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34 Cards in this Set

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describe the difference between leadership and management
leadership is guiding or influencing people to achieve desired outcomes. it occurs when a person is trying to influence a persons beliefs, oppinions or behavior

management is the coordination of resources. Whether that is time, people or supplies. Problem solving/decision making process
define informal leader
the person who despite no official or appointed athority to act is still able to influence others. can be positive of negative.
how do you manage an informal leader
recognise them in the workplace and understand their source of power. Involve them in the decision making/change process. Clearly communicate goals and work expectation. Do not ignore a informal leaders attempt to undermine teamwork, set clear expectations of behavior.
distinguish betweeen power and athority
athority is the legitimate right to direct others

power is the ability to motivate people to get things done with or without the formal right granted by the organization
Name 6 types of power
what is reward power
ability to reward others for complying
what is coercive power
fear of punishment if fail to comply
what is legitimate power
based on official position in organization
what is referent power
follower identify and want to be like the leader
what is expert power
expert power is based on knowledge skills and information. gain respect and compliance with others
what is information power
information power is based on a persons possesion of information that is needed by others
what is connection power
based on a persons relationship or affiliation with other people percieved as being powerful
what is the difference between a formal leader and informal leader
a formal leader is appointed into a position, and given the athority to act by the institution

informal leader have considerable power in a work group, can influence group attitude and can significantly influence others positively or negatively
describe leadership trait theory
intrinsic trait ot leaders-intellegence, alertness, dependability, energy drive and enthusiasm, ambition, decisiveness, self confidence, cooperative and technical mastery
who is most recognised as a leaderhip trait leader
florence nightengale
what is the difference between interaction and tranformational theory leader
interactional- integrates dynamic relationships between the leader, worker and the element of the situation

transformational leaders are concerned with agency goals
what 3 things are required for for effective leadership
technical skills-clinical expertise and nursing knowledge

human skills- ability and judgement to work with people effectively

conceptual skills ability to recognise how ones area of leadeship fits the big picture
list 3 tpes of management styles


What are the traits of an athoritative manager
makes all decisions,dictates wotk, little feedback or recognition
Whar are the traits of a democratic manager
encourages staff participation in decision making process, involves staff in planning and developement, believes in the best of people, communicates effectively
what are the traits of a laizze faire manager
does not provide guidance, unable or unwilling to make decisions, doesnot provide feedback, initiates little change, communicates by memos or email, may work well with professional people
what are the five functions of management
what are the 6 roles of the nurse manager
customer service provider
team builder
resource manager
decision maker
change agent
other roles(clinical consultant, staff developer, mentor, corporate supporter)
What are internal and external customers
internal customers are employed by the organization.

external customers are patients, families, physicialn, home care agerncies, insurance companies, vendors
who defines the standards for customer service
the customer
define team builder
sets clearly defined goals and empowers the team t make decisions
what is the role of resource manager
manages personel, time, and supplies consistent with the organization
using the nursing process what are the steps to problem solving
analysis and diagnosis
as a change agent the nurse manager guides employees through the change process. what rules should be followed when change is necessary
change should be implemented only for a good reason

change should always be planned and implenmented gradually

change should never be unexpected or abrupt

all people affect by the change should be involved in planning for the change
what are the 3 stages of change
how does a nurse manager create a caring environment
offers sicere positive recognition, \praises for a job well done
spends time with staff members to reinforce positive work behaviors, meets staff member needs when possible, provides guidance and support for continual growth
maintains a positive, confident attitudewhat
what are two challenges for leadership and management in the 21st century
patient safety
nurses work environment
stage of change that encourages awareness of the need to change
personell, time and supplies needed to perforn tasks