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34 Cards in this Set

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European countries, including England, were in competition to increase their ___ and ___ by expanding their empires into North America.
wealth and power
Jamestown was primarily an ___ venture.
What did England hope to find in America?
silver and gold
An American settlement would furnish ____ that could not be grown or obtained in England.
raw materials
Who financed the settlement of Jamestown?
VA Company of London
The settlers were instructed to go ___ to find a suitable place for their colony.
What became the first permanent English settlement in North America in 1607?
When the settlers arrived in 1607, they founded Jamestown on a narrow peninsula bordered on three sides by the ? River
The native peoples traded mainly food with the English in exchange for jewelry and what 3 things?
tools, pots, and copper
The native peoples showed the settlers how to plant new crops. Name two of these crops.
corn and tobacco
Who was Powhatan's daughter?
Over time, the native peoples realized the English settlement would continue to ?.
The native peoples came to see the settlers as ? who would take over their land.
The English settlers found life in Jamestown ? than they had expected.
The site they chose to live on was ____, and lacked safe ____ .
marshy and water
The settlers lacked skills so they could not ____ for themselves.
Many settlers died of ___ and ___.
starvation and disease
The arrival of ____ was one change that resulted in the survival of the settlers.
supply ships
The emphasis on ___ was another change that resulted in the survival of the settlers.
The arrival of supply ships, the emphasis on agriculture, and the forced work program and leadership of John Smith ensured the survival of the ______ settlement.
Who initiated (started) trading relationships with the native peoples?
John Smith
Who led the Jamestown settlement with STRONG LEADERSHIP?
John Smith
The native peoples traded mainly ___ with the English in exchange for tools, pots, and copper for jewelry.
Who contributed (helped) to the survival of the Jamestown settlers in many ways?
native people
___, chief of many tribes provided leadership to his people and taught the settlers survival skills.
Who served as a CONTACT between the native peoples and the English?
Today, Jamestown is located on an ? in the James River.
One of the reasons Jamestown was chosen for settlement was the location could be easily defended from attack by the ?.
Another reason Jamestown was chosen for settlement was the water along the shore was deep enough for ?.
ships to dock
Another reason Jamestown was chosen for the settlement was they believed the site had a good supply of fresh ?.
The King of England granted charters to the ?.
VA Company of London
The charters from the King gave the VA Company the right to establish a ? in North America.
The charters extended ? to the settlers.
English rights
The King of England had the power to grant ? allowing settlements in North America.