting chest and deep breathing exercises. Therapeutic thoracostomy.


Collection of air or gas in pleural cavity that results from collapsed lung.

Pneumothorax Signs and Symptoms

Shortness of breath, sharp chest pain, falling BP, rapid weak pulse, shallow weak respiration. Cyanotic and anxious. Increased air pressure on affected side cause mediastinum shift.

Pneumothorax Etiology

Opening present on surface of lung. Erosion of alveoli from tumor or disease. Spontaneous tear. Outside trauma (gun shot etc) rib penetrates. Gas or accumulation of pus generated by microorganisms can lead to Pneumothorax.

Pneumothorax Treatment

Fowler position (sitting). May require O2. Thoracostomy to withdraw air. Closed drainage established to allow expansion and healing of lung. Recovery depends on collapse of lung.


Accumulation of blood or fluid in pleural cavity.

Hemothorax Signs and Symptoms

Similar to pneumothorax. Pale clammy skin, weak thready pulse, falling BP, gasping, labored breathing.

Hemothorax Etiology

Blood enters pleural space from trauma

Hemothorax Treatment

Lung reexpanded by thoracostomy. Surgical intervention to repair wound.

Fail Chest Signs and Symptoms

Instability in chest wall caused by multiple rib fractures (3 or more adjacent ribs). Cyanotic anxious chest moves inward during inspiration and outward during expiration (paradoxical breathing)

Fail Chest Etiology

Direct trauma

Fail Chest Treatment

Surgical repair

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Signs and Symptoms

Asymptomatic initially. Weight loss, reduced appetite, listlessness, vague chest pain, dry cough, loss of energy, fever. Then productive cough, blood or streaking hemoptysis, fever, night sweats.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Etiology

M tuberculosis spread by droplet nuclei. Can survive in the dried form for months if not exposed to sunlight

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment

Quarantined or treated. Treatment depends on if latent or active. If active use multiple anti tuberculosis agents (pyrazinamide). Can last 6-9 months. Drug resistant TB treated more aggressively. Prognosis good if treated early and completely.

Infectious Mononucleosis: Epstein Barr Virus Infection

Glandular Fever. Acute herpes virus infection

Infectious Mononucleosis: Epstein Barr Virus Infection Signs and Symptoms

Lymphadenopathy and fever. Malaise, anorexia, chills. Sore throat, headache, fatigue. Incubation 5-15 days. Affects mostly young adults rare after 35.

Infectious Mononucleosis: Epstein Barr Virus Infection Etiology

EBV. Kissing Virus. Highly contagious

Infectious Mononucleosis: Epstein Barr Virus Infection Treatment

Symptomatic. Bed rest. Fluid intake, antipyretics. Recovery after 3-4 months

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Signs and Symptoms

Shock lung. Lungs are hemorrhagic, wet, boggy, congested, unable to diffuse oxygen. Atelectasis results. Occurs 24-48 hrs after surgical insult. Dyspnea, rapid shallow respiration, cyanosis, mottled skin. Rales, ronchi, wheezing present.

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Etiology

Secondary to agent of insult that precipitates increased capillary permeability in lungs, pulmonary edema, resulting in respiratory failure. Injury activates leukocytes and platelets in capillaries that cause additional injury.

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Treatment

No cure. Supportive care only. Protective lung ventilation. Prognosis guarded.


Multisystem granulomatous (small lesions of inflamed cells)

Sarcoidosis Signs and Symptoms

Dry cough, shortness of breath, mild chest pain, abnormal lung stiffness. Fatigue, weight loss, swollen ankles, joint pain.

Sarcoidosis Etiology

Uncertain. Thought to be malfunctioning immune system.

Sarcoidosis Treatment

Abates spontaneously. 90% resolution w/in 1 yr. most people live normally, serious disability rare.

Lung Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Most common cancer in both men and women. Cough w or w/o sputum. Dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest pain (dull) weight loss. Liver, bone, brain metastasis.

Lung Cancer Etiology

Small cell lung cancer and non small lung cancer. Small cell is almost exclusively in smokers.

Lung Cancer Treatment

Surgical resection, radiation, chemo. Late stages of NSCLC generally not treatable. 15% 5 year survival.