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20 Cards in this Set

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What was thought to have caused disease? (4)

- Punishment from God

- Demons and witches

- Evil spirits

- Astrology

What is the Four Humours Theory and who made it?

- It was the theory that the body was made up of four fluids (blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile) that needed to be balanced for you to be healthy

- It was made by Hippocrates

Extra info: Galen expanded on this idea and believed you could be treated with 'opposites'.

Who was Hippocrates? Why was he important?


What is the miasma theory? How was it prevented

The belief of 'bad air' causing diseases

Fire was burnt in the street, people carried posies with them

How did people deal with disease? (4)

- Pray to God

- Execute those thought to be witches

- Purifying the air

- Natural remedies

What are some factors that influence medicine in the 19th century?

- The Industrial Revolution

- Developments in science and tech

- Change in government's attitudes towards its role in every day lives

How did professionals deal with disease?

- Bloodletting (Making cuts or using leeches to remove blood)

- Purging (Give someone laxatives)

- Surgery by barber surgeons

- Natural remedies by the apothecary

What kind of treatment did the poorer people receive?

Treatments from the apothecaries, or the 'wise women'

What kind of treatment did the richer people receive?

Diagnoses from physicians

Why wasn't surgery performed often? (2)

- There was no way to prevent infection, blood loss and pain, so it was used for minor procedures

- There weren't many barber surgeons about

What was the purpose of hospitals?

To care for the sick, rather than cure them

Why were most people treated at home instead of the hospital?

There weren't many about

Who was Galen? Why was he important?


Why did Galen get a lot of his work wrong?

He only dissected animals as human dissection wasn't allowed

What are some examples of Galen's incorrect work and their corrections?


What was an apothecary?

A place where remedies were prepared and sold

What was the Black Death

A series of plagues that came to Europe in the mid 14th centry

What illnesses were involved in the Black Death? What did they cause? How were they spread?

Bubonic plague - headaches and high temperature, pus-filled swelling on skin. Spread by fleas and rats

Pneumonic plague - attacks lungs, painful to breath, coughing up blood. Spread airborne

How much of the population died due to the Black Death?

Atleast a third

How did the government try to stop the spread of the Black Death?

- Closing off towns
