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79 Cards in this Set

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why is tRNA considered the translator of translation
read the nucleotide language and arragents the respective aa tRNA to bind.
what is the anticodon? In which direction is it read?
complimetnary protion fo the aminoacyl tRNA that is read three to five
what two functions does aminoacyl tRNA synthetase perform
binds aa to respcetive acyl tRNA
activates the aa so it is ready for a peptide bond
at which end of the tRNA does the aa bind
what aminoacyl tRNA is only aatRNA that can bind directly to the p site
fmet tRNA
codes for methionine
waht are the three nucleotides of DNA that make up the start codon? waht are the three nucleotides of RNA that make up the start codon?
is the RNA the same as the template or complimentary
where are the P and A sites located on the ribosome
small subunit
P site is 5' to the A site
what enzyme binds the growing peptide in the p site to the amino acid in the A site
peptidyl transferase activity
the release of peptide and final tNRA is signlaed by what codon
then releasing factor comes in
wha tis cotranslation import and why does it occur?
translation and translocation of the peptide into the lumen of the ER
will either become a vesicle or some type of organelle
important because membrane associated proteins must be associated with soem sort of membrane and in this case its the ER
where does cotranslaitonal improt occur
at the membrane of the ER
do translation and import occur at th e same time?
what is the signal peptide? why is it important?
the first 15 to 20 aa on a prot that is going to be membrane associated
tells teh system that it is going to membrane associated and it will kow to send it to the ER
what is the signal recognition particle and what two molecules does it bind?
SRP binds nascent peptide and GTP
what is the signal peptidase molecule? what part of the nascent peptide does this molecule cleave?
cleaves off the first 15 to 20 aa residues of the nascent peptide at the N terminus
a new terminus is then made that is part of the funcitonal protein
peptides are always synthesized ___ terminus to ___ terminus
what is the stop transfer peptide? what function does it perform?
a sequence that is in the interior portion of the peptide that stops translocation into the ER.
what happens whne the stop transfer peptide comes along
translation sotps in ER but continues in the cytosol
what kinds of proteins are made on the rough ER
membrane associated proteins... nto necessarily membrane bound
how are hormones transported from one organ to another? how does this differ from neurotrans trasnprot from one cell to another?
hormones are by definition transproted by the vascular system or circulatory sytem. They can be like autocrine or paracrine. Most are transproted by large blood vessels. Neurotrans are secreted by presynaptic membrane which is very close to the postynaptic membrane.
what are some major classifications of hormones? give an example of each
aa derivatives like epi and NE
short peptides like ADH
large peptides like inslulin
small molecules like NO
what are the four intracellular events that occur after the hormone binds to a cell surface receptor tyrosine kinase? RTK
conformational change in the receptor. Then autophosphorylation
recruitment of molecules
gene expression
what is the ligan in the hormone receptor system? Does the ligand bind to the receptor covalentyly?
the molecules that interacts iwth the receptor
No, interaction is ionic
what is a second messenger
an intracellular molecule that amplifies the information from the primary signal
what ist he primary funcitn of a secon dmessenger
to amplify information
what are examples of second messengers
true or false. AC is found floating freely in the cytoplasm
false. it is an integral protein but does NOT transverve the plasma membrane it is jsut partially bound
what is the molecule that directly activates AC
alpha subunit of the g prot
what is a g protein? how many subunits do most g proteins ahve? which subunit functiosn as a gtpase enzyme?
guanin nucleotide binding proteins
guanine nucleotides are GTP and GDP. when voudn to GTP active the proteins are heterotrimeric prot with alpha beta gamma.
what kinds of nucleotide molecules do the g proteins bind
guanine nucleotides GDP and gTP
when the hormone binds the receptor what molecule replaces GDP on the g protein
GTP. GTP displaces GDP.
the alpha subunit of the g protein eventually inactivated is the result of what two events?
hormone dissociates from teh recpeotr
hormone and the receptor are endocytosed
degredation for the hormone or ligand
inactivation is the alpha subunit turns on and becomes GTPase that will cleave off the phosphate
t or f. the alpha subunit dissociates from teh beta gamma dimer when the alpha subunit is bound to GTP
be able to label a diagram that involves H Rc G prot and AC
not on the exam
cAMP is the product of AC activity and the metabolite of what molecule
cAMP binds to what protein kinase? to which subunits of this kinase does cAMP bind
Protein kinase A
A is associated with adenosine nucleotide
binds to the regulatory subunit
the binding of camp to the subunits mentioned in quesiton 16 causes two events to occur to this kinase molecule. name the events
dissociation of the regulatory subunit from the catalytic subunit
activation of the kinase
what is a kinase?
a general term for enzyems taht transfer gamma from ATP onto the substrate
what is the funcito of a kinase
to transfer gamma phophate from ATP to substrate
what other two molecules must be present for an active kinase to have an effect in the cell?
