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112 Cards in this Set

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Two Types of Hypertension

1. Primary: Most common (90%), unknown idiology (mostly linked to lifestyle)

2. Secondary: Caused by underlying disease (kidney, glandular, arterial, sleep apnea

Systemic Hypertension Normal/Abnormal Value Ranges

Normal: <120 / <80

Prehypertension: 120-139 / 80-89

Mild HTN: 140-159 / 90-99

Moderate HTN: >160 / >100

Severe HTN (hypertensive crisis): >180 / >110

How does systemic HTN eventually lead to hypertensive heart disease?

SystemicHTN causes:

- Anincreasein vascular resistanceand LVafter load

- Whichleads to LVH

- Whichthen leads to Diastolic Dysfunction

- Whichthen leads to Systolic Dysfunction

2D Echo Findings of Hypertensive Heart Disease

- LV pressure overload with normalLV size and normal LVF

- Concentric LVH

- Aorta enlargement /calcification / dissection

- LAE due to elevatedLVEDP and MR

- Sclerotic AV

- Mitral annular calcification(MAC)

M-Mode Findings of Hypertensive Heart Disease

- Concentric LVH with normal LV size and LVF MildLVH (wall thickness 1.2-1.4 cm)

Moderate LVH (wall thickness 1.4-1.9cm)

Severe LVH (wall thickness >2.0 cm)

- Increasein LV Mass

- LAenlargement due to elevated LVEDP and MR - Aorta enlargement /calcification / dissection

Doppler Findings of Hypertensive Heart Disease

Diastolic Function:

- Impaired Early Relaxation Pattern (SmallE / Big A/ Long DT)

Systolic Function :

- Mid-cavitary high velocity jet

- Without SAM (can also get SAM due to super thick walls)

- Velocity will be increased with hypovolemia or increased contractility

Valvular Doppler Findings


End Stage Hypertensive Heart Disease

- LV enlargement with decreased LV hypertrophy

- Looks similar to Dilated CMO (enlarged LV, decreased systolic function)

Chronic HTN

Patient may present with symptoms of heart failure due to:

- Diastolic or systolic dysfunction


- Valve disease

Limitations and Pitfalls in Assessing Hypertensive Heart Disease:

- LV mass calculation 2D vs. M-mode (need wall definition)

- May be confused with HCM or RCM

Treatment of Hypertensive Heart Disease

- Modify lifestyle

- Medical therapy (beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, diuretics)

* Serial BP readings to assess medical therapy

Hypertensive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

- NOT a true CMO

- Severe organ damage due to HTN

- Patients present with heart failure

- Normal to hyperdynamic LVF

- Concentric LVH

- Diastolic dysfunction

- Cavity obliteration with mid-cavitary high velocity jet

Pulmonary Heart Disease

- Cor Pulmonale (right heart failure)

- Shortness of breath

- Wheezing

- Edema

- Ascites

- Disease of the heart characterized by RVH and RVE and secondary to disease of the lungs or their blood vessels

- Pulmonary heart disease's main component is pulmonary HTN

Pulmonary Hypertension

- PHTN caused by increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries/lungs

- Increase in pulmonary artery pressure (>30 mmHg) due to: reduced size of pulm. vasculature and/or increase in pulmonary blood flow

Types of PHTN


- Idiopathic


- Aquired heart disease (CAD, LV failure, AV/MV disease, CMO)

- Pulmonary disease (emphysema, COPD, bronchitis)

- Congenital heart disease (anomalies with extra blood flow to the lungs

Underlying Pathophysiology of PHTN

- RV ejecting into a highresistance pulmonary bed ---> chronic RV pressure overload

- Initially results in RVH withnormal RV function

- Progresses to: DecreasedRV function, RVenlargement (occurs early on), Moderateto severe TR, RAenlargement

2D Echo Findings of PHTN

- RVH,RV enlargement, decrease RV function

- FlattenedIVS or “D” shaped LV

- RAenlargement ìMPAdilatation

- Dilatationof the IVC / hepatic veins

- Decreasecollapse of IVC with inspiration

- IASbowed toward the LA – high RA pressure

- PFO– bubble study to assess for shunt

M-Mode Findings of PHTN

- Reducedor absent “a” wave – PV M-Mode dueto increased PA end diastolic pressure

- “FlyingW” – PV M-Mode (mid-systolicclosure of the PV due to high pressure in the PAs/lungs)


