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115 Cards in this Set

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labia minora meet posteriorly to form what?
labia minora meet anteriorly to form what?
frenulum and prepuce
which ducts open on each side of the urethra?
Skene ducts
what glands open on each side of the vaginal orifice?
Bartholin glands
uterus of a parous women is how many cm larger than nulliparous woman?
2-3 cm
name the 3 parts of the corpus of the uterus
fundus, body, isthmus
what ligament supports the fallopian tube?
mesosalpinx, a fold of the broad ligament
what anatomical landmark is associated with the level of the ovaries?
name the 4 ligaments that support the internal female genitalia
cardinal, uterosacral, round and broad
which 3 hormones cause relaxation of pelvic ligaments
estrogen, progesterone and relaxin
the upper border of the pelvic outlet is at the level of what landmark?
ischial spines
the lower border of the pelvic outlet is at the level of what 2 landmarks?
pubic arch and ischial tuberosities
average age range for menarche
11-14 yo
what is responsible for uterine enlargement during 1st trimester?
estrogen and progesterone
what is responsible for uterine enlargement after 1st trimester?
mechanical pressure of growing fetus
by how many weeks gestation does the uterus reach the abdominal cavity?
12 weeks
what causes the bluish color of the cervix?
venous and lymph congestion during pregnancy
what causes exaggerated uterine anteflexion during 1st 3 months of pregnancy? what is the result of this?
softness and compressibility of isthmus; fundus presses on the bladder
ovulation ceases how many years before menopause?
1-2 years
5 high risk types of HPV
16, 18, 31, 33, 45
Dx: labial swelling, redness or tenderness, mostly unilateral
Bartholin gland abscess
Dx: inflammation, irritation, excoriation or caking of discharge in tissue folds
vaginal infection or poor hygiene
Dx: discoloration or tenderness of labia minora
traumatic bleeding
Dx: irritation, inflammation or dilation or urethra
repeated UTI or insertion of foreign object
Def: myrtiform caruncle
hymenal remnants
most common cause of infection of Skene gland or urethra
2 most common causes of Bartholin gland abscess
gonococcus and Staph
Dx: nontender mass of Bartholin gland
cyst, result of chronic inflammation
normal color of cervix
Dx: pale cervix
Dx: symmetric circumscribed erythema around os
Def: cervix that points anteriorly
Dx: deviation of cervix from midline (3)
pelvic mass, pregnancy, uterine adhesions
normal range of cervical projection into vagina
1-3 cm
Dx: enlarged cervix
cervical infection
Dx: small white or yellow raised round areas on cervix
nabothian cysts, retention cysts of endocervical glands
Dx: friable tissue, red patchy areas, granular areas, white patches of cervix (3)
cervicitis, infection, carcinoma
when is discharge the heaviest?
midcycle/before menstruation
Dx: bacteria-filled epithelial cells (clue cells)
bacterial vaginosis
Dx: fishy odor after addition of KOH to vaginal discharge
bacterial vaginosis
Dx: painful cervical motion (2)
acute pelvic inflammatory disease or ruptured tubal pregnancy
most common position of uterus
anteverted, anteflexed, felt at the level of the pubis through anterior fornix
Dx: unmoveable uterus
Dx: slightly tender ovary on palpation
Dx: extremely tight anal sphincter (2)
anxiety or spasticity (from fissures, lesions or inflam)
Dx: absent sphincter
improper repair of 3rd degree perineal laceration after childbirth
Dx: clitoromegaly (2)
prematurity, CAH
are Bartholin and Skene glands palpable in kids?
no, only if infected
Dx: perineal irritation (2)
vaginal discharge or UTI
4 pelvic types
gynecoid, android, anthropoid and platypelloid
Sign: Goodell
softening of cervix, 4-6 weeks
Sign: Hegar
Softening of uterine isthmus, 6-8 weeks
Sign: McDonald
fundus flexes easily on cervix, 7-8 weeks
Sign: Braun von Fernwald
fullness and softening of fundus near site of implantation, 7-8 weeks
Sign: Piskacek
palpable lateral bulge or soft prominence of one uterine cornu, 7-8 weeks
Sign: Chadwick
bluish color of cervix, vagina and vulva, 8-12 weeks
most common pelvic shape
which pelvic type most often requires C section delivery?