calcium cannot permeate lipid membranes. waht two mech are avail to calcium to increase the intracell concentration of Ca2+
ligand gated channels on PM
ligand gated channels on ER
what is a ligand gated channel
regulated by a receptor that when bound to its respective ligand open up that channel
in particular the ER IP3 gated channel allows calcium to flow into the cytoplasm
what molecule binds to calciumand becomes active as a ca complex
what is PIP2?
a reall huge molecule that has two fa that are anchored into the membrane and one inositol hanign off
what second messengersa re produced by the hydrolysis of PIP2
DAG and IP3
which one reminas mbmrane boudn and which becomes cytosolic
DAG is membrane bound
IP3 is cytosolic
be able to looks at a PIP2 and decid what part is DAG and what is IP3
what do DAG and IP3 do after they are separated from their parent molecule PIP2
DAG stay membrane and interacts iwth PKC
IP3 interacts with IP3receptor
what enzyme hydrolyzes PIP2 to DAG and IP3
what is a peptide growth factor? give two examples
peptide hormones
peptide hormones that induce cell division
receptors for GFs are a particular kind of receptor what is it
receptor tyrosine kinases
name two molecule that GF receptors phosphorylate
adapter proteins whch are close proximity and may phsophorylate all those prtoeins near it
steroid receptors are found in teh clel rather than on the cell surfac.e what special property do steroids have that allow for cytoplasmic or nuclear steroid receptors?
they are lipids
so lipophilic
the steroid receptor complex acts as a cis acting element or trans
trans acting because it mostly made up of protein tha tis the transcription factor that acts on DNA

a cis factor means the same that DNA seq that the factor acts on
the enzymatic of ___ binds the incoming aa to the newly forming peptide during the elongatio step of translations. This activity was ounce thought to be a ___ associated, but is now believed to be ____ associated activity
peptidyl transferase
the process by which the ER uptakes an incipient polypeptide concurrent with the translation of the peptide is called ____
co translational improt
polypep destined to be secreted or associated with endosomes or the palsma membrane have a special seq of 15 to 20 aa residues at the N terminus called the
a or b
aa bind to the ___ end of the tRNA and are linked to the tRNA via a ___ bond
the ___ particle ____ halts the translation of the mRNA ot a polypep before docking to the ER
signal reocgnition
four membrane associated proteins, the consense sequence ___ is ofund on the incohoate polypep and causes ____ to halt
stop transfer seq
metheyl 7 guanosine is found at the ___ end of the processed RNA from a euk organism
a peptide hormone like VEGF binds ___ to its receptor
the primary funciton of the second messenger is to ___ the external signal fo the hormone
the ___ subunit of most heterotrimeric G proteins binds to the guanine nucleotides an dacts as a ___ when it becomes inactivated
cAMP molecules bind to the regulatory subunits of PKC
true or false
the second messenger IP3 and DAG are products of PIP2 hydrolysis. The enzyme that promotes the production fo these two molecules is called ___
DAG activates ___. In turn this kinase ___ its own substrates
after a steroid hormone binds to its receptor, the steroid receptor complex tanslocates to the __ where it binds to a ___. Thus, the steroid receptor complex acts as a ____
DNA seq
trans acitvating factor
protein kinases are ubiquitous throughout all cells. The funciton of a protein kinase is to __ its substrate using __ as a source of phosphate molecules
the retinoblastoma gene Rb is a nuclear phosphoprotein. Whne phosphorylated it dissociated from the E2F protein and transcription via the E2F protein beings. This indicates that RB protein ___ the activity of E2F when not phosphorylated and is regulated by activity of a
the p53 protein plays an importatn role in the cell cycle. The p53 gene is considered to be a __ gene
the p53 gene codes for p53 nuclear proteins. When the cell si damged htere is an upregulation of p53 concentration due to a decrease in its ___. Increased amounts of p53 cuases the transcription fo the gene p21 a CDK inihibitor. This suggest that p53 acts as a ____
transcription factor
in the mammalian cell system, steroid receptors that are not boudn to their ligands are commonly found in ___
the cytosol or inthe nuclesu
guanin nucleotide protein coupled receptors are associated with heterotrimeric g proteins. GTP displaces bound gDP on the ___ of the G protein. At thsi moent, the affinity for GTP by this subunit is less or greater or same as the affinity for GDP
greater than
poly adenlyation is found on the ___ of the processed mRNA. It is the cell's way of ___ the half life of the message
the transformation of cells by the onco.... this base pair sub in codon12 codse for the __ amino acid residue
the production of cAMP is directly regulated by two enzymes ___ and ___. the formed is a ___ protein whereas the latter is a ___ protein
when EGF bind to its receptor, epidermal growth factor recepter, it chagnes the conformatino fo theEGFR such tha tit interacts with another bound EGFR. IN order for the EGF signal to be transduced into the cell,the EGFR msut interatc with anotehr EGFR in order to transduce the EGF signal. Thus, two EGFRs act as a functiaonl ____ or in other words, a multimeric polypep