- Paradoxicalseptal motion (IVSmoves opposite from normal)

TV Annulus M-Mode (TAPSE)

TAPSE: Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion

- M-Modethrough RV free wall of TV annulus – Apical 4 chamber

- Measuredisplacement of TV annulus from end-diastole to end-systole

- Reflectslongitudinal RV movement – indicator ofRV systolic function

- NormalTAPSE – > 1.6 cm

- TAPSE< 1.6 cm – indicates poor PHTN prognosis or RV systolicdysfunction

Doppler Findings of PHTN

~Mid-systolic notching of RVOT /PA signal (seen in severe PHTN)

- Correlateswith “flying W” on PV M-Mode

~Assess TR velocity for RVSP

- RVSP(PAP) = 4 (TR vel)2 + RAP

- TR velocity relates to pressure differenceof RV / RA

- Volume/severity of TR representedby intensity of TR signal

~Assess PR for PAEDP (Normal = 4 –12 mmHg)

~Assess acceleration time of RVOT

RVOT Acceleration Time

Measure time from beginning of signal to peak of signal

- Normal: > 120 msec

- PHTN: <90 msec

RVSP Grading of PHTN


NormalPAP: 15 – 30 mmHg

MildPHTN: 30 – 40 mmHg

ModeratePHTN: 40 – 70 mmHg

SeverePHTN: > 70 mmHg

Eisenmenger’s: > 120 mmHg

IVC -- Estimated RA Pressure

< 2.0 cm andcollapses > 50% with inspiration

- EstimatedRAP = 5 mmHg or 3 mmHg (newASE guideline)

< 2.0 cm andcollapses < 50% with inspiration

- EstimatedRAP = 10 mmHg or 8 mmHg (newASE guideline)

> 2.0 cm and collapses < 50% withinspiration

- EstimatedRAP = 15 mmHg or 8 mmHg (newASE guideline)

> 2.0 cm with noinspiratory collapse

- EstimatedRAP = 20 mmHg or 15 mmHg(newASE guideline)

Pitfalls/Limitations: PHTN

- Difficultto image due to lung disease

- Notbeing parallel to TR jet

- Notobtaining good TR envelope or PR

- Needto try additional ways to bring out TR to estimate PA pressure (legraises, inspiration, contrastecho, agitatedsaline)

Treatment for PHTN

- Treat underlying etiology if secondary PHTN

- Primary PHTN: pulmonary vasodilators (flolan, bosentan)

- IVC filter if PHTN due to pulmonary emboli

- Lung and/or heart-lung transplant

Eisenmenger's Syndrome

- Reversalof any congenital shunt from left-to-right to right-to-left (ASD,VSD, PDA)

- Occursdue to irreversible elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance and severe PHTN

- Classifiedas a cyanotic heart defect– oxygen level in blood is lower than normal due to mixingof oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

- Clinicalfindings: DOE,cyanosis, clubbing of fingers

M-Mode and 2D Findings of Eisenmenger's

M-Mode findings same as PHTN

2D findings same as PHTN inaddition to:

- Determineetiology of Eisenmenger’s

- Typeof shunt – ASD, VSD, PDA

- Assessventricular dimensions and systolic function

Eisenmenger's Doppler Findings

- Assess TR and PR velocities for RVSP and PAEDP

- Assess the shunt:

ASDshunt from RA to LA

VSDshunt from RV to LV

PDAshunt from PA to Aorta

Whatis the velocity and the volume of the flow?

Eisenmenger's Treatment

- Heart-Lung Transplant

Pulmonary Emboli

- Blood clot to lungs, commonly from legs (DVT)

- Sudden dyspnea

- Angina

- Cough

- RV enlargement

- Decreased RV function

- TR

- Assess for thrombus in RA, RV, MPA

McConnell's Sign

- Distinct echo finding suggestive of a patient having an acute pulmonary embolism

- Akinesis of mid-ventricular RV free wall

- Normal, preserved motion of RV apex

Reasons for Transplant

¤ IschemicHeart Disease¤

¤ Cardiomyopathy (DCM #1 reason)

¤ Valvular Heart Disease¤

¤ CongenitalHeart Disease

Contraindications for Transplant

¤ Renalor hepatic disease

¤ SignificantPHTN

¤ Diseasesthat will reduce life expectancy

¤ ActiveInfection

¤ Unresolveddrug and/or alcohol abuse

¤ Extremeobesity

¤ Overage 65

Pre-Transplant Evaluation

¤ Heartcatheterization (receiver and donor)

