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67 Cards in this Set

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– the process by which drugs can be administered
Sites of action
the points at which molecules of drugs interact with molecules located on or in cells of the body, thus affecting some biochemical processes of these cells
Drug effects
the changes we can observe in an animal’s physiological processes and behavior
an exogenous chemical not necessary for normal cellular functioning that significantly alters the functions of certain cells of the body when taken in relatively low doses
study of the effects of drugs on the NS and on behavior
Routes of Administration
Injection:drug is dissolved and suspended in a liquid, and injected via hypodermic needle
Intravenous, intraperitoneal, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intracerebral, intracerebroventricular
--Oral: into the mouth; swallowed
--Sublingual:placing substance beneath the tongue
--Intrarectal:into the rectum
--Inhalation: vaporous substance into the lungs
--Topical:directly onto the skin or mucous membrane
Best way to look at drug effectiveness
Dose response curve
--effect of drug versus dose
Maximum effect
point when increasing dose does not produce stronger effect
Margin of safety
the difference between dose-response curves; desirable effect and toxic effect
most desirable drug
= LARGE margin of safety
Therapeutic index
measure of a drug’s margin of safety
lower therapeutic index =
more care taken in prescribing the drug
Therapeutic Index Ratio
RATIO = desired effects dose (50%)/ toxic effects dose (50%)
Most desirable Drugs
High affinity for therapeutic effects
Low affinity for toxic effects
the readiness with which 2 molecules join together
High affinity
theraputic affects
low affinity
toxic effect
Sites of Drug Action
Agonist (AGO)
Antagonists (ANT)
Agonist (AGO)
facilitates or mimics NT
---DIRECT AGO: binds to receptor site --> opens ion channel
---INDIRECT AGO: attaches to alternative site--> facilitates opening of channel
Antagonist (ANT)
blocks or inhibits NT
---DIRECT ANT: binds to receptor site--> prevents ion channel from opening
---INDIRECT ANT: attaches to receptor site-->prevents opening of ion channel
ACh (Acetylcholrine) roles
---Activation of the cerebral cortex-
learning and memory
---REM sleep and dreaming
ACh has 2 components
1. Choline – derived from breakdown of lipids
2. Acetate – anion found in vinegar
Production of ACh
1. in presence of the enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)
2. the acetate ion is transferred from Acetyl-CoA to the choline molecule, yielding a molecule of ACh and CoA
Too much ACh in cleft
then it opens too many channels causing either
1. Inhibitory would be paralysis 2. excite it and get spaticity
Botulinim Toxin
ANT); prevents release of ACh
Black Widow Spider Venom
(AGO); stimulates release of ACh
(ANT) blocks ACh receptors (temporary paralysis but brain still works)
(AGO); AChE inhibitor (used in persons with myasthenia gravis)
Defends the enzyme from destroying Ach,
Location of ACh
---Dorsolateral Pons: REM sleep
----Basal Forebrain:
Cortical activation; facilitates learning
---Medial Septum: controls electrical rhythms of hippocampus and modulates it s functions (including formation of memories
Destruction of Acetylcholine
ACh released from terminal button-->deactivated by acetycholinesterase (AChE)-->produces choline and acetate-->reuptake returns choline to terminal button-->choline converted back to ACh
Monoamines 2 catergories
1. Catecholamines
2. Indolamines
1. Dopamine (DA)
2. Epinephrine (minor importance in the brain compared to NE)
3. Norepinephrine (NE)
Serotonin (5-HT)
Dopamine (DA) Roles
1. Movement
2. Attention
3. Learning
4. Higher cortical problem solving
5. Pleasure
Locations of Dopamine Neurons
1. Nigrostriatal:
Control of movement
2. Mesolimbic:
Nucleus accumbens reinforces drug use
3. Mesocortical:
Excitatory effect on frontal cortex; formation of STM; planning; problem solving strategy
Dopamine precursors
(AGO); blocks reuptake
(AGO); blocks reuptake
(AGO); blocks reuptake

(ANT); blocks D4 receptor
(ANT); blocks D2 receptor
Levels of Dopamine
Too much=schizophrenia--so you want to take an ANT
to little= Parkinson-- want to give AGO
essential amino acid
Blocking Receptor effect on NT
decreases the productivity
Blocking the uptake
increases the effectiveness
Parkinson treatment
Caused by degeneration of the nigrostriatal system
Increases dopamine (Agonist)
not enough dopamine
give MAO-I (because the MAO is the enzyme that kills dopamine)
Norepinephrine (NE) Precursor
tyrosine --> L-DOPA -->dopamine --> norepinephrine
Norepinephrine (NE) System
cell bodies located in locus coeruleus (dorsal pons)
---Increase in vigilance
Norepinephrine (NE) Role
increased vigilance, attention, sexual behaviors, control of appetite
Serotonin (5-HT) Roles
1. Regulation of mood
2. Control of eating
3. Sleep/dreaming and arousal
4. Regulation of pain
5. Regulating impulsivity
Serotonin (5-HT) Precursors
Tryptophan --> 5-HTP --> Serotonin (5-HT)
Serotonin (5-HT) location
Cell bodies in the Raphe nuclei
(AGO); stimulates 5-HT release
(presynaptic) causes more synaptic vesicles to fuse
MDMA (Ecstasy)
(AGO); stimulates 5-HT release
(AGO); stimulates 5-HT release and inhibits reuptake
Fluoxetine (Prozac):
(AGO); inhibits reuptake
3 Most Common Amino Acids in the Brain
1. Glutamate
3. Glycine
principle excitatory NT in the CNS
---Direct excitatory and inhibitory effects on axons
---They raise or lower the threshold of excitation, thus affecting the rate at which action potentials can occur
principle inhibitory NT in the brain
----Stabilizes brain activity from uncontrollable neuron firing (i.e. seizures)
inhibitory effect over muscles
---Located in spinal cord and lower brain
ACh Receptors
1. Nicotinic receptors (Ionotropic)
2. Muscarinic receptors (Metabotropic)
Nicotinic receptors (Ionotropic)
stimulated by nicotine
---Rapid actions – ion channels directly controlled
---Some found at axoaxonic synapses in brain where they produce presynaptic facilitation
----Curare (ANT) – drug that blocks nicotinic receptors; causes temporary paralysis but the brain still works
Muscarinic receptors (Metabotropic)
stimulated by muscarine (found in poisonous mushroom)
----Slower action – ion channels indirectly controlled by second messengers
---Predominate in CNS
----Atropine – drug that blocks muscarinic receptors
Myasthenia gravis
a hereditary disorder caused by an attack of a person’s immune system against acetylcholine receptors located on skeletal muscles
the person becomes weaker as the muscles become less responsive to the NT (ACh)
(AGO) is used in persons with myasthenia gravis
----AChE inhibitor
---The person regains some strength because the ACh that is released has a more prolonged effect on the remaining receptors
----This drug cannot cross the blood-brain barrier (no effect on AChE found in CNS)
Can choline attach directly to Acetate?
NO: (it is transferred from a molecule of acetyl-CoA)