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22 Cards in this Set

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5 components of the telencephalon
1. cerebral hemispheres
2. basal ganglia (caudate, putamen, globus pallidus)
3. lateral ventricles
4. cerebral cortex
5. white matter (commissures and internal capsule)
5 components of the diencephalon
1. epithalamus
2. thalamus
3. hypothalamus
4. subthalamus
5. third ventricle
6 components of the mesencephalon (midbrain)
1. cerebral peduncle w/ interpueduncular fossa
2. oculomotor n. (CN III)
3. trochlear nerve (CN IV)
4. superior colliculi
5. inferior colliculi
6. cerebral aqueduct
8 components of the pons
1. trigeminal nerve (CN V)
2. abducent n. (VI)
3. facial n. (VII)
4. vestibulocochlear n. (VIII)
5. locus ceruleus
6. facial colliculus
7. rhomboid fossa(sulcus limitans and stria medullares)
9 components of the myelencephalon (medulla)
1. pyramid
2. olive
3. glosspharyngeal n. (IX)
4. vagus n. (X)
5. spinal accessory n. (XI)
6. hypoglossal n. (XII)
7. gracile tubercle
8. cuneate tubercle
9. rhomboid fossa (stria medullares, vagal and hypoglossal trigones, sulcus limitans, area postrema)
6 parts of the frontal lobe
1. pre central gyrus (motor)
2. superior frontal gyrus
3. middle frontal gyrus (FEF)
4. inferior frontal gyrus (Broca's area)
5. gyrus rectus and orbital gyri
6. anterior paracentral lobule
5 parts of the parietal lobe
1. postcentral gyrus (sensory)
2. superior parietal lobule (sensory)
3. inferior parietal lobule (supramarginal gyrus-interraltes sensory, auditory, visual input-and angular gyrus (receives input from primary visual cortex)
4. precuneus
5. posterior paracentral lobule
5 parts of the temporal lobe
1. transverse temporal gyri of Heschl (auditory)
2. superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke area in dominant side)
3. middle temporal gyrus
4. inferior temporal gyrus
5. lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
2 parts of the occipital lobe
1. cuneus (visual cortex)
2. lingual gyrus (visual cortex)
4 parts of the limbic lobe
1. paraterminal gyrus and subcallosal area
2. cingualte gyrus
3. parahippocampal gyrus (terminates in uncus)
4. hippocampal formation (dentate gyrus, hippocampus, subiculum)
4 olfactory structures
1. olfactory bulb and tract (outpouching of telencephalon)
2. olfactory trigone and striae
3. anterior perforated substance
4. diagnol band of Broca (connects amygdaloid and septal area)
Location of cranial nerve exits (3-12)
3. interpeduncular fossa of midbrain
4. dorsal midbrain below inf colliculi
5. pons
6. pontomedullary junction
7, 8. cerebellopontine (CP) angle
9, 10, 11. post olivary sulcus
12. pre olivary sulcus
Heschle's gyrus contains (1)receives input from . . .(2)
1. primary auditory cortex
2. medial geniculate body
Gerstmann syndrome
1. cause
2. symptoms
1. destruction of angular (receives visual impulses) and supramarginal (interrelates sensory, auditory, and visual input) gyri on dominant (usually left) side
2. agraphia, acalculia, finger agnosia, and L-R disorientation
contents of the cavernous sinus
carotid artery, CN 3, 4, V1, V2, and 6
what lies in within the sella turcica
pituitary gland (hypophysis)
contents of the striatum
caudate + putamen
disease resulting from damage to head of the caudate nucleus
-results in...
Huntington's disease
-hydrocephalus ex vacuo
cingulate gyrus
1. part of the...
2. damage causes..but doesn't affect..
3. contains cingulum which connects...
4. cingulectomy used to tx...
1. limbic lobe
2. causes akinesia, mutism, apathy/placidity, and indifference to pain...memory is unaffected
3. hippocampal formation w/ septal nucleus
4. anxiety and depression
the fornix
1. contains...
2. projects...
1. fibers from the hippocampal formation and septal nuclei
2. to mammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus
largest nucleus of the diencephalon
pulvinar nucleus (integrates visual, auditory, and somethetic input)
Internal capsule
1. anterior limb
2. genu
3. posterior limb
1. b/n caudate nucleus and putamen
2. contains corticobulbar fibers
3. b/n lentiform nucleus and thalamus, contains corticospinal ,perfused by lateral striate arteries and ant choroidal a.