¤ Treadmillexercise testing

¤ Pulmonaryfunction tests

¤ Renalfunction tests

¤ Bloodand tissue typing

¤ Echocardiogram

Selection Criteria for Transplant

¤ End stage heart disease(prognosis of less than 6-12 months)

¤ NYHA class III or IV

¤ Ineffective conventional medicalor surgical therapy

¤ Age criteria is flexible: based on “physiologic age” rather thanabsolute chronologic age

¤ Psychosocial stability

Who performed the first adult human heart transplant in the US?

- 1968– Norman Shumway, Stanford Medical Center

- Performedfirst adult human heart transplant in the United States

What drug is used for anti-rejection?

Cyclosporine: immunosuppressive drug, isolated from a soilfungus

Orthotopic Heart Transplant

- Removalof diseased heart and replacing with new, donor heart

- Sutured into place to the pulmonary trunk

Orthotopic Heart Transplant: Donor

- Procedurefor donor

- Heartis rapidly cooled and arrested with cardioplegia solution

- Acquiredonor heart be severing SVC, IVC, pulmonary veins, aorta, and pulmonary trunk

- Heartplaced in preservative and placed on ice

- Immediatetransportation (not to exceed 5 hours)

Orthotopic Heart Transplant: Recipient

- Sternotomy performed and cardiopulmonarybypass started

- Suitabilityof donor organ confirmed before surgery continues

- Pulmonarytrunk and aorta are resected above their semilunar valves

- Posteriorportions of atrial walls and interatrial septum are left intact inpreparation to connect donor heart

- Recipientheart is excised

- Donorheart is placed in pericardial cavity and aligned with interatrial septum, and RA and LA wallremnants of recipient’s heart

Heterotopic Heart Transplant

- Donorheart is placed in the right chest alongside recipient heart (piggy-back) NO LONGER PERFORMED

- Limited role because therecipient’s native heart function continues to deteriorate, producingsymptomatic deterioration of patient

- Givespatient’s original heart a chance to recover

- Ifdonor heart fails/is rejected, can be removed

- Ifthe recipient’s body significantly larger than donor’s, donor heart not strongenough to function by itself


- Replacinga human heart with the heart of another species

- Usuallythe heart of a chimpanzee or baboon

- Beinginvestigated as a potential supply of donor organs

Main Complications of Cardiac Transplant

- Rejection

- Coronaryartery disease

- Infection


- Major threat to long-term survival

- Responseof the recipient’s immune system to foreign antigens

- Attack myocardial cells

- Confirmedby RV biopsy

Right Ventricular Biopsy

- Performedin cath lab – catheter into femoralvein, IVC, RA, across TV to RV, biopsy taken from IVS (used to confirm rejection)

- Invasive,expensive

- Samplingerror

- Tricuspidvalve damage

- Scartissue secondary to multiple biopsies

- Uncomfortablefor patient

Other Complications of Transplants

- Post-transplantmalignancies

- Alteredconduction pathways

- Mayresult in pacemaker

- Denervationof the heart

- Interruptionof nerve impulse route due to excision of the heart

- Delayedresponse to exercise

- Chestpain receptors are cut, resulting in inability to feel angina

Echo Findings in Cardiac Transplant

- Biatrial enlargement

- Pericardialeffusion

- Paradoxicalseptal motion

- IVSmoving toward RV in systole

- IncreasedLV wall thickness

- IncreasedRV dimension

- Tricuspidregurgitation

Echo Findings in Cardiac Transplant Rejection

- Increased LV wall thickness (progressivelyincreasing)

- Increasein LV mass

- Decrease in LV systolic function

- Pericardialeffusion

- Restrictivefilling: BigE / Small A / Short DT


- Left Ventricular Assist Device

- Implantablemechanical pump that helps pump blood from the left ventricle to the aorta

- Usedfor: bridgeto heart transplant, toolto use so heart can become strong enough to pump on its own

- Long-termtreatment

LVAD Risks

- Bloodclots – may form as blood moves through VAD

- Bleeding– requires open heart surgery and this increases risk of bleeding afteroperation

- Infection– VAD connected through port

- Devicemalfunction – power failure

- Rightheart failure – with LVAD, left heart may pump more than what right heart wasused to


- Pericardium is a loose, double wall sac of elastic connective tissue

- Fibrous pericardium is the OuterLayer

- Serous pericardium is the InnerLayer

* Twolayers: Parietal & Visceral(epicardium)

* Pericardialfluid located between inner layers (10-50 ml is normal)

- PericardialReflection occurs where the parietal andvisceral pericardium meet

What does the pericardium do?

