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46 Cards in this Set

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Recency Effect

Tendency for people to recall words from the end of a list, better than from the middle of the list.

Primacy Effect

Tendency for people to recall words form the beginning of a list, better than the middle of the list.

Proactive Interference

Type of forgetting that occurs when older memory inhibits the retrieval of newer memory.

Retroactive Interference

Type of forgetting that occurs when newer memory inhibits the retrieval of older memory.

Conditional Statements

If sufficient statement exists, then necessary statement must have existed

If plants, then water (no plants without water)

If vegetables, then plants (no veg. without plants)

Inductive Reasoning

Reasoning from specific to general

Deductive Reasoning

Reasoning from general to specific

Positive Reinforcement

Adding something pleasant to increase likelihood

(give candy for correct answer)

Negative Reinforcement

Removing something unpleasant to increase likelihood

Positive Punishment

Adding something unpleasant to decrease behavior

Negative Punishment

Removal of something pleasant to decrease behavior

(Taking phone away from kid)

Unconditioned Stimulus

Naturally occuring

Unconditioned Response

Naturally evoked response

Neutral Stimulus

Doesn't typically evoke response. Becomes conditioned stimulus to produce conditioned response

(pen clicking before pizza)

Conditioned Stimulus

Planned Stimulus to caused response

(pen click)

Conditioned Response

Response to CS


Excitory CR

Positive response to CS

Inhibitory CR

lack of response to CS

Stimulus Generalization

Responding in a like fashion to similar stimuli

Systematic Desensitization

(Counter Conditioning)

Behavior therapy technique that uses a gradual, step by step process to replace fear/anxiety with an incomplete response to relaxation and positive emotion.

Stimulus Discrimination

CR only occurs in response to specific stimuli

Taste Aversion

Sight, smell, idea of food makes person sick


Presenting CS without US, Cr will fade to extinction

Spontaneous Recovery

CR occurs during extinction

Phases of Training



Extinction Bursts


Conditioning of response; Behavior will increase because its reinforced

Extinction Bursts

Temporary increase of behavior in absence of reinforcement

Fixed Ratio

Set number of response emitted before reward is given

Variable Ratio

Varying number of responses emitted to recieve reward


Fixed Interval

Rewarded once per precise interval of time has passed

Variable Interval

Time interval varies between rewards;


Distinguish among stimulus situation


Emits same behavior in response to different but similar stimuli

(Divorced Parents)

Explicit Memory

Concious use of Memory

Implicit Memory

Stuff remembered that you didn't try to remember


Grouping information into meaningful units (30 sec)

Maintenance Rehearsal

Repeating things in order to remember them

Social Learning Therory


After children watched lady hurt bobo doll, they naturally hurt doll when they saw it. Children that didn't see the video, didn't hurt the doll


Method of solving problem that always leads to correct answer

Mental Set

Tendency to habitually use methods of problem solving that have worked for you in the past

Incubatio Period

Period of not thinking about a problem, that helps you solve the problem

Functional Fixedness

Being able to see objects in their familiar roles


Mental idea, concept, or thought

Procedural Memory

Long-term memory for skills and behaviors

Decay Theory

Theory of forgetting that proposes that memory traces are not routinely activated in long terem memory, will degrade

(trying to remember teacher from 9 years ago)

Elaborative Rehearsal

Forming associations or links between information one is trying to learn and information already stored in long-term memory, so as to facilitate the transfer of this new information into long-term memory