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87 Cards in this Set

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DNA looks like______
Spiral staircase
How many forms of DNA?
DNA has a _____ helix
The sides are Alternating ____ and ____
Sugar, Phosphates
The sugar is ________
the dioxyribose
The middle rungs of DNA are made of ________
nitrogen bases
The bases are
Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine
What bases always pair with each other?
Adenine with Thymine and
Cytosine with Guanine
What stage does DNA replication occer?
Always in Interphase
What happens in DNA replication?
DNA unwinds and seperates, loose nitrogen Basis in the nucleus pair with the open nitrogen basis, The order matches exactly
The DNA remains ______ between the parent and the offspring.
The same
What does DNA do?
controls everything you do
RNA has ________ helix
a single
What are the nitrogen basis of RNA?
Adenine, Uracil, Cytosine, Guanine
Which Nitrogen Basis pair up?
Adenine with Uracil and Cytosine with Guanine
What does the RNA do?
Produces protiens
RNA undergoes _______ and _______
transcription, translation
How many forms of RNA are there?
What are the three types of RNA?
mRNA is the __________ RNA
mRNA is found ________
in the nucleus
mRNA ________ on open DNA helix, then _____ and matches ________to create RNA strand
Reads, unzips, the complementry bases
rRNA is the ________ RNA
rRNA is found in __________ part of the ____________
Cytoplasm, ribosome
the rRNA reads the RNA in ________ (threebases in order)
tRNA is the_______ RNA
the tRNA is found in the _______
the RNA carries ___________ to make a _______, which creats a _______
specific amino acids, chain, protien
How many stages to Protein synthesis, What are they?
two, Transcrpition and translation
Transcription is the ___________
copying of the DNA
Translation is ______________
decoding and translating the RNA
What is the cell cycle?
the regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo
All parts of the cell are either _____ or _____ evenly during the cell cycle.
duplicated, divided
One parent cell becomes _____ daughter cell/s
How many stages in the cell cycle?
How many stages in mitosis?
What are the stages (including the steps in mitosis?
Interphase, Mitosis (prophase, metaphase anaphase, telophase) Cytokanesis
- ___ (shortest/ longest/ other) period of time
-is over when________
-DNA _____ after_______
-ends with_______
the cell doubles in size
in the nucleous
replicates, The cell grows
2 identical DNA
-occers in ________ stages
-the cells nucleus______ into __ new _____
-__ copy of ____ is distributed to each _______ cell
devides, 2, nuclei
one, DNA, daughter
What is chromatin?
DNA in the nucleus ost of the cells life, thread like, a jumbled mass (all jumbled in a *tin*)
What is chromatid?
tight condensed coils made of chromatins (loopy "d" is like a coil)
What is a chromosome?
two identical chromatids joind (in and x) by a centromere
what are the stages of mitosis?
prophase, metephase, anaphase, and telophase
What happens during prophase?
thread like chromatins condense and coil into chromatids in the nucleus, and the nucluar membrane starts dissolving
What happens during metephase? what does met mean?
met = middle
the chromosomes align along the middle of the cell on an imaganary equater.
What hapens during anaphase?
The chromasomes begin seperating and attach to spindle fibers that come out of the north and south poles of the cell (form v shapes on the ends of the spidle fiber)
What happens during telephase?
The chromosomes continue to seperate and start moving to oposite poles of the cell, the cromatids unwind into cromatins, and the nuclear membrane start to form
What happens during cytokinesis?
the cytoplasm divides and distributes the organells evenly into the two daughter cells.
cytokinesis occers __________ with telephase.
each daugter cell ends with ______ amount of chromasomes as the parent cell
the same
cytokinesis occers diffrently in each type of cell what happen to Animal cells?
Cell membran squeezes together in the middle and pinches together`
cytokinesis occers diffrently in each type of cell what happen to Plant cells?
cell plate gradually developes into cell membrane then the cell wall between the cell
cytokinesis occers diffrently in each type of cell what in budding?
yeast daugter cells "bud" off of the parent cell and grow into full-sized cells
What is the length of the cell cycle?
it depends on the type of cell
What is caused when the cell cycle goes wrong?
What are Homologouse chromosomes?
two chromasomes with the exact same genes, but different variations of the genes ( eg. one has blue eyes brown hair, the other has green eyes red hair)
What are sister chromatids?
Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a single chromosome that are connected by a centromere. (same as a chromosome)
What is crossing over?
Asection from each homologouse chromosomes exchange with the corresponding section (ei. red hair and brown hair change places)
when can crossing over occer?
Prophase 1
meiosis occers in ______
the cell cycle occers in _______
any cells
what are gametes
sex cells (egg or sperm cells)
What is a Haploid?
a cell that has a single set of each cromosomes
What is diploid?
A cell that has 2 identical sets of each chromosomes
Meiosis turns a _______ cell into a ______
diploid, haploid
What are the (highest) catagories of meiosis?
meiosis 1 and 2
meiosis 1, interphase
what haapens?
DNA replication, cell grows, centricles move toward poles
Meiosis 1
What happens during Prophase 1?
Nuclear membrane dissolves, Chromosomes form and pair with eachother to form homologous chromosomes
meiosis 1
what happens during Metephase 1?
Homologous chromosomes pair along the imaginary equator, spindle fibers attach to them and the centricles ("t" things)
Meiosis 1
what happens during Anaphase 1?
Homologouse chromosomes split and each move to opposite sides of the cell still attached to spindle fibers
Meiosis 1
What happens during telophase 1 and cytopkinesis?
Spindle fibers go away, homologeouse chromosomes split, cell devides into 2 daugter cells
Meiosis 2
What happens during interphase 2?
Meiosis 2
What happens during Prophase 2?
Chromosomes prepare to devide again, spindle fibers begin to grow from the centricles
Meiosis 2
What happens during Metephase 2?
Chromosomes line up on imaginary equator, the spindle fibers no go from the centricles to the centromeres
Meiosis 2
What happens during What happens during Anaphase 2?
sister chromatids/ chromosomes begin seperating still attached to the spindle fibers, now the V shape is attached to the spindle fibers
Meiosis 2
What happens during Telophase 2 and cytokinesis 2?
Ends with each cell being haploid (n)
Four daugter cells
How many steps to transcription?
1. the _______________ acts as a template for the ____
2. _________, and enzyme, moves down the track to form a ______ of ________.
3. Forms ________
coding strand of the DNA, RNA
RNA polymererase, chain, RNA
How many steps to translation?
What are the steps of translation?
Initiation, Elongation, Termination
What happens during Initiation?
The mRNA forms a comple with a ribosome
What happens during Elongation?
The ribosome "reads" the codons to build a chain of amino acids
Which two types of RNA are used in elongation?
rRNA and tRNA
What does the ribosome consist of?
Small molecule of rRNA combind with two larger molecules of rRNA
What does the rRNA do during Elongation?
-Binds to mRNA
-ensures genetic message is properly read
-Forms bond to "give" amino acids
What does the tRNA do during Elongation?
-goes to the cytoplasm to find corrisponding amino acids and bring it back to form a chain, as the ribosome reads the codon
What pairs with the codon of the amino acid?
The anti- codon
What is Termination?
the protein is released and goes to its destination