- It Restricts theanatomical position of the heart

*Restrainingeffect on cardiac filling

- It Minimizes thefriction between the heart and adjacent structures

*Lubricatingfunction to allow normal rotation, translation

- It Preventsdisplacement of the heart and kinking of the great vessels

*Separatesheart from mediastinum, lungs, and pleural space

Theproximal ascending aorta is:


Thepulmonary veins are:



- Inflammationof the pericardium

- ClinicalDiagnosis: pericarditisis not thesame as pericardial effusion

- Causes: Idiopathic, bacterialor viral infection, trauma, transmural MI, uremia(kidney failure)

Symptoms/Presentation of Pericarditis

- Positionalchest pain (CPworse lying down or with inspiration/CPrelieved by sitting up & bending forward)

- Dyspnea

- EKGchanges (ST elevation)

- Newor increasing pericardial effusion

- Pericardialrub/friction rub (Pericardialsurfaces rubbing together--hurtswhen you take a deep breath in)

Echo Assessment in Pericarditis

Needto Assess Pericardium for:


- Brightappearance

- Multipleechoes

- ConsiderPericardial Constriction


- ConsiderCardiac Tamponade

Pericardial Effusion

- Fluidaccumulation between visceraland parietal layers of the pericardium

- Canbe blood or clear fluid

- Physiologic effect depends on amountof fluid and rateof accumulation

- Otherdisease states can cause pericardial effusion

Differential Diseases with Echo Findings of Pericardial Effusion

- MalignantDiseases (lungcancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, melanoma)

- InflammatoryDiseases (Lupus,scleroderma, uremia)

- Intracardiac-Pericardial communications (Bluntchest trauma, post-cath, MILV rupture, aortic dissection)

- InfectiousDiseases (viral,bacterial, ex: tuberculosis)

Echo Findings of Pericardial Effusion

- Diffuse Effusion (echofree space symmetrically surrounding the heart)

- FatPad – can be confused with an effusion (isolated anterior echo free space)

- Posterior Systolic Separation (normalfinding, need~ 25cc of fluid for systolic and diastolic free space)

- Fibrinous Stranding (echo dense structures within the pericardial fluid)

- Loculated Effusion (localized,caused by adhesions, postcardiac surgery, recurrent effusions, rare– mets to pericardium)

Pericardial Effusion Severity Scale

- Physiologic: clearspace posteriorly in systole only (NORMAL)

- Smalleffusion: <100cc, clearspace in systole and diastole posteriorly only and < 1 cm

- Moderateeffusion: 100-500cc, posteriorclear space maintained in systole and diastole and is 1 to 2 cm in width

- Largeeffusion: >500cc, clearspace seen in systole and diastole, surrounds the whole heart and is > 2 cmin width

Pitfalls in Assessing Pericardial Effusion

- Mistaking dilated Coronary Sinus or Desc Aorta for a located effusion

- Mistaking a Pleural Effusion for Pericardial Effusion

- Pleural Effusion (it is posterior to the descending aorta in PLAX, and superior to RA from A4C)

- Pericardial Effusion (it is anterior to descending aorta from PLAX , and pericardia leffusion is rarely located anteriorly alone due to gravity)

- Needto assess in many and all views!!

Treatment for Pericardial Effusion and Pericarditis

- Anti-inflammatoryAgents: Aspirin

- Analgesics: Painkillers

- Steroids: Prednisone

Pericardial Cyst

- Rare,benign abnormality of the pericardium

- Cystappears (typically) adjacent to RA in right costophrenicangle; echo-free appearance

- Usuallyfound incidentally on CXR with no symptoms, but cysts have been found to causechest discomfort or rhythm disturbances

- Diagnosisbest confirmed by MRI or CT

Cardiac Tamponade

- Existswhen sufficient pericardial fluid has accumulated to impair ventricular fillingand decrease cardiac output

- Pressurein the pericardium EXCEEDS the pressure in the cardiac chambers resulting inimpaired cardiac filling

Tamponade Physiology

- Increasein pericardial pressure--Impairedfilling of cardiac chambers

- Compressionof free walls--Whenpericardial pressure exceeds chamber pressure when it’s at its lowest (diastolefor ventricles, systole for atria)

- Eventually,diastolic pressures in all chambers are equal and elevated

- Intrapericardialpressure influenced by boththe volume of fluid and the rate at which it accumulates

- A lotof fluid can accumulate slowly with no compromise or a small amount of fluidcan accumulate rapidly with compromise

Is cardiac tamponade a clinical or an echo diagnosis?


