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45 Cards in this Set

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3 Primary Tasks of a leader in healthcare:
1. Set direction: Mission, goals, vision, purpose.
2. Build commitment: Motivation, spirit, teamwork.
3. Confront challenges: Innovation, change, turbulence.
3 Behavioral Theories of Leadership:
Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire.
Qualities of an Effective Leader:
Integrity, Courage, Initiative, Energy, Optimism, Perseverence, Balance, Ability to handle stress, Self-awareness.
Behaviors of an Effective Leader:
Thinking critically, Solving problems, Respecting the individual, Skillful communication, Goal setting, Communication of vision, Developing oneself and others.
Leadership vs. Management:
Based on Influence & Meaning
Informal Role
Achieved Position
Nurse's Responsibility Requires initiative &
independent thinking.

Based on Shared Authority Formal Role
Designated Position Budgets,hiring, and firing. Improved by use of effective leadership skills.
Management X and Y theories:
(X)Work is something to be avoided. People want to do as little as possible. Use of control-supervision-punishment.
(Y)The work itself can be motivating. People really want to do their job well. Use of guidance-development-award.
Qualities of an Effective Manager:
Leadership, Clinical Expertise, Business Sense
Behaviors of an Effective Manager:
Informational, Interpersonal, Decisional
Informational Behaviors of an Effective Manager:
Representing the employees.
Representing the organization.
Public relations monitoring.
Interpersonal Behaviors of an Effective Manager:
Conflict negotiation and resolution.
Employee development and coaching.
Rewards and Punishment.
Decisional Behaviors of an Effective Manager:
Employee evaluation.
Resource allocation.
Hiring and Firing.
Job Analysis and Redesign.
Basic Listening Sequence
Listen to the: Information and emotion.
Demonstrate attentiveness through: Eye contact and body language.
Verify understanding by: Asking occasional questions, repeating important points, and summarizing.
Principles for Effective Communication
Aim for clarity and focus; use direct and exact language; encourage feedback; acknowledge the contributions of others; and use the most direct channels of communication available.
Assertive instead of aggressive technique
Using "I" statements instead of "you" allows you as a manager to confront an issue w/out being accusatory.
Common communication barriers:
Physical, psychological, semantic, and gender.
Rules for good feedback:
Reinforce constructive behavior; discourage unproductive behavior; provide recognition; and develops employee skills.
T = Think before you speak
A = Apologize quickly if you made a mistake
C = Converse; do not be patronizing or sarcastic
T = Time comments carefully
F = Focus on behavior, not on personality
U = Uncover hidden feelings
L = Listen for feedback
Conflict: Sources
-Competition between groups
-Increased workload
-Multiple role demands
-Threats to professional id and territory
-Threats to safety and security
-Scarce resources
-Cultural differences
-Invasion of personal space
Signs of conflict:
-You feel very uncomfortable in a situation
-Members of your team are having trouble working together
-Team members stop talking w/ each other
-Team members begin "losing their cool" and attack each other verbally
Problem resolution:
1. ID the problem
2. Generate possible solutions
3. Evaluate suggested solutions
4. Choose best solution
5. Implement solution chosen
6. If problem is not resolved then repeat process.
-Manage emotions
-Set ground rules
-Clarify the problem
-Opening move
-Continue the negotiations
Collective bargaining contract:
A legal document that governs the relationship between management and staff represented (UNION)

Contract may cover: Economic Issues, Management Issues, Practice Issues, ETC
Sherman Tanks- These people try to intimidate you with “in your face” arguments, and state opinions as facts.
• Get their attention by using their first name to begin a sentence
• Maintain eye contact; give them time to wind down
• Stand up to them without fighting; don’t worry about being polite
• Suggest you sit down to continue discussions
Snipers- These individuals take potshots in meetings but avoid one-on one confrontations.
• Expose the attack; draw them out in public and don’t let social convention stop you
• Get other opinions. Don’t give in to the sniper’s views
• Provide the sniper with alternatives to a direct contest.
Negativists- Know that nothing new will work; they’ll toss a wet blanket when you’re trying to light a fire in group brainstorming sessions
• Acknowledge their valid points
• Describe past successes
• Avoid “you’re wrong, I’m right” arguments
Exploders- Throw tantrums that can escalate quickly
• Give them time to
regain self control
• If they don’t, shout a
neutral phrase such as “STOP!”
• Take a time out or have a private meeting with them
Delegation Self-Assessment:
Are you able to ask others to help you?
Do you need to every task yourself?
If you ask someone to do something, do you check to see if the job was completed?
Do you take responsibility for your own behaviors?
The five rights of delegation:
Right Task
Right Circumstances
Right Person
Right Direction/Communication
Right Supervision/Evaluation
direct delegation
verbal direction by the RN delegator regarding an activity or task in a specific nursing care situation.
indirect delegation
an approved listing of activities or tasks thathave been established in policies and procedures of the health care institution or facility.
Establishing Priorities:
Plan your time around the activities.
Do high-priority activities first.
Determine which activities are best done in a cluster.
Remember that you are still responsible for activities delegated to others.
Consider your peak energy time when scheduling optional activities.
Patient Care Needs (Delegation): RN Skills
IV medications
Blood administration
Planning of care
Physician Orders
Patient Care Needs
(Delegation): LPN Skills
Vital Signs
Some IV meds - depends on state.
Physical Care
Patient Care Needs
(Delegation): Ancillary Personnel
Patient Care Needs (Delegation): Unlicensed Personnel
Physical Care
Criteria: Delegation appropriate?
Potential for harm to the patient.
Complexity of the nursing activity.
Extent of problem-solving and innovation required.
Predictability of outcome.
Extent of interaction.
Maximize your time by:
Setting goals.
Making schedules.
Writing to-do lists.
Revise and modify the to-do lists; do not throw out.
Identifying time wasting behaviors.
What & Why...prioritize according to importance.
When & Where...must each task be completed?
How...much time and energy have to be devoted to these tasks.
Standards are...
...clear, objective, and known in advance.
Criteria for pay raises and promotions are...
...clearly spelled out and uniformly applied.
Conditions under...
...which employment may be terminated must be known.
Appraisals are...
...a part of the employee's permanent record and have space for employee comments.
Employees may...
...inspect their own personnel file.
Employees may request...
...and be given a reasonable explanation of any rating and may appeal the rating if they do not agree with it.
Employees are given...
...a reasonable amount of time to correct any serious deficiencies before other action is taken, unless the safety of self or others is immediately threatened.