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26 Cards in this Set

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John Smith
Led the english to virgina.
Powhatan Confederacy
was all natives in Jamestown
Virgina Company
In jameston offered stock to planters who were willing o migrate and privded free passage to virgina if they agreed to work for 7 years
Headright system
Was a system in Jamestown where heardrights =50 acres. Those who already lived in jamestown got two headright and each new settler recieved one
indentured servants
held for a little then released/ europeans, jamestown.
daughter of Powhatan the leader of the Indians. English captured her. She learned english way
George Calvert
first lord baltimore. He wanted to estabish America as good realstate and to enforse catholics/
Act Concering Relgion
Calverts created this because they Knew Catholics would always be minority . THIS meant religous tolerance.
Bacon Rebellion
Bacon and berkley had diffferent views about setttlement.
wanted to purify the church. they wanted reforms. worked with Church of England but rejected a lot of the practices
radical Puritans were determined to worship in their own independent congregations. very critical of church of England and wanted to destroy/separate from it
(separatists): pg 32English hamlet of scrooby first emigrated illegally to New England. But they got permission from Virginia Company to settle in Virginia.
Plymouth, Mayflower Compact (1620)
Scrooby In 1620 it took Puritan Separatist and they weren't planning on settling North of Cape Cod but it was their only option. They called it Plymouth. They drew up Mayflower Compact to establish a government. bb
Massachusetts Bay, company
Puritan merchants establishes land. Wanted a new colony. They Created Refugee, port of Boston was capital
and Believed they were created model for corrupt of world. theocracy
Thomas Hooker, Fundamental Orders Rhode Island: pg 34
Minster of Cambridge. He, refused Massachusetts government, led his people west and established town of Hartford
The Fundament Orders
Constitution. independent colony
government similar to Massachusetts but it gave men more right than women. Women could not vote.
Roger Willams
Religious freedom: controversial young minister
Separatist. He wanted Massachusetts church to abandon all things of Church of England. believed the land the colonists were taking belonged to natives
Anne Hutchinson-Antinomian heresy, banishment: pg 36
very intelligent from a Boston Family.
she argued that clergies were not among elect and had no spiritual authority. Anitonmian heresy was a serious threat to clergy. she wanted proper role of women in puritan society. she delivered open attacks on clergy.
In 1637 she was convicted of heresy and banished.
King Phillips War
English vs. indians.
war went on for 3 years.,war was really affected by technology, Indians got the flintlock rifle from europeans.
Indians used forts, English had more numbers and firepower
Restoration Colonies : pg 39
charles created absolutute monorchay. Members of Parliament created a military force which started English Civil War. Cavalries (supporters of king) and Roundheads(forces of Parliament mostly Puritans). Roundheads won
Navigation Acts (3)
1.1660 closed the colonies to all trade except that carried by English ships. Tobacco and all other items be exported only to England or English possessions
2. 1662 required all goods sent from Europe to the colonies pass through England on way for taxation.
3. 1673: imposed duties on the costal trade among english colonies.
Middle Passage: pg58
the long journey of blacks to America to become slaves
They were prisoners and had little food/water
Slave Codes: pg 59
granted white masters absolute authority of slaves.
the only factor that mattered was color.
Triangular Trade and the emergence of merchant class (connect to Navigation Acts): pg 63-68
American colonies exported raw materials to British and France. Trade with England, Europe, and west coast of Africa. Imported rum, slaves, sugar, and maize. The Navigation Acts protected England against Entrepreneur.
Stono Rebellion: pg 70:
South Carolina
100 slaves rose up, seized weapons killed several whites and wanted to escape to Florida.
Salem Witchcraft Trials pg 72
1680 and 1690 over accusing of witch craft ( satantic powers) in New England in Satan Massachusetts adolescent girls accused witch crafter of indian servants. Hundred of people were accuses
19 people were put to death
accusations still happened long after
In 1692 the girls admitted they lied
belief in witchcraft was a puritan religious conviction