What are the steps on the path to tamponade?

- Extra pericardial space is filled

- Pericardialspace continues to fill with fluid at a faster rate than the pericardium canstretch

- Whenthe rate is exceeded, the pressure increases in the pericardial space (resultsin pericardial space pressure higher than the intracardiacpressures)

Compensatory Mechanisms on Tamponade

3Principal Features:

- Elevated intrapericardial pressures

- Limitation of ventricular filling throughout diastole

- Reduction of Cardiac Output

Clinical Features of Tamponade

- Dyspnea - Orthopnea

- Tachypnea - Tachycardia

- Normalt o decreased blood pressure with narrow pulse pressure

- Kussmaul’s sign - Beck’s triad

- Chestdiscomfort - Shock

- Diminished heart sounds - Pericardial friction rub

- Localized effusion - Pulsus paradoxus

- Electricalalternans - ElevatedJVP

Kussmaul's Sign

- Rarein Tamponade

- Usuallyseen in Constriction

- The paradoxic riseor absence of inspiratory fall in the level of JVP during inspiration

- Dueto the insulating effects of the fluid

- Normal– usually see a decrease in JVP with inspiration

- In tamponade/constrictionthere is an increasein the level of the JVP during inspiration

Beck's Triad

- Hypotension

- IncreasedJVP (withinspiration)

- Small,quiet heart (decrease heart sounds)

- Featuresare typically seen with rapid accumulation of fluid/blood

Pulsus Paradoxus

- Exaggerationof the normal small decline in systolic blood pressure that occurs duringinspiration (Dropin systolic BP > 10 mm Hg with inspiration)

- Definedas: the difference in systolic cuffpressure from the point at which sounds are heard intermittently duringrespiration and the point at which sounds are heard throughout the respiratorycycle

Electrical Alternans

- Alternatingamplitude of QRS complex due to “swinging” heart within the pericardial fluid

- Increased QRS voltage alternating with decreased QRS voltage

Tamponade Effects of LV

- Impaired LV filling

- Increase in LV diastolic pressure

- Decrease in SV

- Increase in HR in an attempt to maintain CO

Tamponade Effects of RV

- Impaired RV filling

- Increase in RV pressures

- Increase in IVC & hepatic vein diameter

Symptoms/Presentation of Tamponade

- Beck’s Triad

- Symptoms of low CO

- Tachycardia

- Pulsus Paradoxus

- Friction Rub

- Hepatomegaly and spleen enlargement

Tamponade Findings on EKG and X-ray


- Electrical Alternans

- ST and T wave elevation in all leads, except AVR and V1

- Sinus Brady-->Cardiac Arrest (from exhaustion)


- Cardiomegaly

Echo Findings of Cardiac Tamponade in RA

- RA collapses in late diastole/early systole

- Very reliable predictor of tamponade

- Intrapericardial pressures > RA pressure

- Brief collapse may be normal

- Inversion> 33% of R-R interval (Sensitivity94%, Specificity100%)

Echo Findings of Cardiac Tamponade in RV

RV diastolic Collapse

- Very reliable predictor of tamponade

- Intrapericardial pressure > RV diastolic pressure

- Absentin RVH or infiltrative disease

- Bestseen in PLAX and/or SC with M-mode (Sensitivity60-90%, Specificity85-100%)

Echo Findings of Cardiac Tamponade with Inspiration/Expiration

- Use respirometerduring echo – demo insp. + exp.

