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22 Cards in this Set

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Inflammation of the endocardium that lines inside of heart
-causes lesions and vegetations to form
-caused by bacteria that enters the body(IV drug users, oral lesions, IV caths, urinary caths, body piercing, prosthetic valves)
Signs and symptoms of endocarditis
infective endocarditis:
-temp above 101.5F and flu-like symptoms
-cough, shortness of breath, joint pain
acute staphylococcal endocarditis:
-more severe, sudden onset of chill and high fever
*splenomegaly is common
*peripheral symptoms stem from microemboli or circulating immune complexes(petechiae: small purplish-red hemorrhagic spots on the trunk, conjuntiva, and mucous membranes), splinter hemorrhages(streaks under nails), osler's nodes(small, reddened painful growths on finger and toe pads), janeway lesions(small nontender, purplish-red macular lesions on the palms of the hands and soles of feet), roth's spots(small, whitish spots seen on the retina
Treatment of endocarditis
-blood culture(positive from at least 2 different sites, 2 different times)
*endocarditis has increased risk of emboli resulting from vegetation break off
*prosthetic valve endocarditis need longer therapy of antibiotics
-surgery to replace damaged valves, removal of large vegetations
Diagnostics and nursing implications
Stress/exercise test
stress test/exercise test:
-work rate increased q3min for 15min by increasing speed and degree of incline
-exercise until fatigued, develop symptoms, or reach max HR
nursing care:
-wear comfortable shoes
-avoid food, fluid, and smoking for at least 2-3hrs
*thallium can be used to evaluate perfusion of myocardium(BP/HR affecting meds should be held for 24-36 hrs before)
Inflammation of outer layer of the heart:
-chest pain, pericardial friction rub, fever, decreased cardiac output
-relieved by position change
-aggravated by coughing or deep breaths
-cardiac tamponade(filling of the pericardial sac with blood or fluid that compresses the heart) is relieved by pericardial centesis
Conditions that require pacemaker
-partial or complete heart block
-intermittent sinus arrest
-sinus bradychardia
Which condition requires biventricular pacing?
Types of Pacemakers
-fixed rate-fires at a predetermined rate
-demand-fires only when needed
-atrial triggered
-atrial/ventricular sequenced
Nursing care for pacemaker patients
-teach pt to take pulse q am before getting up and reporting if pace is 5 or more beats slower than preset rate
-teach signs of infection
-teach signs of malfunction:chest pain, dizziness, palpitation
-no heavy lifting for 2mo
-no machines with magnets
-carry id with type and rate of pacemaker
implantable cardiac defibrillator
-delivers high energy pulse to heart during dysrhythmias
-can store information
-senses v-fib, v-tach, a-fib
What is the purpose of the foramen ovale during fetal circulation
it allows blood to flow from right atrium to left atrium and usually closes within 1-2 years after birth
What is the purpose of ductus arteriosus during fetal circulation?
it is a shunt that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta; the high levels of O2 after birth usually closes the opening
What are some of the causes of congenital heart defects?
-viral infection during pregnancy(rubella)
-maternal alcoholism or DM
-maternal smoking
-maternal age >40
Symptoms of congenital heart defects
-increased pulse
-increased respirations
-delayed growth
-frequent upper respiratory infection
-pale, not active, weak
*increased risk for sudden fetal death, sudden infant death, sudden adult death
Nursing care for pediatric catheterization
-affected leg straight 4-6hrs
-bed can only be raised 20 degrees
-IV fluids until taking adequate PO fluids
-locate and mark pulses before surgery
Classification of pediatric heart defects
1. cyanotic/acyanotic
2. increased pulmonary blood flow/decreased pulmonary blood flow
Acyanotic: atrial septal defect
- left to right shunt between atria
-increased pulmonary blood flow
-symptoms:fatigue, dypsnea, atrial dysrhythmias, palpitation, murmur during systolic ejection
-close with open heart surgery
-asymptomatic: treat with digoxin, diuretics, antiarrythmics
*monitor for CHF
Acyanotic: ventricular septal defect
-left to right shunt between ventricles
-increased pulmonary blood flow
-symptoms:tachypnea, dyspnea, undernourished
*moderate to large defects develop CHF accompanied by poor feeding and failure to thrive
Acyanotic: patent ductus arteriosus
-failure for ductus arteriosus to close after birth
-left to right shunting between pulmonary and aorta
-symptoms:tiring quickly, tachypnea, decreased cardiac output, machine-like murmur
*untreated develops CHF; increased risk for endocarditis or aneurysm
Acyanotic: coarctation of aorta(COA)
-partial or complete obstruction of blood flow through constriction of aorta
-causes obstruction to left ventricular output
-decreases blood flow in lower body
-discrepancy between upper and lower extremities BPs
-weak or absent femoral pulses
-weakness or tingling in lower extremeties
-murmur with ejection click
Acyanotic: Pulmonary Stenosis/Aortic stenosis
-defective pulmonic valve-thickened, hardened, rigid
-decreases CO
-causes right ventricle to pump harder->hypertrophy
symptom:murmur w/ palpable thrill, exercise intolerance, CHF if severe, right ventricular failure
-defective aortic valve
-decreased CO
-symptoms: faint peripheral pulses, poor peripheral perfusion, severe CHF, chest pain, dizziness, syncope on exertion
Cyanotic heart defects
-defects with decreased pulmonary blood flow(hypoxemia)
-tetralogy of fallot
-truncus arteriosus
-transposition of the great vessels