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23 Cards in this Set

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Excessive accumulation of body fat
A measure of food energy equivalent to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree celsius
Four main types of fats
trans fats, saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat
Saturated fats-Found in foods derived from animal sources, dairy products and meats.
Consumed in extreme moderation
Monounsaturated fats- found in oils, and Polyunsaturated fats-Omega 6 fatty acids; corn,soybean & Omega 3 fatty acids-oils of coldwater fish, flax seeds.
Healthful because they reduce cholesterol levels in the blood
Trans-fats- formed hydrogen is added to the vegetable oil in a food product to give it a longer shelf-life and a desired taste and texture
unhealthful and should in fact be avoided altogether
Dietary cholesterol
comes from animal fats and oils
Serum Cholesterol
Dietary cholesterol circulates in the blood, serum is the liquid part of the blood
Three types of lipoproteins
1.Low-density-carry cholestrol around the body for use by cells
2.Triglycerides-The chemical form in which most fat exists in food (linked to develop heart disease)
3.High-density lipoprotein- offer some protection against heart disease. Refered to as good cholesterol- It helps clear away cholesterol deposits from cell walls and carries them to the liver, where they are broken down and removed
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
the minimum number of calories the body needs to maintain bodily functions while at rest
Set-Point Hypothesis
The idea that each person's body weight is genetically set within a given range, or set point, that the body works hard to maintain
The weight-signaling hormone monitored by the hypothalamus as an index of body fat
Collapsible body cells that store fat. Typically have 25 to 30 billion, obese people may have 200 billion or more
Body mass index (BMI)
A measure of obesity calculated by dividing body weight by the square of a person's height
Male pattern obesity
The "apple-shaped" body of men who carry excess weight around their upper body and abdomen
Female pattern obesity
The "pear-shaped" body of women who carry excess weight on their thighs and hips
body weight that exceeds the desirable weight for a person of a given height,age, and body shape.
Weight cycling
Repeated weight gains and losses through repeated dieting
Restraint Theory
the theory that heightened sensitivity to norms for body weight triggers a pattern of eating that vacillates between strict dieting and binge eating
Overeating triggered by an event, emotion, or behavior that causes a restrained eater to abondon his or her restraint.
Anorexia Nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by self-starvation, a distorted body image, and, in females, amenorrhea
Bulimia Nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by alternating cycles of binge eating and purging through such techniques as vomiting or laxative abuse
Exposure-response prevention
A behavioral treatment of bulimia nervosa that attempts to prevent purging (and therefore, reinforcement) following binge eating