- Ifemergent echo & suspect tamponade contact doctor

- Changesin Ventricular Volume & Size

- Inspiration (increasein RVID diastole, decreasein LVIDd, septumtoward LV in diastole & RV in systole, big non collapsing IVC)

- Expiration (decreasein RVIDd, increasein LVID diastole, normalizationof septal motion)

- Correlateswith Pulsus Paradoxus

RVIF TV E Velocity

- Increase with inspiration

- Decrease with expiration

- > or = to a 40% change needed between inspiration and expiration for a positive result

Hepatic Vein Flow

- Increase diastolic reversal with Expiration

- Decrease diastolic flow with Expiration

LVIF– MV E velocity

- Decrease with Inspiration

- Increase with Expiration

- >or = to a 25% change needed between inspiration and expiration for positiveresult (MV)

Pulmonary Vein Flow

- Increasein diastolic flow with expiration

Echo in the Diagnosis ofPericardial Effusion / Tamponade

Pro: highsensitivity, procedureof choice for effusion, usesmultiple windows/views

Con: cannotdetermine etiology, missinga locatedeffusion, noEcho finding has 100% predictive value

Treatment of Pericardial Tamponade

- OftenEmergent

- Hypotensioncan lead to shock and death

- Pericardiocentesis –most effective treatment

- Aka –Pericardial Tap or Tap

- PericardialWindow

- Pericardiectomy

Pericardial Constriction

Conditionwhen the visceral and parietal layers of the pericardium are adherent,thickened, and fibrotic resulting in impaired diastolic filling.

(also known as constriction, constrictive pericarditis, restrictive pericarditis)

Etiology of Pericardial Constriction

CommonCauses: Idiopathic(unknown), repeated episodes of pericarditis, post cardiac surgery (Iatrogenic), post radiation therapy (Iatrogenic), infectious– bacterial (TB) or viral

Less Common Causes: infectious– fungal, postMI, trauma, neoplasms, connectivetissue disease, lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid Arthritis


- Radiationto the chest

- Affectscan be 1-30 years later

- Usually15-16 years post radiation therapy

Post Myocardial Infarction


- Delayedform of pericarditis

- Immunesystem’s response following heart damage

- Usuallyoccurs 1 to 12 weeks afteran MI

- Commonto reoccur

- Evaluatefor RWMA, Constrictive Pericarditis, and Pericardial Effusion

- Rarefor Cardiac Tamponade tooccur

Symptoms and Clinical Findings ofPericardial Constriction

- OftenNon-Specific and Subtle

- Fatigue,weakness--dueto low CO

- Generalmalaise

- Jugularvenous distension

- Distantheart sounds

- Hepatomegaly,Ascites (late in disease state)

- Peripheraledema (late in disease state)

ClinicalSigns and Symptoms

Kussmaul’sSign: Paradoxic riseor absence of inspiratory fall in the level of the jugular venous pressureduring inspiration

DiastolicPericardial Knock: FollowsS2 (closure of AV +PV) – mid to late diastole, dueto loss of pericardial elasticity

Hepatosplenomegaly –liver & spleen enl.¤Dueto venous congestion

EKG findings with Pericardial Constriction

- Flator inverted T waves

- Lowvoltage QRS in all leads

- Atrialfibrillation/flutter

- NonspecificS-T/T wave changes

- SinusTachycardia

Chest X-ray findings with Pericardial Constriction

- Normalto slightly increased cardiac silhouette

- Calcifiedpericardium

Physiology of Pericardial Constriction

- ImpairedDiastolic Filling- dueto constrictive nature of pericardium

- Pericardiumacts like a rigid container that the heart is placed in

- Systolic function fairlynormal

- Diastolic function impaireddue to rigid pericardium

- Abruptcessation of diastolic filling

Right Heart and Left Heart Physiology of Pericardial Constriction

RightHeart: Venousreturn to right heart decreases, systemicvenous pressures rises, rightsided failure ensues

LeftHeart: Reductionin stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure

2D and M-Mode Findings of Pericardial Constriction

- AbnormalLVPW on M-Mode

- LVPWflat in diastole – due to impairment of diastolicfilling; results in a flat pattern of posterior wall motion

- DilatedIVC and Hepatic Veins--Reflectingelevated RA pressure, increasein hep veinflow with inspiration

- Pericardialthickening -- Increasedor prominent

- Abnormalseptal motion: Respiratoryvariations in RV and LV sizes with septal shift (Paradoxicalon M-mode, “Septalbounce” on 2D)

