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Bullying in NZ schools are getting worse every day. Bullying is the most talked about but yet,has the least improvements compared to other issues. Bullying has caused a lot of implications among teenagers in and out of schools. During this speech we will be informing you about what bullying is and the causes and effects of it..

Bullies might not realize it but their actions can lead to substantial affects. Bullying has many effects. I'm sure that you have heard of the basic ones that are still serious;Like Depression and suicide. But the effects of bullying have become increasingly worse to the victims future. A study has proven that the victim's ability to learn and to be successful is dramatically lessened, I personally would hate to not do well at school because of a bully. Low self-esteem,Anxiety, Having more health issues, changes in eating and sleep patterns; Just to list a few but a very small number of bullied children might retaliate through extremely violent measures. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s, the shooters had a history if being bullied. Bullying has a a huge impact on our society. We are hearing more and more of teenagers getting bullied until they either want to kill themselves or they get into very severe depression where their bodies and brains can't function normally. Within all of these effects there are a few that can affect people the more than others.

Although there are specific age groups and genders which get bullied more than others… Most age groups are affected by bullying, But what gender is the most affected? A 2011 study has showed that females were more frequently the targets of internet or cell phone harassment. The internet has become a huge part of our society but has it ruined the trust between teens? Students 9-18 have reported that verbal abuse is the biggest problem in schools. In a 2009 study researchers found that 6% of 8 year old boys bullied others frequently but were not victims themselves. 6.4% of boys were frequently victims but not bullies and 2.8% of boys were frequently both bullies and victims. The rates among girls were much lower: 0.6% were bullies but not victims, 3.6% were victims but not bullies and 0.2% were both bullies and victims. Bullying doesn't just come from one side it will always have some sort of hidden reason, even if the reason isn't the best. Bullying has affected teens especially when they don't tell anyone its happening.

aggressive towards the victim and want to get back at them.There have always been talk about 'How schools are preventing bullying'. The thing about bullies are that they usually come from homes where there is a form of physical punishment is used and children have been taught that physical violence is that way to handle problems and "Get their way" Bullies come from homes where the parents fight a lot so violence has been modeled for them. Staff in schools have been set guidelines that is meant for them to distinguish between bullying and teasing. Schools have also added bullying education into the curriculum, which would hopefully educate students on what bullying is, what Itdoes and how it would affect them. Classroom discussions about the effects of bullying to help students to recognize how bad bullying is. A lot of schools have systems put into place for the students to report bullying, anonymously if needed. Bullying now has been made a form of illegal offense. Bullying is now a large part of our society are there are ways for someone who is bullied to get help.

