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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the two major divisions of the skull?
Neurocranium and splanchnocranium
Name the bones that comprise the brain case. Which of these bones are unpaired?
Occipital bone (unpaired)
Parietal bone
Frontal bone
Sphenoid bone (unpaired)
Temporal bone
Ethmoid bone (unpaired)
Name the facial bones of the skull.
Incisive bone
Nasal bone
Maxillary bone
Palatine bone
Vomer bone
Pterygoid bone
Nasal conchae
Zygomatic bone
Lacrymal bone
1, 2, 3, 4
1. Nasal bone
2. Incisive bone
3. Maxillary bone
4. Lacrimal bone
10, 11, 13, and 15
10. Zygomatic bone
11. Palatine bone
13. Pterygoid bone
15. Vomer bone
6, 7, and 8
Which are unpaired?
6. Frontal bone
7. Parietal bone
8. Occipital bone (unpaired)
9, 12, and 14 (not 12' or 14')
Which are unpaired?
9. Temporal bone
12. Presphenoid bone
14. Basisphenoid bone
Describe the skull shape of the following breeds:
Golden Retriever
English Bulldog
Identify A - E
Which structure should be readily palpable?
A. Interparietal bone
B. External occipital protuberance (readily palpable)
C. Paracondylar (Jugular) process
D. Occipital condyle
E. Foramen magnum
Identify A - D
A. Nucchal crest
B. Supraoccipital bone
C. Exoccipital bone
D. Basioccipital bone
What muscle inserts on the basioccipital region of the occipital bone?
Longus capitis m.
What courses through the foramen magnum?
Spinal cord
Accessory n.
Basilar a.
What muscle originates on the jugular process of the occipital bone? What is its function?
Digastricus m.
Opens jaw.
Which bones fuse to form the occipital bone?
Basioccipital, exoccipital, and supraoccipital bones
T or F:
The interparietal bone fuses with the occipital bone prenatally to form the external sagittal crest.
False, fool, but close...
While the interparietal bone does fuse with the occipital bone prenatally, the sagittal crest is made up of parts of the parietal and interparietal bones.
Identify A - D
ID the circled area. What muscle originates here and what is its function?
A. Optic canal
B. Orbital fissure
C. Rostral alar foramen
D. Caudal alar foramen
Temporalis m. originates from the temporal fossa. Function - close jaw.
What bony structure divides the cerebrum from cerebellum? Which bone or bones is this structure formed by?
Tentorium osseum is formed by parietal and occipital bones
What are the three parts of the temporal bone? Which houses the inner ear? Which is the strongest?
Squamous, petrous, and tympanic portions.
Petrous houses inner ear AND is the strongest.
Identify these parts of the temporal bone.
A. Zygomatic process
B. Mandibular fossa
C. Retroarticular process
D. Squamous part of temporal bone.
Identify these parts of the temporal bone. What muscle or muscles attach at C?
A. Tympanic bulla
B. External acoustic meatus
C. Mastoid process
Cleidomastoideus and sternomastoideus mm. insert here.
Which processes serve as attachment points for the orbital ligament?
Zygomatic process of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the zygomatic bone.
What bone or bones form the zygomatic arch? What muscle or muscles originate here?
Temporal process of the zygomatic bone, zygomatic process of the temporal bone
Masseter m. origin.
Which bones form the orbital margin?
Frontal, zygomatic, and lacrimal bones.
Identify A and B. What canal is formed by these? What courses through this canal?
A. Infraorbital foramen
B. Maxillary foramen
A + B = infraorbital canal
infraorbital a. and n. course through here
T or F:
The maxillary bone contains alveoli for all upper teeth in sheep.
I'll bet you said false and, if I was talking about dogs, you'd be right! Sheep have no upper incisors and thus no alveolar sockets! In dogs, the upper incisors are within the incisive bone.
Which bones form the hard palate?
Maxillary bone (palatine processes)
Incisive bone
Palatine bone
Which bone(s) form the nasal aperture?
Incisive and nasal bones
What are the parts of the sphenoid bone? Which foramena are found in each region?
Presphenoid bone:
Optic canal
Basisphenoid bone:
Oval foramen, round foramen, alar canal
What structure does the pituitary "sit" in?
Hypophyseal fossa right near the turkish saddle (sella turcica)
What portion of the ethmoid bone contributes to the bony nasal septum?
Perpendicular plate
Which bone separates the cranial and facial regions of the skull?
Ethmoid bone
Which bone or bones form the pterygopalatine fossa? What muscle(s) originate here?
Maxillary bone
Palatine bone
Zygomatic bone
Pterygoid bone
Sphenoid bone
Pterygoid mm. originate here
Identify the parts of the mandible
A. Condyloid process
B. Coronoid process
C. Ramus of mandible
D. Mandibular notch
E. Angular process
F. Body of mandible
ID the parts of the hyoid
A. Stylohyoid
B. Epihyoid
C. Ceratohyoid
D. Basihyoid
E. Thyrohyoid
F. Tympanohyoid cartilage