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36 Cards in this Set

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Social Intelligence

How do you demonstrate social intelligence?

Self knowledge and management: Understand your feelings and act appropriately

Social awareness and relationship management : Recognize emotion in others, and respond appropriately

Working in Teams

What are the four stages of team development, and what occurs in each?

Forming – creating and organizing the team

Storming – managing conflict

Norming – figuring out how to work together

Performing – fulfilling the group’s purpose

Effective Meetings

What are your main responsibilities if you are running a meeting?

Task – fulfill the purpose

Procedure – conduct the meeting in an efficient manner

Relationship – ensure that all parties are heard

Formats for Business Correspondences

What are essential parts in the heading of a memo?





What are essential parts of a business letter?

Return address, Date, Name and address of recipient, Salutation, Subject, Body, Closing, and Signature

What are essential parts of a business e-mail?

Professional e-mail address

Descriptive subject line

Complete signature

Planning Your Communication

What does PACS stand for?






What are the three main purposes of business communication?



Maintain relationship


What is demographic information?

Information about directly observable qualities – income, race, occupation, gender

What is psychographic information?

Information about internal qualities, such as attitudes, beliefs, feelings

Context and Strategy

Why is context important when delivering messages?

Context determines how likely they are to accept your message as you intend.

What are the three main strategies for persuading an audience?

Logos (head) - rational thought

Pathos (heart) – emotional appeal

Ethos (right) – argument for morality

OABC Format

What is OABC format?

Opening – introduce the subject

Agenda – organize the subject

Body – present your message

Closing – summarize your message

Message Structure

What’s the best way to organize Good news messages?

Direct approach – Start with a positive opening, deliver the good news immediately, followed by details

What’s the best way to organize Bad News messages?

Indirect approach – Start with a neutral opening, give the justification for the bad news, and then deliver the bad news

What’s the best way to organize Sales or Persuasion messages?

Direct approach – Start with a strong opening or “hook” that gets the reader’s attention, deliver your message, and finish by encouraging the reader to take action

What’s the best way to organize Difficult Persuasion messages?

Indirect approach – Start by framing the problem, follow with the justification for your argument, and conclude with action


What is a top down outline?

From categories to details – typically used when you have a structure in mind.

Examples: traditional, mind map, tree

What is a bottom-up outline?

From details to categories – typically used when you are unsure of how to organize the material.

Example: free list

Business Research

What is primary research?

Research you perform yourself, such as surveys, observation, and document review

What is secondary research?

Research of reports on someone else’s primary research, such as online article searches

What is secondary research?

Research of reports on someone else’s primary research, such as online article searches

What are some sources for secondary research?

Scholarly journals

Trade journals

Popular magazines


5W, 2H, 5C

What are the 5Ws?

Basic factual information : who, what, when, where, why

What are the 2Hs?

Basic process information: how and how much

What are the 2Hs?

Basic process information: how and how much

What are the 5Cs?

Basic standards for good communication: clear, complete, correct, convincing and considerate


What does CLOUD stand for?

Paragraph standards:

- Coherence – does everything proceed logically?

- Length – Is the paragraph the appropriate length?

- Organization – Is the main point expressed at the beginning, with details in order?

- Unity – Is everything in the paragraph related to the main point?

- Development – Is the main point thoroughly developed?

What does HATS mean?





What does HATS mean?





What is the Rule of Thirds?

Pages should be divided into thirds vertically and horizontally, and the major visual elements should be along those lines


What does HATS mean?





What is the Rule of Thirds?

Pages should be divided into thirds vertically and horizontally, and the major visual elements should be along those lines

APA Format

How do you do in-text references?

(Jones, 2012)

How do you cite on the reference page?

Jones, G. (2012). ‘A mysterious discrimination’: Irish medical emigration to the United States in 1950s. Social History of Medicine, 25, 139-156. doi:10.1093/shm/hkr049

What is a DOI?

DOI = Digital Object Identifier

Unique alphanumeric code assigned by journal publisher to article