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34 Cards in this Set

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killed, wounded, or missing soldier
weapons and other war supplies
a German submarine
English passenger ship sunk by a German U-boat, killing American civilians
Zimmermann note
a telegram in which the German foreign minister proposed an alliance with Mexico against the U.S.
French region lost to German states in 1871
a glorification of the military
Francis Ferdinand
archduke of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated in 1914
William II
the German emperor
Western Front
trenches that stretched from the Belgian coast to the Swiss border with France, forming the battlefield between the Allies and the Central Powers in Western Europe
Selective Service Act
law that established a military draft in 1917
Bernard Baruch
head of the War Industries Board, which regulated businesses related to the war effort
Committee on Public Information (CPI)
Committee on Public Information, which worked to convince the public that the war was just
George Creel
director of the CPI
conscientious objector
a person whose moral or religious views forbid participation in war
Espionage Act
1917 law that gave postal authorities power to ban treasonable or seditious materials from the mail
Great Migration
the movement of more than 1.2 million African Americans from the South to northern cities between 1910 and 1920
group of ships that traveled together for protection against German U-boats
Vladimir Lenin
radical communist leader who took over Russia in March 1917
John J. Pershing
General who led American forces in Europe
Fourteen Points
Wilson’s plan for lasting peace through international openness and cooperation
the right of people to choose their own form of government
League of Nations
world organization to promote peaceful cooperation between countries
Henry Cabot Lodge
Republican Senator who opposed ratification of the Treaty of Versailles
payments for war damages
Senate isolationists who opposed any treaty that included a League of Nations
Senators who opposed the Treaty of Versailles as written but were open to compromise
the flu virus, which caused a deadly epidemic in 1918
rising prices
Red Scare
widespread fear of radicals and communists
Palmer Raids
a series of raids, arrests, and deportations of suspected radicals, most of whom never received a trial
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Italian anarchists convicted and executed for murder despite scarce evidence against them
Warren G. Harding
elected president in 1920 by promising Americans a “return to normalcy”
creditor nation
a nation that lends more money than it borrows