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38 Cards in this Set

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Steps for EKG analysis
How do you figure out HR from EKG?
60/RR interval (in seconds)
1500/# of small boxes btw QRS
Sinus Arrhythmia vs. sick sinus syndrome
Both have varying HR and RR interval
Diff dx: have pt take in deep breaths and it should cause difference in HR
What is supraventricular tach? Causes?
Tachycardia originating above ventricule tissue, including sinus tach, atrial tach, juntional tach
Panic attack, stress, MVP, ANS dysfxt
Steps for analyzing rhythm
Rate, RR interval - normal?
P before each QRS and QRS after each P
PR int normal?
QRS int normal?
R on T PVC
As ventricle is repolarizing (T wave) a PVC hits and causes an R wave on top of the T wave
Can progress to Vtach of Vfib = dangerous
Types of premature contractions
Premature atrial contraction
Premature junctional contraction
What is an ectopic foci?
Initiaton of electrical signal outside normal autorhythmic cells = abnormal pattern
Unifocal vs. Multifocal PVC
Unfocal = 1 area causing abnormla contraction
Multifocal = 2 dif foci causing contractions, identified by 2 different looking PVCs
How do you identify a PVC on EKG?
Lack P waves, long QRS waves and unusual looking
Followed by compensatory pause
How often does PVCs occur?
30-40% in healthy population
50-60% in CAD pts
How do you identify R vs. L ventricular PVCs?
R - downward b/c going from pos to neg
L - upward b/c going from neg to pos
Non-cardiac causes of PVCs
Pectus excavatum
Common with ischemia
Keys in identifying AV blocks
PR interval (AV block exceeds .2 sec)
Ratio of P waves to QRS (missing?)
Second degree AV blcok
Some P waves don't conduct impulse
Result in some P waves with no QRS after
3rd degree AV block
No correlation btw P wave and QRS
QRS widened b/c impulse arising from ventricular fibers, and must go cell to cell
How do you identify BBB? Cause?
Long QRS > .12, but still ahve p wave before it
Long QRS b/c must depolarize cell to cell
Cause: vent hypertrophy, WPW, dru and electrolye cuases
Hard to see ichemia/infarct
How do you identify A-fib?
No p-wave before QRS b/c atria is just spasing out
How do you identify atrial flutter?
Multiple p waves/QRS
Atria is contracting at a rate of over 200x/min
Risks of Afib and Aflutt
Major risk factors for stroke
Afib is the most common arrhythmia
If combined with rapid Vent rate, can also get ischemia
A flutter can progress to A-fib
How do you identify Wolf-Parkinson-White on EKG?
PR interval < .12
Delta wave (slow upslope at beginning of R wave)
Precipitating factors for A-fib
Prior MI
Heart failure
Sleep apnea
Long QT syndrome. What is it associated with?
Sudden cardiac death syndrome (SCD)
Possible symptoms of Arrhythmias
Skipped beat
Syncpe, dizzy, fainting
Chest pain
Can ex help arrhythmias?
Acute ex inc's freq of arrhythmias
Chronic ex dec's likelihood of SERIOUS arrhythmias
How do you determine L ventricular hypertrophy from an EKG?
Add height of QRS wave in leads 5 and 6.. if >35 mm = L vent hypertrophy
Also, deep S wave in limb I
What may R ventricular hypertrophy signify?
L vent infarct
How do you detrmine atrial hypertrophy on EKG?
Notched or biphasic p wave
Where is ST segment depression measured?
What's signifciant?
0.08 sec after J point
> or equal to 1 mm downslope or horizontal = ischemia
> or equal to 1.5 mm upslope = ischemia
T wave and ischemia?
T wave inversion that is symmetrical when QRS is upright signals ischemia
Signs of myocardial infarction on EKG
Acute = elevated ST segment
Chronic = significant Q waves
Evolution of a Q wave MI?
Initial ST elevation with normal Q
Followed by deepending Q waves
Evenually T wave normalizes, but deep Q remains
What is SCD thought to be from?
What arrhythmias may arise from Digitalis
Multiple PVCs
EKG changes in stroke pts
Deep symetric inverted T waves in many leads
Non-specific ST segments, T wave changes
Prolonged QT intervals
Prominent U waves
Supraventricular tachycardia
How do you find MEA?
It is perpendicular to most isoelectric lead within the determined quadrant
What does autonomic dysfxt predispose a pt to?
Serious arrhythmias
Heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to evaluate autonomic dysfxt (variability in HR from beat to beat)
Stroke, TBI, MS at serious risk
How do you identify L vent hypertrophy on ecg?
Add S1 plus either V5 or V6 (whichever is biggest in mm)
if greater than or equal to 35 = hypertrophy