Hemodynamics with Pericardial Constriction

- Disassociationbetween intrathoracicand intracardiacpressures

- ExaggeratedVentricular Interdependence

- Inspiration: Rightheart fills more, Leftheart fills less

- Expiration: Rightheart fills less, Leftheart fills more

Echo Findings of Pericardial Constriction

- AssessAtrial Filling Patterns

- Rightupper pulmonary vein & hepatic vein

- VentricularInflow Patterns

- Increasein E point – rapid, early diastolic filling due to initial highatrial-to-ventricular pressure difference

- ShortDecel Time – filling abruptly ceases due to high LV pressure

- DecreasedA point – due to elevated LV diastolic pressure

Respiratory Changes with Pericardial Constriction

Expiration: Decreaseof RVIF velocity, Increaseof LVIF velocity

Inspiration : Intrapleural pressure becomes more negative causing:

* Increase of RVIF velocity

* Decrease of LVIF velocity

>or = to a 25% change needed for positiveresult (MV)

>or = to a 40% change needed for positiveresult (TV)

%change between inspiration (E wave) and expiration (E wave)

Doppler Findings of Pericardial Constriction

- Inspiration:

* MitralE velocity: Decreaseof greater than or equal to 25%

* TricuspidE velocity: Increaseof greater than or equal to 40%

* Decelerationtimes shortenedto less than or equal to 160 sec

* IVRTis prolonged

- SVCflow does not change significantly respiration

- Highpreload can mask respiratory changes

Hepatic Doppler Findings of Pericardial Constriction

Inspiration: Slightincrease in diastolic forward flow

Expiration: Decrease,disappearance or reversal of diastolicforward flownIncreasein diastolic flow reversals

Pulmonary Doppler Findings of Pericardial Constriction

Inspiration: Slightdecrease or reversal in diastolic forward flow

Expiration: Increasein diastolic forward flow

Complications of Pericardial Constriction

- DecreasedCO and SV

- CHF: dueto diastolic dysfunction

- Canbe fatal ifnot diagnosed early

Management and Treatment of Pericardial Constriction

Causeshould try to be identified and treated:

- Diuretics,antibiotics


- typicallya surgical removal of parietal pericardium

- Maysee “swinging heart” on echo

- Signsand symptoms may not resolve immediately

- Potentiallycurable – complete removal

- 90%of patients see eventual symptomatic improvement

- 5-15%mortality rate

Right and Left Heart Cath for Diagnosing Pericardial Constriction

Rightand Left Heart Cath– Method of Choice

- Ableto assess left and right sided pressures simultaneously

- Allpressures will be elevated and equal

“Squareroot” sign:

- Typicalfinding on LV/LA pressure tracings

- Brief,rapid fall of ventricular pressure in early diastole followed by a highend-diastolic pressure plateau (equalization of all chamber pressures)

"Square Root" Sign for Diagnosing Pericardial Constriction

“Square root” sign:

- Typical finding on LV/LA pressure tracings

- Brief, rapid fall of ventricular pressure in early diastole followed by a high end-diastolic pressure plateau (equalization of all chamber pressures)

Chest X-Ray/CT/CMR for Diagnosing Pericardial Constriction

ChestX-Ray, CT, or CMR

- Calcificationof the pericardium

- Slightlyincreased or normal cardiac silhouette

- CMR/CT– accurate measurement of pericardial thickness

Constriction vs. COPD SVC Flow Velocity


- SVCflow does not change significantly with respiration


- SVCflow is markedly increased with inspiration dueto intrapleuralpressure becoming more negative with inspiration-->RApressure decreases --> augmentation of SVC flow

Constriction vs. COPD Mitral E Velocity

Constriction: Increasein LVIF velocity occurs immediately after the onset of expiration

COPD: Increasein LVIF velocity occurs toward the end of expiration (velocities graduallyincrease and decrease; first beat may not have maximal change)

- MVinflow not typically restrictive_____________

Obesity: May also mimic constriction

- Workharder to breathe

- Increase in intrathoraicpressure

- Respiratory variation

Constriction vs. Restriction


- Thickenedand noncompliant pericardium

- Respiratoryvariation of ventricular filling and interdependence

- Septal bounce present


- Stiffand noncompliant ventricular myocardium - Mitralinflow rarely shows respiratory variation

- Rapidearly filling and restrictive Doppler filling pattern

Constriction vs. Restriction Tissue Doppler E


- e’markedly decreased (< .8 m/s)


- e’relatively well preserved (> .8m/s)