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42 Cards in this Set

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3 layers of the Meninges in order (DAP)
Dura, Arachnoid, Pia
Which fissure separates the hemispheres of the cerebrum?
How many ventricles are there?
types of reflexes
simple monosynaptic (kne jerk) withdraw, corssed extensor
What are the 5 lobes of the cerebrum?
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital, Insula
What are the functions of the thalamus?
Blood pressure, heart rate, body temp, water and electrolyte balance, hunger, growth sleep, wakefullness
What are the 4 types of brain waves?
Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta
Nerves that carry impulses fro the peripheral body to the brain or spinal cord
What is a cerebrovascular accident?
What part of the body does the Brachial plexus supply?
muscles and skin of the arms, forearms and hands
What is a cerebrovascular accident caused by?
interruption in blood flow to the brain (ruptured vessel or clot)
Two types of sleep
Slow wave, Rapid eye movement (REM)
What are the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system?
sympathetic and parasympathetic
Nerves that cary impulses out of the brain or spinal cord to the muscles or glands
What part of the brain secretes CSF?
choroid plexus
3 parts of the brain stem
mid brain, pons, medulla oblongata
What is the function of the CSF?
nutrition, protection, maintain stable ion concentrations
Tract of the spinal cord that conducts sensory impulses to the brain
Ascending Tract
What part of the mature brain is the largest>
Which fissure separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum?
What structure connects the 2 cerebral hemispheres?
corpus callosum
What part of the body does the Cervical plexus supply?
muscles and skin of the neck
What are the two types of memory?
short term long term
What are the five parts of the spinal reflex?
Receptor, Sensory (afferent) neuron, Inter neuron, motor (efferent) neuron, effector (muscle or gland)
What are the two parts of the diencephalon?
thalamus, hypothalamus
What are the functions of the Limbic system?
controls emotions, produces feelings, interprets sensory impulses (flight or freeze)
Trat of the spinal cord that conducts motor impulses from the brain to the motor neurons of the muscles and glands
Descending tract
What are the two roots in the spinal nerves?
Dorsal (sensory) Ventral (motor)
What are the 3 plexuses of the body?
Cervical, Brachial, Lumbrosacral
Two divisions of the Autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic, parasympathetic
What kind of matter surrounds the other in the brain?
gray surrounds white
What part of the body does the Lubrosacral plexus supply?
muscles and skin of the thigh, legs and feet
Tree like pattern of white matter in the cerebellum
arbor vitae
How many spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
What is the function of the association area of the cerebrum?
neither primarily sensory or motor, analyze and interepret sensory experiences
What are the two types of nerves that arise from the spinal cord?
Cranial, spinal
Area where parietal, temporal and occipital association areas join
Wernicke's area----complex thought processing, thoughts, read and understand words
Area that coordinates complex muscular actions of the mouth, tongue and larynx
Broca's area---speech
How many cranial nerves are there?
The thin layer of gray matter on the outermost portion of the cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex
What types of areas are fouind on the cerebral cortex?
Sensory, Associaton and Motor
What kind of matter surrounds the other in the spinal cord?
white surrounds gray