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10 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Myotatic reflex
1. how many synapses?
2. what does it test?
3. incorrectly called?
4. afferent limb
5. efferent limb
1. one: monosynaptic
2. ipsilateral muscle stretch
3. deep tendon reflex
4. muscle spindle, Ia fiber, DRG
5. ventral horn alpha MN, extrafusal/effector mm. fibers
the 5 most commonly tested MSRs, their cord segments, and what muscles they control
1. ankle jerk (Achilles reflex); S1; gastrocnemius
2. knee jerk; L2-L4, quadriceps
3. biceps jerk; C5-C6; biceps
5. forearm jerk; C5-C6; brachioradialis
6. triceps jerk; C7-C8; triceps
what vertebral level do these structures extend to?
1. newborn spinal cord
2. adult spinal cord
3. subarachnoid space/dural cul-de-sac
1. L3
2. L1
3. S2
5 rami of a spinal nerve and what they carry
1. dorsal ramus (skin and mm. of the back)
2. ventral ramus (skin and muscles of the ventral trunk, extremities, and visceral organs)
3. meningeal ramus (meninges and vertebral column)
4. gray ramus communicans (unmyelinates postgang symp at all spinal levels)
5. white ramus communicans (myelinated pregang symp and GVA/splanchnic nn. at T1-L3)
Cervical cord
-massive ventral horns (brachial plexus C5-C8)
-spinal accessory nucleus (C1-C6)
-phrenic nucleus (C3-C6)
-dorsal intermediate sulci and cuneate fasciculus (above T6)
Thoracic cord
-ciliospinal center of Budge (lateral horn T1; symp pupil dilation)
-dorsal intermediate septa dn cuneate fasciculus (above T6)
-Clarke nucleus (T1-L3 but esp T11-12)
-lateral horns
-slender dorsal and ventral horns (H-shaped
Lumbar cord
-Clarke nucleus (T1-L3; esp L1-2)
-spinal border cells (Cooper-
Sherrington; L2-S3)
-massive ventral and dorsal horns (lumbosacral plexus L2-L5)and enlarged substantia gelatinosa
-lateral horn (only L1)
5 rami of a spinal nerve and what they carry
1. dorsal ramus (skin and mm. of the back)
2. ventral ramus (skin and muscles of the ventral trunk, extremities, and visceral organs)
3. meningeal ramus (meninges and vertebral column)
4. gray ramus communicans (unmyelinates postgang symp at all spinal levels)
5. white ramus communicans (myelinated pregang symp and GVA/splanchnic nn. at T1-L3)
Sacral cord
-massive dorsal and ventral horns
-enlarged substantia gelatinosa
-spinal border cells (L2-S3)
-sacral parasymp nucleus (S2-S4)
-reduced in diameter S3-S5
Coccygeal cord
-dorsal horns are larger than ventral horns
-greatly reduced diameter