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15 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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the apical beat is also referred to as what
the point of maximal impact (PMI)
Where can the PMI be felt and sometimes seen
the 5th intercity space and the midclavicular line
what would cause a shift in the PMI
a change in anatomical position of the heart, such as a pnemothorax
what can lead to a Myocardial infarction
when an occluded artery becomes hypoxic (ischemic)
angina pectoris
when ischemia produced by a coronary artery occlusion stimulates pain - eliciting fibers to produce pain felt beneath sternum, left arm, and neck
how many deaths in the US are caused by coronary art er you disease
what is the dominant supplier of blood to the heart
right coronary artery, 50%
how much oxygen does the heart extract from arterial blood flow
what is the major factor governing coronary blood flow
Myocardial oxygen need
when does most of the coronary perfusion occur
during ventricular relaxation (diastole)
the SA node is responsible for what
electrical impulses that produce sequential atrial and ventricular contraction
where do the impulses of the SA node travel over
the atrioventricular node (AV)
what do the AV node and bundle of His do to the impulses
slow down the velocity before transmitting ot to the ventricles
what type of fibers are Cardiac sympathetic receptors
beta 1
describe the Frank - Starling mechanism
the inherit ability of the heart to increase its force of contraction as increasing amounts of blood flow into it