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55 Cards in this Set

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________ __________ defenses limit microbe colonization of the ____________ _____________ _______.

Upper respiratory / lower respiratory tract.

In the lower respiratory tract, there is not ciliated surface. What are the defenses?

Alveolar macrophages recruit neutrophils

________ ___________ traps microbes and particulates larger than 2 micrometers

mucociliary clearance

Inflammation of the throat


Strep throat is caused by what organism?

S. Pyogenes

How is strep throat contracted ?

respiratory droplets (coughing in wound causes systemic)

S&S of strep throat

fever/ sore throat /headache swollen lymph nodes

Treatment and prevention of strep

Treat wth penicillin /prevent by wash hands

Untreated Strep can lead to _____ _____.

Rheumatic Fever.

Signs of rheumatic fever

fever and joint pain. Can cause permanent heart damage.

What is acute glomerulonephritis?

acute inflammation of the kidneys cause by immunoresponse to rheumatic fever

A life threatening illness that causes a pseudomembrane...


What organism causes diptheria and how is it transmitted?

Corynebacterium diphtheriae/respiratory droplets

Diseases transmitted through respiratory droplets




bacterial meningitis


What causes pseudomembrane?

wbcs, dead tissue and mucus; can cause resp. blockage

Treatment and prevention for diptheria?

Antibiotics and antitoxins / tdap dtap

Most commonly infected part of the upper resp tract?


T or F: Sinusitis is caused by indigenous microbiota?


Swimmers ear is caused by what three organisms? (Pss)

Pseudomonas, Strep, Staph

Why do children commonly get ear infections

short eustachian tube

Middle ear infections are also called otitis media. How are they treated?


What is the organism that causes the most dangerous type of meningitis

N. Meningitidis

What is the route N. Meningitidis takes from respiratory drop to infection?

1. attaches in the nasopharyngeal cavity with pili

2. travels through epithelial cell barrier

3. enters blood vessels

4. can travel across BBB

HOw is meningitis treated diagnosed and prevented?

Treated with antibiotics

diagnosed with spinal tap

prevented with vaccine

Disease is also known as whooping cough


Pertussis is caused by what organism

Bordetella pertussis

How is pertussis prevented

tdap dtap

B. Pertussis is a gram negative rod that adheres to cilia and produces an exotoxin. What are symptoms of this infection?

100 day cough

Paroxysm (coughing git)

low grade fever

the a in TDaP means?


TB is caused by what organism

mycobacterium tuberculosis

How is a person diagnosed with TB?

1. mantoux skin test

2. chest xray

3. acid fast stain the sputum

What is an induration?

It is a welt from a positive tb test

Is the infectious dose for TB small or large? how is it transmitted?

small dose / aerosolized droplets

How is TB prevented ? Treated?

Prevented with vaccine in areas where prevalent.

Treated with a year of antibiotics

Steps of TB include:

1. inhale droplets

2. bets into lower lungs, bronchioles and alveoli

3. Body rejects; WBCs form _______________ .


This form of TB is accompanied by millet seed rash

military tb

What does MDR-TB stand for

Multi Drug Resistant TB

How is bronchitis prevented?

Annual flu vaccines/good hygiene

Classic signs of inflammation

1. dolor

2. tumor

3. rubor

4. Calor





HCAP affects patients who have been on what type of devices in a hospital?


What organism causes HCAP?

Staph Pneumonia....hospital is covered in staph!!!

Symptoms of HCAP

Flu like

CAP (community acquired pneumonia) is caused by what organism?

Strep Pneumonia (hospital is staph pneumonia. Strep is common in the community)

CAP can be located in what regions of the respiratory system?

1. lobar (one lobe of lung)

2. Double (both lungs)

3. Broncho - patches in passageways

Prevention and treatment of CAP?


Another name for atypical pneumonia..

walking pneumonia

diagnosis of atypical pneumonia?

isolation of organism on blood agar and appearance of fried egg colony

organism and transmission of atypical pneumonia?

mycoplasma pneumoniae; resp droplets

Legionella pneumophila causes what disease?


T or F: Necrotizing pneumonia can develop after contracting legionnaires?


Prevention for legionnaires?

chlorinate or filter water

The organism Coxiella Burnetii causes what disease?

Q Fever (burnetii burning up fever)

How is q fever transmitted? prevented? treated?

consuming raw or improperly pasteurized milk (and from touching fur)



This zoonotic disease is transmitted from infected birds. What is the organism and disease name?

Chlamydophila Psittaci / Psittacosis

This zoonotic disease is caused by a spore forming organism that lives in the soil. What is the name of the disease and the organism


Bacillus Anthracis