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39 Cards in this Set

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Organism composed of many similar cells, each capable of living and reproducing on its own.

Colonial Organism

Organism composed of interdependent cells that vary in their structure and function.

Multicellular Organism

Evolution of an organelle from bacteria that entered a host cell and lived inside it.

Primary Endosymbiosis

All chloroplasts evolved by this process.

Eukaryote that is not a plant, fungus or animal.


Evolution of an organelle from a protist that itself contains organelles that arose by primary endosymbiosis.

Secondary Endosymbiosis

In freshwater protists, an organelle that collects and expels excess water.

Contractile Vacuole

Flagellated protozoan with multiple mitochondria; may be heterotrophic or have chloroplasts descended from green algae.


Structure contains an eyespot to detect light and saltier interior than surroundings.

Protist belonging to an entirely or mostly heterotrophic lineage with no cell wall and one or more flagella. unique structure includes feeding groove and pellicle body.

Flagellated Protozoan/Excavata

Includes anaerobic flagellates, trypanosomes and euglenoids.

Layer of proteins that gives shape to many unwalled, single-celled protists.


Parasitic flagellated Protozoan protist with a single mitochondrian and a flagellum that runs along the back of the cell.


Some cause sleeping sickness

Heterotrophic single-celled protists with a porous calcium carbonate shell and long cytoplasmic extensions.


From the super group Rhizarian.

Community of tiny drifting or swimming organisms.


Heterotrophic single-celled protists with a porous shell of silica and long cytoplasmic extensions. Part of the Rhizarian supergroup of protists.


May be part of plankton.

Light emitted by a living organism.


Single-celled, heterotrophic protist with many cilia. Part of the alveolate supergroup.


Contain macro and micronucleus and contractile vacuoles in their structure.

Single-celled aquatic protist that moves with a whirling motion; may be heterotrophic or photosynthetic.


Part of alveolate supergroup. Some species are bioluminescent. Some can create red tides in great numbers.

Parasitic protist that reproduces in cells of its host. Part of the Alveolate protist supergroup.


Ex: Plasmodium (protist that causes malaria)

Muticelled marine protist with a brown accessory pigment (fucoxanthin) in its chloroplasts.

Brown Algae

Part of Stramenopile supergroup

Single-celled photosynthetic protist with a brown accessory pigment in its chloroplasts and a two part silica shell.


Part of stramenopile supergroup. Store their food in the form of lipids.

Heterotrophic protist that grows as a mesh of nutrient-absorbing filaments. some are parasites of plants or animals. Decompose dead animals and plants in fresh water.

Water Mold


Of land plants and some algae, a life cycle that includes haploid and diploid multi-celled bodies.

Alternation of Generations

Gamete-producing haploid body that forms in the life cycle of land plants and some muticelled algae.


Single-celled, colonial, or multicelled photosynthetic protist that has chloroplasts containing chlorophylls a and b.

Green Alga

Part of archaeplastida supergroup.

Photosynthetic protist; typically multicelled, with chloroplasts containing red accessory pigments (phycobilins).

Red alga

Archaeplastida. What is used to make nori (gametophyte)

Spore-forming diploid body that forms in the life cycle of land plants and some multicelled algae.


Single celled protist that extends psuedopods to move and to capture prey.


Member of the amoebozoan supergroup.

Super group. Shape-shifting heterotrophic protist with no pellicle or cell wall; an amoeba or slime mold.


Amoeba-like protist that feeds as a single predatory cell; joins with others to form a muticellular, spore-bearing structure under unfavorable conditions.

Cellular Slime Mold

Member of Amoebozoan supergroup.

Protist that feeds as a multinucleated mass; forms a spore bearing structure when environmental conditions become unfavorable. Contains brightly colored pigments.

Plasmodial Slime Mold

Member of the Amoebozoan supergroup.

Heterotrophic fresh water protist with a flagellum and a food capturing collar. May be solitary or colonial.


Closely related to animals. supergroup of protist.

List the general characteristics of protista.

Very diverse, mostly unicellular, some colonial, some multicellular.

Can be autotrophs, mixotrophs or heterotrophs. Can be fungus-like animal-like or plant-like.

An organism that can photosynthesize and depend on other organisms as a source off food/energy.


Flagellated protozoan with modified mitochondria. Many are human pathogens.

Anaerobic Flagellates

Example: Giardia intestinalis

Supergroup of protists. They are single-celled marine protists with sieve-like shells (porous). Capture food with cytoplasmic extensions.


Foraminiferans and Radiolarians

Diverse protist supergroup. Major component of phytoplankton, small sacs beneath the plasma membrane. Mostly aquatic and free living.


Includes ciliates, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans.

Protist supergroup consisting of autotrophs and heterotrophs. Can be unicellular or multicellular. Defined mainly by genetic similarities than by physical traits.


Include diatoms, brown algae/kelp and water molds.

Protist supergroup. Can be unicellular, multicellular and colonial. Closely related to land plants. Contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis and cullulose in cell walls.


Includes red algae and green algae.

Fall under Amoebozoan supergroup. "Social amoebas" found on the floor of temperate forests.

Slime Molds

List the supergroups of protist and their members.