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65 Cards in this Set

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study of muscles
functions of muscles
movement; stability; control of body openings and passages; heat production
thin sleeve of loose connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber; creates room for blood capillaries and nerve fibers to reach every muscle fiber ensuring that no muscle cell is w/out stimulation and nourishment
perimyseum: thicker connective tissue sheath that wraps muscle fibers together in bundles called:
a fibrous sheath that surrounds the entire muscle .
sheet of connective tissue that seperates neighboring muscles or muscle groups from each other and from the subcutaneous tissue.
muscles that are thick in the middle and tapered at each end. ex: biceps brachii
fusiform muscles
muscles that have a fairly uniform width and parallel fasciles ex: rectus abdominis
parallel muscles
fan shaped muscles that are borad at the orgiin and converging toward a narrower insertion. ex: pectoralis major
triangular (convergent) muscles
feather shaped muscles. can be uni- or bi-. ex:rectus femoris
pennate muscles
muscles that form rings around certain body openings
circular muscles/ sphincters
muscle attachment where the muscle ends and gap is bridged by a tendon
indirect attachment
attachment of muscle to bone is bridged by spanned collagen fibers.
direct attachment
bony site of muscle attachment at the relatively stationary end is called
the muscle attachment site at its more mobile end is called its
the thick middle region of muscle is called the
the muscle that produces most of the force during a particular action is called
the prime mover/ agonist
a muscle that aids the prime mover
a muscle that opposes the prime mover
muscles that act on opposite sides of a joint
an antagonist pair
a muscle that prevents a bone from moving
a muscle is entirely contained within a region, having both its insertion and origin there; ex: tongue, back, foot
intrinsic muscle
muscle that acts upon a region but has its origin elsewhere; ex:fingers are moved by muscles of the forearms
extrinsic muscle.
the ____ of a muscle refers to the identity of the nerve that stimulates it
muscles are innervated by 2 groups of nerves. what are they?
spinal nerves and cranial nerves
what muscle elevates eyebrows & wrinkles skin of forehead?
what muscle retracts the scalp; fixes gale aponeurotica so frontalis can act on eyebrows?
what muscle elevates upper eyelid and opens the eye
levator palpebrae superioris
what muscle draws eyebrows medially and downward in frowning and concentration & squint?
corrugator supercilii
what muscle widens nostrils?
the point of convergence of muscles of the face just lateral to each angle of the lips.
elevates and everts upper lip when sad or serious
levator labii superioris
elevates angle of mouth as in smiling
levator anguli oris
draws angle of mouth upward and laterally in laughing
zygomaticus major
elevates upper lip exposes uppper teeth in smiling
zygomaticus minor
draws angle of mouth laterally in expressions of laughing, horror, or disdain
draws angle of mouth laterally and downward in opening mouth or sad expressions
depressor anguli oris
draws lower lip downward and laterally in chewing
depressor labii inferioris
elevates and protrudes lower lip in drinking, pouting, and wrinkles skin of chin
compresses cheek against teeth and gums.
draws lower lip downward in expressions of horror or surprise, may aid in opening mouth widely
depresses tongue
draws tongue upwards and posteriorly
unilateral action draws tongue to one side;
elevation, retraction, and lateral and medial excursion of mandible
temporalis muscle
elevation of the mandible
masseter & medial pterygoid
chewing, swallowing, and vocalizing
hyoid muscles
depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed. opens mouth widely.
digastric muscle
depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed; elvates and protects hyoid when mandible is fixed.
geniohyoid muscle
forms floor of mouth.
mylohyoid & stylohyoid
depresses hyoid after it has been elevated
omohyoid & sternohyoid
during swallowing, these muscles contract in order to drive food into esophagus
pharyngeal constrictors
movement toward the opposite side, as when contraction of a muscle on the left turns the face to the right
contralateral movement
opposite of contralateral. movement of muscle to same side as the muscle
ipsilateral movement
hold the head erect or draw it back; extends and laterally flexes the neck
extensors of the neck; trapezius
acting unilaterally, produce ipsilateral felxion and slight roation of head, extend head when acting bilaterally
splenius capitis
when this muscle contracts it causes inspiration and when it rises it causes expiration
the muscle that runs vertically for the entire length of the back from the cranium to the sacrum.
erector spinae
stabilization of adjacent vertebrae, maintenance of posture, control of vertebral movement when erector spinae acts on vertebral column
maintains erection of penis or clirtois by compressing deep structures of the organ and forcing blood forward into its body
expel urine & semen during ejaculation. aids in erection
retains urine in bladder
external urethral sphincter
aids in urine retention in females only
compressor urethrae
retains feces in rectum
external anal sphincter
any condition where the viscera protrude thru a weak point in the muscular wall of the abdominopelvic cavity
a hernia