Def: the most important clinical measurement for estimating AP diameter of inlet
diagonal conjugate, from symphysis (inferior border) to sacral promontary
Def: AP diameter of pelvic inlet obtained only by xray or estimated from diagonal conjugate
obstetric conjugate
Def: opening of cervical canal
progression of cervical dilation:
closed to 10 cm (full)
Def: thinning of cervix that results when myometrial activity pulls the cervix upward
Dx: shortening (<29 mm) of cervix
preterm delivery
Dx: relationship of presenting part to ischial spines
# of cm station" at ischial spines"
0 cm
what can happen in older age due to relaxation of pelvic musculature?
stress incontinence and prolapse of vaginal wall or uterus
Dx: edema, HA, weight gain, behavioral disturbances
Dx: pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, heavy/prolonged menstrual flow
endometriosis in adolescent can present with what types of pain?
cyclic and non-cyclic
Dx: flesh colored whitish pink to reddish brown discrete soft growths
condylomata acuminatum (warts), HPV
Dx: white or flesh-colored dome-shaped papules that are round or oval with central umbilication
molluscum contagiosum
cause of molluscum contagiosum
Dx: flat round or oval papules covered by gray exudate
condylomata latum (secondary syphilis)
Dx: painless ulcer, firm
syphilitic chancre (primary)
Dx: hot red tender fluctuant swelling that may drain pus
inflammed Bartholin gland
what accompanies more severe degrees of cystocele?
urinary stress incontinence
what is vaginal CA in young women related to ?
DES exposure in utero
Dx: vaginal discharge, lesions and masses, spotting, pain, change in urinary habits
vaginal CA
Dx: red polypoid growth that protrudes from urethral meatus
urethral caruncle
Dx: inflammed vaginal mucosa with petechial lesions
microbe that causes bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella vaginalis
Dx: profuse frothy greenish discharge, pH 5-6.6
Dx: folded, clumped epithelial cells on wet mount
atrophic vaginitis
Dx: hard granular surface at or near cervical os, irregular cauliflower growth
cervical carcinoma
Dx: shiny red tissue around the cervical os that may bleed easily
Degree of Prolapse: cervix remains within vagina
1st deg
Degree of Prolapse: cervix is at the introitus
2nd deg
Degree of Prolapse: cervix and vagina drop outside introitus
3rd deg
Def: menorrhagia
excessive and longer menstruation
Def: metorrhagia
menstruation at irregular intervals
Def: oligomenorrhea
infrequent menstruation
Def: polymenorrhea
increased frequency of menstruation, often not associated with ovulation
Common cause of midcycle spotting
midcycle estradiol fluctuation associated with ovulation
Common cause of delayed menstruation
anovulation or threatened abortion with excessive bleeding
Common cause of frequent bleeding (4)
chronic PID, endometriosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, anovulation
Common cause of profuse menstrual (5)
endometrial polyps, dysfunction uterine bleeding, adenomyosis, submucous bleeding leiomyomas, IUD
Common cause of intermenstrual or irregular bleeding (4)
endometrial polyps, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, uterine or cervical CA, BCP
Common cause of postmenopausal bleeding (3)
endometrial hyperplasia, estrogen therapy, endometrial CA
Dx: firm irregular nodules in contour of uterus
women taking Tamoxifen are at increased risk for what type of CA?
ruptured ovarian cyst produces sx similar to what?
ruptured tubal pregnancy
Dx: persistent and unexplained vague GI sx in >= 40 yo
ovarian CA
Dx: marked pelvic tenderness with tenderness and rigidity of lower abdomen, tachycardia
ruptured tubal pregnancy
Dx: tender, bilateral adnexal areas
acute PID
Dx: bilateral tender irregular and fairly fixed adnexal areas
chronic PID
Dx: urinary meatus that is not located behind the clitoris
presence of penis in ambiguous genitalia
Dx: vaginal discharge, warm erythematous and swollen vulvar tissue
rupture of membranes before onset of labor in a term pregnancy is considered preterm rupture is labor doesn't begin in how many hours?
12 hr
amniotic fluid has what pH and does what to Nitrazine paper?
7.15, turns it blue-green
5 predisposing factors for prolapse of umbilical cord
prematurity, breech/transverse position, hydraminos, high/floating presenting part, multiple preg
Dx: variable decelerations in fetal HR
prolapse of umbilical cord
Dx: leakage of urine due to increased abd pressure
stress incontinence
Dx: inability to hold urine once urge to void occurs
urge incontinence
Dx: mechanical dysfunction from overdistended bladder
overflow incontinence