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10 Cards in this Set

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How did Frankish rulers gain control of and govern territory in western Europe
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Germanic tribes entered western Europe and began taking control of the lands there. They created a bunch of short lived kingdoms. Clovis the King of the Merovingians ruled with the help of the Roman Catholic Church. He turned it over to his sons who divided the kingdom amongst themselves. They were weak leaders so eventually the palace mayors became the real rulers.
What caused the decline of Charlemagne's great empire?
Charlemagne left it to his descendants, Louis the Pious, his son, who then left it his three sons who divided the kingdom into three kingdoms (eastern, middle and western-treaty of verdun). They were poor rulers who fought among themselves instead of uniting against powerful and ambitious local lords. Invaders stormed from every direction.
Why were the Vikings so greatly feared?
They went "a-Viking", raided and pillaged settlements. They captured slaves. They were savage and cruel and enjoyed battle. They used axes and swords to strike terror.
How did the feudal system and manorial system compliment each other?
The feudal system was the government and military system in western Europe (governmental unit was the fief or piece of land). The manorial system was the economic structure in western Europe (economic unit was the manor).
Person granting land
person receiving land
piece of land being granted
large estate that included a manor house and a village
What was life like for the serfs and for those nobility on the manor
Serfs were the peasants who worked their tails off. They couldn't leave without permission. Meager diet, disease, starvation, long backbreaking work led them to live to about 30 years old. Nobility lived in a castle and didn't have to work as hard. Spent his day looking after his land dispensing justice to vassals and serfs. Both enjoyed medieval tournaments.
What were the characteristics of the code of chivalry?
1 brave
2 fight fair
3 tricks were considered cowardly
4 loyal to friends
5 keep your word
6 treat conquered foes gallantly
7 especially courteous to women