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8 Cards in this Set

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Unstable angina (UA) versus and NSTEMI differ primarily in whether ischemia is severe enough to cause sufficient myocardial damage to release markers of myocardial injury.

Unstable angina = symptoms of ACS but NO elevation in troponin or CK-MB, with or without ECG changes of ischemia (eg, ST segment depression or transient elevation or new T wave inversion).


Definition de FA:

paroxystique: resolves within 7 days, with or without ttt

permanent/persistant: AF that fails to self-terminate within seven days

TT FA (simplfié):

1er choix: BB et CCB

2eme choix: amiodarone

3eme choix: digoxin

FA ttt options: must consider-

1- rate versus rythym control

2- anticoagulation?

failure of RATE controle:

1- persistance des symptomes (palpitations etc) OU

2- FC inacceptable (trop rapide)

Signs d'EP radiographique

-emoussement costo-diaphragmatique

-coupole diaphragmatique surelevée

-signe de westermark


Signs d'EP à l'ECG:

tachycardie >100

pattern S wave in DII DIII AVF

signs de surchcrahe cardiaque D:

deviation axiale D (concernant QRS)

BBD transitoire

Ondes t negatifs v1-v3

ampltiude d'onde P augmentà dans les terrotoire inf

WELLS criteria:

Clinical symptoms of DVT

Other diagnosis less likely EP

Heart rate >100

Immobilization (≥3 days) or surgery in the previous 4 weeks

Previous DVT/PE




si score low---> d-dimer.

si plus que moderé--> Scanner

Pulseless electrical activity:

causes--> 5H et 5T





Hydrogen ion (acidosis)

Tension pneumothorax

Tamponade (cardiaque)


Thrombosis pulmonary

Thrombosis coronary

Pulseless electrical activity

refers to a clinical diagnosis of cardiac arrest in which a heart rhythm is observed on the electrocardiogram that should be producing a pulse, but is not. Under normal circumstances, electrical activation of muscle cells precedes mechanical contraction of the heart (known as electromechanical coupling). In PEA, there is electrical activity, but the heart either does not contract or there are other reasons why this results in an insufficient cardiac output to generate a pulse and supply blood to the organs.[1]

Cardiaque arrest

VF, VT (ie shockable rhythm)- CPR and shock

+ EPINEPHRINE, amiodarone 2er choix surtout si arythmie.

PEA, asystole-

CPR and EPINEPHRINE, 2er choix vasopressor

Tachycardie (sinusal i.e. narrow complex)

1. valsalva manouevres


3. BB OU CCB (verapamil)

Tachycardie (wide complex)




2. consider external pacing

Phlegmasia cerulea dolens:

-uncommon severe form of DVT which results from extensive thrombotic occlusion of major & collateral veins of MI/MS.

Sx: sudden severe pain, swelling, cyanosis + edema.

-High risk of massive EP, even w/ anticoagulation. -Foot gangrene may also occur.

-Disparition des pouls distaux

- 50% thrombosent les capillaires → nécroses veineuses irréversibles en 6h

-Underlying malignancy is found in 50% of cases. -Occurs in those afflicted by a life-threatening illness