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29 Cards in this Set

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Enforces statutes from state legislatures and congress.
Administrative agencies
A legal system from the Romans that was put into place in 450 B.C
Civil law system
Laws that create paths that the parties are expected to follow
Codified law
The foundation of law, that is used as reference for other cases
Common law
The supreme law of the United States
Constitution of the United States
Based on the common law, this has become a reference point for other cases to cite in the ruling.
Doctrine of stare decisis
Used when court decisions are deemed unfair.
Equitable remedies
Enforces the Law
Executive Branch(President)
Interprets and Justifies the Law
Judicial Branch
Philosophies and Science of Law
Able to Create Laws
Legislative branch (Congress)
Laws created by local government
Past rulings that have become a base for future rulings
A Codified Law
An agreement between two or more Countries.
A set of behaviors that are followed by businesses.
Code of Ethics
A corporation who uses it's power to influence social matters.
Corporate citizenship
A set of moral values followed by a group of people.
People who look for moral guidance from an outside source
Ethical fundamentalism
When people decide what is right and wrong on their own basis.
Ethical relativism
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
Kantian ethics
Increasing revenue for shareholders is the primary focus
Maximizing Profits
Won nobel peace prize for economics. and shows his favor in maximizing profits
Miltion Friedman
The social responsibility for a company is to correct any social injustice it has made.
Moral minimum
Requires Companies to publicly state if they have a code of ethics or not.
Section 406 of Serbanes Oxeley act
Businesses have to review the effects that it's decisions have on non-shareholders.
Stakeholder interest theory
A theory that says individuals have to make decisions that contain the most benefit for society
A theory that says that social decisions should be made by the person with the least to gain
Rawls social justice theory
Sources of Law
Judicial Decisions
Executive Orders